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d as a dozen engineers gathered around and the naval officers hovered in the background。
 The plane was then thoroughly inspected by a team of structural engineers。 The simulated carrier landings had placed stresses on the structure that the air force had never anticipated when it developed the specifications for this prototype。 No one expected visible damage; and there was none; but if the plane were to be put into production; strengthening would inevitably be needed。 Just where and how much was the concern; and the telemetry data would pinpoint these locations。
 And some minor equipment problems had surfaced。 The Consolidated technicians would work all night to fix those as navy maintenance specialists watched and took notes。 The intake rumble m the landing pattern was the most serious problem; and Adele DeCrescentis discussed it on the phone with the people at the Consolidated factory in Burbank for over an hour。
 All in all; it had been a fine day。 Rita and Toad were still going a mile a minute when Jake loaded them all into the vans at 9 P。M。 for the two…mile trip to the VOQ; the Visiting Officers' Quarters。
 Jake and his department heads gathered in his room that evening。 Someone produced a cold six…pack of beer and they each took a bottle。
 〃The day after tomorrow。 It'll all be decided then;〃 Les Richards; the A…6 bombardier; told the assembled group。 〃Day after tomorrow we pull some Gs; and I don't think we can live with a five…G limitation。 I don't think the navy needs an attack plane for a low…level mission that is that G…limited。 It'll get bounced around too much down low; and if a fighter ever spots it or someone pops an IR or optically guided missile; this thing is dead meat。〃
 〃What if they beef it up?〃 someone asked。 〃Strengthen the spars and so on?〃
 〃Cut performance too much。 More weight。 We don't have a whole lot of performance to begin with。 And what if the pressors start?〃
 〃Could they enlarge the automatic flaps on the intakes that raise up and scoop more air in when the engines need it?〃
 〃It'd be turbulent air。 We learned today that those two engines like a diet of smooth; undisturbed air。〃
 〃Oh no we didn't。〃
 So it went。 Jake ran them all out at midnight and collapsed into bed。
 The following day was spent in further intensive review of the videotapes and telemetry data; and planning the second flight。
 Glitches developed。 Under the usual ground rules for op…eval fly…offs; the manufacturer cleared various areas of the flight performance envelope for the navy test pilots to explore。 Rita wanted to examine the slow…flight characteristics of the aircraft before she proceeded to high…angle…of…attack/high…G maneuvers。 Consolidated's chief engineer did not want her below 200 knots clean and 120 knots dirty。
 When Jake joined the conversation; Rita was saying; 〃I flew the plane at 124 knots yesterday; three o'clock angle of attack。 Now; is that 1。3 times the stall speed or isn't it? How are we supposed to verify the stall speed if we can't stall it?〃
 Jake merely stood and listened。
 〃We've told you what the stall speed is;〃 the engineer explained patiently; 〃at every weight and every altitude and every configuration。 Those speeds were established by experimental test pilots。〃
 〃Well; I'm an engineering test pilot…all navy test pilots are trained to that standard…but I can't see how we can do a proper operational evaluation of your airplane if we don't explore the left side of the envelope。〃
 The civilian appealed to Jake。 〃Listen; Captain。 This is the only prototype we have。 If she drills a deep hole with it; we have big problems。 It'll be goddamn hard to sell an airplane when all we have is the wreckage。〃
 〃What makes you think;〃 Jake asked; 〃that she can't safely recover from a stall?〃
 〃I didn't say that。 You're putting words into my mouth。〃
 〃Get DeCrescentis over here。〃 The chief engineer went off to find her。
 〃We have to stall that plane; Captain;〃 Rita told him。 〃If those rumbles in the landing pattern yesterday were incipient pressor stalls; we'll get some real ones if we get her slowed down enough。 I think that's what Consolidated doesn't want us into。〃
 Adele DeCrescentis backed her engineer。 Jake heard her out; then said; 〃I don't think you people really want to sell this plane to the navy。〃
 The vice president set her jaw。 〃We sure as hell want it in one piece to sell to somebody。〃
 〃Well; I'll tell you this。 We're going to fly that plane the way I want it flown or we'll stop this show right now。 The navy isn't spending ten million bucks for a fly…off if all we can do is cruise the damn thing down the interstate at fifty…five。 We're trying to find out if that plane can be used to fight with; Ms。 DeCrescentis; not profile around the Paris Air Show。〃
 She opened her mouth; but Jake didn't give her a chance。 〃I mean it。 We'll fly it my way or we won't fly it。 Your choice。〃
 She looked about her; opened her mouth; then closed it again。 Finally she said; 〃I'll have to think about it for a bit。〃 She wheeled and made a beeline for the Consolidated offices and the phones; the chief engineer trailing after her。
 〃Maybe you had better make a phone call too;〃 Rita suggested。
 〃Nope。〃 He looked at Rita and grinned。 〃Captains have to obey orders; of course; but George Ludlow and Royce Caplinger shoved me out in front on this one。 They want me to make a remendation and take the heat; so they sort of have to let me do it my way。〃 He shrugged。 〃Generally speaking; doing it your way is not very good for your career; but I've been to the mat once too often anyway。 That's why I got this job。 Ludlow's a pretty good SECNAV。 He understands the navy and the people in it。 He wouldn't send a guy with a shot at flag over to Capitol Hill to get his balls cut off; not if he had any other choice。〃
 Rita looked dubious。
 〃Are you right about this; Miss Moravia?〃
 〃Yes; sir。 I am。〃
 〃I think so too。 So that's the way well do it。 As long as I'm in charge。〃
 When Adele DeCrescentis returned; she agreed with Jake。 Apparently the president of the pany could also read tea leaves。
 〃Go find that Consolidated test pilot;〃 Jake told Rita when they were alone。 〃Take him over to the club and buy him a drink。 Find out everything he knows about stalling this invisible airplane off the record。〃
 〃Aye aye; sir;〃 Rita said; and marched off。
 Cumulus clouds and rain squalls moving through the area from the west delayed the second flight another day; but when she finally got the plane to altitude; Rita attacked the performance envelope with vigor while Smoke Judy in the F…14 hung like glue on first one wing; then the other。
 Stalls were first。
 They were almost last。 With the nose at ten degrees above the horizon and the power at 70 percent; she let the plane coast into the first one; but didn't get there because the pitty…pat thumping began in the intakes and increased in intensity to a drumming rat…a…tat…tat played by a drunk。 The EOT rose dramatically and RPMs dropped on both engines。 She could feel vibrations reaching her through the seat and throttles and rudder pedals。
 pressor stalls! Well; that mousy little test pilot for Consolidated hadn't been lying。 Sh
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