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 〃Looks like that table has a busted leg。 My wife isn't going to be happy。〃
 The driver stood near the bottom of the stairs where he could watch everyone。 He kept the pistol leveled at Camacho。
 〃Well; Captain;〃 Camacho said。 〃You've had an eventful afternoon。〃
 〃Yeah;〃 Jake replied。 〃Who are these guys?〃
 〃Well; the man beside me goes by the name of Harlan Albright。 His real name is Peter Aleksandrovich Chistyakov。 And this gentleman with the pistol at the bottom of the stairs…though I have never before had the pleasure…is; I think; Major Arkady Yakov of the Soviet Army。〃
 〃Okay;〃 Albright said; 〃thanks for the introductions。〃 He rose from the couch and turned Toad's table upright; then pulled a chair around and sat on it; facing Camacho。
 〃You know why I'm here。 I thought since I was going to drop by; I might as well help myself to some Athena information on the way。 It was very interesting。 But it is you I want。〃
 〃How droll。 I wanted to talk to you too。 You should have called。〃
 〃You're going to give me some answers; Luis。 Now。 If you don't; I'm going to kill the lieutenant。 Then the captain。 Then you。 I want answers。〃
 〃What will you do with them if you get them?〃
 Albright's eyes widened。 He took three steps across to the telephone at the end of the couch; picked it up and held it to his ear。 He jiggled the button on the cradle; then replaced the instrument。 〃Upstairs; Yakov。 Check the front and back。〃
 The major took the stairs two at a time。
 In about a minute he was back。 He spoke to Albright in a foreign language; one that sounded to Jake like Russian。
 〃This is a setup。〃
 Camacho shrugged。 〃My people saw you drive in。 I thought you might be by to see me sooner or later。 Didn't know who you brought with you; though。 Sorry; Captain。〃
 Jake nodded。
 Camacho stood and shook out his trousers。 〃Tell you what; Harlan。 Let's you and I go downtown。 We can talk there。 No sense keeping these fellows any longer。〃
 Albright took his pistol from his pocket。 〃Sit。〃
 When Camacho obeyed; Albright followed suit; back at the table。 He rubbed his eyes。 〃So。〃 He spoke a sentence in Russian。
 Camacho waved a hand irritably。 〃You know I can't handle that language anymore。 English or nothing。〃
 〃You've been stringing me right along; haven't you; Luis?〃
 Camacho's shoulders moved a quarter inch up; then subsided。
 〃That name you gave me。 That was bullshit; wasn't it?〃
 〃No。 That was the name。〃
 〃You have something we want。 At least we think you have it。 You're going to give it to me; Harlan。 Hard or easy; you're going to give it to me。〃
 〃Tell me what you want and maybe I'll give it to you now。〃
 Camacho threw back his head and laughed。 〃You want to defect?〃
 Albright's eyebrows went up。 〃Maybe。〃
 〃Then shoot the major。〃
 〃Just like that?〃
 〃Then we'll talk。 That would be the easy way。 The hard way will be more strenuous; but equally productive; I think。〃
 Albright glanced at the major; who was looking straight at Camacho。 Still; Jake saw the major's eyes flick sideways to catch Albright's glance。
 〃You can't get out of here; Harlan;〃 Camacho said; and stretched lazily。 〃The place is pletely surrounded; with helicopters and light planes overhead。 Why don't you two give me the guns and we'll go upstairs and wave at Dreyfus。 Then you and I can go downtown to the office。 I'm sure the two of us can work something out。〃
 〃I may not know the fact you want; Luis。〃
 〃I think you do。〃
 〃You've gone to an extraordinary lot of trouble for nothing if I don't know it。〃
 〃Life's like that。〃
 〃Maybe I could just give it to you here and now。 If I know it。〃
 Camacho sat silently looking at Albright。 〃Three names;〃 he said at last。
 Albright laughed; a long; loud guffaw。 〃All of this…for that?〃
 〃My hat is off to you。 I salute you。 Never did I suspect。 Not even once。〃 Albright shook his head and chuckled silently as he examined his pistol。
 Camacho sat motionless; watching Albright。
 〃You do know;〃 the FBI agent said finally; when all the laughing had stopped。
 〃You found the bomb?〃
 〃It was a warning。 I needed that name。〃
 〃I know。 Hard or easy。 Your choice。〃
 〃You mean it?〃
 〃We'll take you and Captain Grafton as hostages;〃 Albright said; rising from the chair。 He glanced toward Yakov and jerked his head at Jake。 As Yakov stepped in that direction Albright shot him…
 Yakov spun; firing at Albright。 The bullet hit Albright square in the chest and his pistol sagged; exploding again pointed at the floor。 At almost the same instant Toad Tarkington lashed out with his feet; and Albright went sideways as a foot was kicked out from under him。 Yakov's second shot hit his shoulder and he spun from the impact as he fell。
 Yakov's third shot came as he was falling。 It was aimed at Camacho; who was still sitting on the couch。 He hadn't moved。
 Camacho doubled over as Yakov hit the floor。
 Jake toppled his chair going for Yakov's pistol。 He wrestled the gun from the major's weak grasp and crouched beside the chair; on top of the Russian major as he watched Albright。
 The whole sequence hadn't taken five seconds。
 Toad got to his feet。 He was free of the table。 He bent down shakily and retrieved the pistol that Albright had dropped。 〃This one's still alive。〃
 〃Quick;〃 Jake said。 〃Check Camacho。〃
 Jake held the gun on the major's head as Toad stretched Camacho on the couch。 〃He's hit lower down;〃 Toad said。 〃Dead center。 Still alive; though。〃
 〃Go upstairs。 Get the agents。〃 Toad made for the stairs。 〃Put the gun in your pocket;〃 Jake called after him。 〃Don't let them shoot you。〃
 Camacho sat up on one elbow。
 〃Is he dead?〃 be whispered hoarsely; looking at the major。
 〃No;〃 Jake said。 〃He's hit in the right side; but he isn't dead。 He may make it。〃
 〃Kill him。〃
 〃He heard too much。 Kill him!〃 Camacho coughed; a bubbly gurgle。 Jake moved toward Camacho; dragging the chair。 Behind him Major Yakov began to crawl。
 〃Give me the gun;〃 Camacho said。
 〃This isn't a game; Grafton! Give me the gun!〃
 Jake tossed it。
 The pistol landed on the couch。 Camacho groped for it while Yakov struggled for the stairs。
 Yakov jerked as the first shot hit him。 He tried again to crawl。 Taking his time; Camacho shot him four more times。 A red stain spread across the back of Yakov's shirt and he lay still。
 Camacho dropped the pistol and sagged down onto the couch。
 〃Albright! Albright; can you hear me?〃
 〃Give…me…the…names。〃 Camacho dragged himself along the couch so he could see the Russian's face…
 〃I…〃 Albright's lips were moving but no sound came out。 Then he ceased to move at all。
 Camacho's head went down to rest on the couch…
 〃Who is the Minotaur?〃 Jake demanded。 With a heave he got the chair over to the couch and shook Camacho。 〃Tell me! Who is the Minotaur?〃
 〃You don't want… No! It's not what you…he's not。。。〃
 Camacho went limp。 Jake turned his head so he could see his face。 His eyes were open; staring fixedly at nothing。
 Jake sagged down beside the bloody couch。 He heard the sound of running feet upstairs。
 The sky was crystal…clear; a pleasant change 
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