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takes were on top of the plane; behind the cockpit; which seated two crewmen in tandem。
 The senior vice president; a tall woman in her late forties whom Wilson had said rose from the accounting department to her present position on sheer raw talent; led the group toward the machine and explained major features to Jake。 〃The aircraft's shape is optimized to reduce the aircraft's Radar Cross Section。 We've used radar…absorbent materials in all the leading and trailing edges… laminated layers of glass fiber and plastic with carbon coating。。。〃
 〃Uh…huh;〃 said Jake Grafton。
 〃For low frequencies that put the plane into the Rayleigh region; we've tried to lower the overall electromagnetic susceptibility。。。 carbon…epoxy laminate for wing skin; coatings of multilayer absorbers…mainly Schiff base salts and honeyb posites。 The goal was to reduce resonant microwave frequency scattering; magnetic waves and even surface waves before they escape from the edges。〃
 〃I see;〃 he lied。 The canopy was open and the boarding ladder down; so Jake climbed up and peered into the forward cockpit。 The control stick was a small vertical handle on the right side of the cockpit。 Two power levers were installed on the left console。 The forward panel contained two Multifunction Displays; MFDs; arranged on either side of the control panel for a Heads…Up Display; a HUD; which sat on top of the forward panel so as he flew the pilot could look straight ahead through the tilted glass。 Under the HUD control panel was another screen; similar to the MFDs; but without the frame of buttons that circled the upper two。 All of the screens looked like eleven…inch color television screens with the power off: they were larger than the five…inch displays to which Jake was accustomed。 But the weirdest thing…there were no engine instruments。 Oh; the panel had a conventional gear lever; a standby gyro and even a G meter; but of engine instruments there were none。
 〃Go ahead。 Climb in and sit down;〃 the woman urged。 Jake glanced again at her name tag。 Adele DeCrescentis。
 〃Okay。〃 As he arranged himself in the pilot's seat; Ms。 DeCrescentis mounted the ladder。 〃Where's the ashtray?〃 he asked。
 〃Captain; I don't think…〃
 〃Sorry。 Just kidding。〃 The look on her face implied that levity was inappropriate。 Here in the high…tech cathedral; Jake thought。 Or the new…car showroom。
 Down below; the entourage was making small talk among themselves and casting many glances at the cockpit and vice president DeCrescentis; who probably didn't look very vice presidential perched on the boarding ladder。 〃What's going to happen to engine airflow in high…angle…of…attack maneuvers?〃
 〃That was one of the trade…offs;〃 said DeCrescentis; shifting her weight gingerly。 Even the medium heels she was wearing must be mighty unfortable on the rungs of that ladder。 〃Each intake has a flap that is raised hydraulically to funnel more air into the intake when the FCC…Flight Control puter…senses an increase in G or angle of attack which correlates with a decrease in pressor inlet pressure; but those flaps can only do so much。 The concept is angle…of…attack…limited; so it made sense to design to a five…G limit。 That enabled us to lighten the airframe and increase the use of honeyb posites; which made it even more stealthy。 And we achieved better fuel economy。〃
 〃I bet spins will be exciting。〃
 〃The engines will pressor…stall in an upright spin and have to be shut down; but they can be restarted once a normal angle of attack is achieved。 Inverted spins shouldn't be a problem。〃
 〃Hmmm。〃 Jake moved the control handle experimentally。 It looked like the joystick for a puter game。 〃Fly by wire?〃
 〃Of course。〃
 〃Ms。 DeCrescentis; I appreciate all you folks taking the time this morning to show me this plane; but what say I sort of look it over with my staff? They've been involved in this project for quite a while and no doubt can answer any questions I know enough to ask。〃
 〃I suppose;〃 she said reluctantly; glancing again at the crowd below。 She maneuvered her way down the ladder and two men below reached up to help her to the floor。
 Fritsche scrambled up and seated himself on the cockpit coaming。 mander Rob Knight; the project coordinator; came up behind him and stood on the ladder。 〃What d'ya think?〃 Dr。 Fritsche asked。
 〃Pretty stealthy; I guess。〃
 〃About the same RCS as a bird。〃
 〃How big a bird?〃
 〃You aren't impressed; are you?〃
 Jake Grafton took his time answering。 He examined the panels on each side of the seat; then fingered the switches experimentally。 〃You guys tell me if I'm wrong: what we have here is one of the air force stealth…fighter prototypes; a version the blue…sky boys decided not to buy。 It's subsonic; shoots only smart weapons; has limited maneuverability and carries a nonstealthy belly tank for training purposes that can't be carried in bat。 bat radius unrefueled is about six hundred nautical miles。 Now; that is。 To make this plane carrier…suitable it needs a beefed…up structure; tail…hook and folding wings; all of which will add at least a thousand pounds of weight…probably fifteen hundred pounds…and cost us speed and range。 This killing machine will lighten Uncle Sugar's wallet to the tune of about sixty…two million bucks a pop。 If; and only if; it can be acquired on the most economic…the optimum…production schedule。 Is that right?〃
 〃Well; the cost factors are a lot more plicated than you've indicated; but your summary is fair。〃
 〃Due to the likelihood that the five…G limit will be routinely exceeded by fleet aircrews in training situations; the design needs further modification to prevent pressor stalls。 That involves more structural strengthening; puter…operated secondary intakes; loss of some stealthiness。 That will cost an additional。。?〃
 〃Five million a plane; assuming an optimum production schedule。 Ten million more per plane if we buy new engines。〃
 〃Five million a plane;〃 Jake continued。 〃And if we don't buy that mod; we'll have the pressor…stall problem that plagued the F…14 the first ten years of its life; which will mean a higher attrition rate than we would experience otherwise。〃 Attrition meant crashes; planes lost in training accidents。 〃Yet to go the new…engine route will take ten years because the engines don't even exist; all we have is an engineers' proposal saying they could build them sooner or later for about so many dollars apiece; subject to all the usual caveats about buy rates; research; inflation; etc。〃
 〃Hiram Duquesne likes this plane。〃
 〃Ah yes。 Senator Duquesne。 Another great American。〃
 〃We didn't get the senior vice president this morning because she tikes your nose;〃 Knight shot back。 〃Consolidated has about two hundred million dollars of their own funds tied up in this prototype。 They employ twenty thousand people。 Consolidated is big business。 They've bet their pany on getting a stealth contract。〃
 〃Yeah。 Stock options and bonuses and pany cars for the executives; jobs for the little people; and votes for the big people in Washington。 I got the picture。〃
 〃Don't be so damned cynical;〃 Rob Knight said。 〃Listen; Jake; it may well e down to buying this plane to replace the A…6 or doing without。 Ludlow 
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