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 Then it was Jake's turn。 From the garage he entered a kitchen。 Through the sliding glass door he could see a backyard swing。
 〃The basement。〃
 Jake went down the stairs。 The slanted ceiling was so low he had to tilt his head。
 The older of the two men; the man who had ridden in the backseat with Jake; held out his hand toward Toad。 〃The handcuff key。〃
 Toad extracted it from his pocket and passed it across。 The man used it to unlock the briefcase from Jake's wrist and cuff him to a chair。 The driver produced a set of cuffs from a trouser pocket and cuffed Tarkington to a table。
 As the driver sat on the couch with his pistol on his lap and lit a cigarette; the older man examined the lock on the briefcase。 He glanced at Jake。 〃The bination?〃
 〃Fuck you。〃
 〃Ah; Captain。 Do you honestly think I couldn't open the case without it? I merely wished to save myself several minutes of effort。〃
 Jake told him the bination。 The man had it open in thirty seconds; scooped out the documents; and after glancing at his watch; sat down on the couch to read them。
 〃Who are you?〃 Toad asked。
 〃Does it matter?〃 the reader asked without looking up。
 〃Not right now。 But I'd like a name to give to the FBI。〃
 The man just chuckled dryly and continued reading。
 After a while…Jake wasn't sure how long; since he couldn't see his watch…the man said; 〃This Athena device; a superconductive puter with multiple CPUs; do you think it can be successfully produced in three years?〃
 Jake said nothing。 His stomach felt like he had swallowed a stone。
 〃Oh well; I don't have the time to get the answers; and I doubt that you would be forthright in any event。 But it certainly is an interesting technological development。 You Americans! A nation of tinkerers。 What will you think of next?〃
 He went back through the documents slowly; taking his time; studying them。 His pistol lay on the table beside him; within easy reach。 Twice he glanced at his watch。
 Jake looked around the room。 The driver kept his eyes on him or Toad all the time。 His pistol lay in his lap。 Toad had both wrists cuffed together around the leg of a rather large table。 Still; given a few seconds; he could lift the leg and be free of the table。 Obviously that possibility did not concern the two gunmen very much。 If Toad tried it; he would be shot or pistol…whipped within seconds。
 Jake's cuffs went through the arm of a chair。 Beside the chair sat a floor lamp; but to reach it with his right hand; he would need to stick his left hand under this chair arm。 It was temptingly close; but he would need an opportunity。 And if he got it; what then?
 What did those instructors always say at SERE…Survival; Evasion; Resistance; and Escape…school? Never give up。 Stay ready。 Your chance will e。
 These guys were waiting for someone。 That much was obvious。 Who? The Minotaur?
 They had been in the basement for almost an hour when the stocky man spoke to the driver。 〃Upstairs now; I think。 Be sure to unplug the garage…door opener。〃
 〃Yes; sir。〃 The driver went。
 〃Are you the Minotaur?〃 Toad asked。
 The stocky man threw back his head and laughed。 〃That is good。 Very good。 You are a real edian。〃
 〃He's not the Minotaur;〃 Jake said。
 〃Ah; Captain。 What makes you say that?〃
 Jake didn't answer。
 〃A captain in the U。S。 Navy knows the identity of the Minotaur。 Or at least knows who he is not。 Interesting。 Instructive。 I'll bet you are a fount of interesting information; Captain。 No doubt we'll have time later this evening to elicit some of it。〃
 He walked toward Jake with his back toward Toad。 Jake tried to keep his eyes on the gunman; yet still he saw Toad bend down and grasp the table leg。 It came off the floor。 Even as it did the gunman whirled with his pistol at arm's length; leveled in both hands; pointed straight at Toad's face。 〃What makes you think;〃 he asked easily; 〃that I need you alive?〃
 Toad let the table leg go back down to the floor。 〃Oh;〃 he said lightly; trying to snule and not succeeding; 〃I thought you liked my witty repartee。〃
 〃I do like you。 With a mouth like yours you should be in Hollywood in the movies; not pushing paper at the Pentagon。〃 The gunman lowered the gun and took the seat on the couch that the driver had vacated; a place where he could watch both men with a minimum of effort。 〃Now I think we will sit silently; not saying a word。 Like mice。〃
 〃You're a cocksucker;〃 Toad said。
 The gunman looked at him and pursed his lips slightly。
 〃A genuine cocksucker。 A cheap dick…sucking spook with a gun; a man who thinks everybody should faint dead away when he pulls out his weapon。 Is that what they do when you whip out your dick? Is that…〃
 The gunman was very quick。 He was moving and chopping with the pistol all in one motion。
 Toad Tarkington was just as quick。 He came off the chair and kicked mightily with his right leg。 It caught the man in the knee and he lost his balance。 Toad was erect now; the table banging from his cuffs; his leg swinging again。 This kick hit the gunman in the arm。 The pistol went flying。
 Jake leaped from the chair; dragging it。 The lamp fell over。 He dragged the heavy chair toward the pistol on the floor。 Toad was still kicking。
 He was almost to the gun when he heard the shot and saw a chunk fly from the carpet just in front of him。
 He froze。 The driver came down the stairs with the gun leveled。 〃Get back。〃 He gestured threateningly at Toad; who seemed to shrink as his muscles relaxed。 Tarkington exhaled convulsively; then turned slightly to find the chair he had been sitting on。 At that moment the driver hit him a vicious blow in the back of the head with the gun and he fell heavily; overturning the table。
 The second man helped the stocky man to the couch。 He was still holding his stomach。 He had blood on the corner of his mouth。 Apparently one of Toad's kicks had taken him in the face。
 〃Upstairs。 Get back upstairs。 Get me my gun first。〃
 The second man obeyed; then went back up the stairs。
 〃Sit in the chair; Captain; right where you are。 Sit! One move; just one; and I'll kill you and the lieutenant。 Understand?〃
 Jake made the smallest of head nods。 He sat。
 Time passed。 Minute by minute。 The gunman on the couch massaged his arm and leg。 Toad had really connected。 Twice the man wiped the sweat from his face with his shirttail。
 Toad stirred once。 The table was on end beside him。 He lay amid the magazines and newspapers that had gone flying when he jerked the table off the floor。 Toad seemed to be breathing easily。
 Jake heard the shuffling on the floor above him。 and faintly the sound of a door closing。 In seconds he heard someone walking above; then steps on the stair。 He turned his head。 Legs descending。
 Luis Camacho walked into the room with the driver behind him; his gun in Camacho's back。 〃Hi; Harlan。 Didn't know if I was going to see you again。〃
 Camacho walked over to the couch and seated himself next to Albright。 〃Jesus; what have you idiots done to my basement?〃
 Albright gestured at Tarkington; who was stirring again。 〃That fucker thought he was a hero。〃
 〃Looks like that table has a busted leg。 My wife isn't going to be happy。〃
 The driver stood near the 
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