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      〃Yes; Chief;〃 said Everly; 〃when I get the information where do I reach you?〃
      〃When you get the information;〃 said Mason; 〃write out whatever you find; seal it in an envelope; mark it personal and confidential; and put it under the blotter on the desk in my private office。〃
      〃Okay; Chief;〃 said Everly; and started for the telephone。
      Mason walked back to his private office; hooked his thumbs through the armholes of his vest; and started slowly and rhythmically pacing the floor。
      FRAN CELANE drove the big Packard roadster with a deft touch on the wheel; and skilled foot on the throttle。
      When she had sat in the huge leather chair at the lawyer's office; she had seemed small; frail and helpless。 Now that suggestion of helplessness had gone from her。 The hint of the feline power in her nature was more pronounced。 Her handling of the car was swiftly savage as she sent it hurtling through openings in traffic; ing to abrupt stops when the traffic lights were against her; leaping into almost instant speed as she got clear signals。 Her face still held a pouting; sulky expression。
      Seated at her side; Perry Mason studied her with eyes that were intent in watchful speculation。
      The girl topped a hill; turned to a winding driveway in a scenic subdivision; and nodded her head in a gesture of indication。
      〃There's the place;〃 she said; 〃down at the foot of the hill。〃
      Mason looked down the winding road to the big house which showed as a blaze of light。
      〃Regular mansion;〃 he said。
      〃Yes;〃 she answered curtly。
      〃Many servants?〃 he asked。
      〃Quite a few; gardener; housekeeper; butler; chauffeur; and secretary。〃
      〃Would you call the secretary a servant?〃 asked Mason; watching her profile with mild amusement。
      〃I would;〃 she snapped。
      〃Evidently you don't like him;〃 Mason remarked。
      She paid no attention to the ment; but swung the car around a curve at sufficient speed to bring a scream of protest from the tires。
      〃Incidentally;〃 went on Perry Mason; 〃if you're feeling particularly savage about something; and want to take it out on the car; I'd prefer you let me get out。 I have to move around in order to make my living。 I couldn't gesture very emphatically to a jury with an arm in a sling。〃
      She said: 〃That's all right。 You might have both legs gone;〃 and screamed the car into the next turn with an increased speed。
      Mason reached over and shut off the ignition。
      〃We won't have any more of that;〃 he said。
      She slammed a foot on the brake; turned to him with eyes that were blazing with wrath。
      〃Don't you dare to touch this car when I'm driving it!〃 she stormed。 〃Do you hear me; don't you dare!〃
      Perry Mason's tone was almost casual。
      〃Don't try to show off to me;〃 he said; 〃by risking both of our lives。 It isn't at all necessary。〃
      〃I'm not showing off to you;〃 she blazed。 〃I don't give a damn what you think。 I don't want to be late for our appointment。 If we're as much as five minutes late; we're all through。 He won't see us at all。〃
      〃I can do you a great deal more good;〃 said Mason; 〃if I get there in one piece。〃
      She had braked the car from high speed to a dead stop。 Now she took her hands from the wheel as she turned to the lawyer with blazing eyes。
      〃I'm driving this car;〃 she said; 〃and I don't want you to interfere with me!〃
      Suddenly she smiled。 〃Forgive me;〃 she said impulsively; 〃I was wrong and I'm acting like a spoiled child。 I guess I was in a hurry; that's all。〃
      Mason remarked placently: 〃That's all right; but you have got a temper; haven't you?〃
      〃Of course I have;〃 she said。 〃I thought you knew that。〃
      〃I didn't;〃 he said; 〃until Crinston told me。〃
      〃Did he tell you?〃
      〃He shouldn't have。〃
      〃And my secretary;〃 he went on; calmly; 〃told me you were sulky。 I thought at first she might have been right。 But she wasn't。 You're not sulky; you're just in a panic; that's all。 You look sulky when you're frightened。〃
      She whirled to face him with half parted lips and startled eyes。 Then; wordlessly; she turned back to the road and started the car。 Her lips were pressed into a thin line of determined silence。
      Neither of them said anything more until she swept the car up the driveway and braked it to a swift stop。
      〃Well;〃 she said; 〃let's go get it over with。〃
      Mason got out。
      〃You don't intend to be present at the interview?〃 he asked。
      She whipped the car door open and jumped to the driveway with a flash of legs; a flounce of skirt。
      〃Just long enough to introduce you;〃 she said。 〃e on。 Let's go。〃
      He followed her to the front door; which she opened with a latchkey。
      〃Right up the stairs;〃 she said。
      They walked up the stairs and turned to the left。 A man was just ing out of a doorway; and he paused to stare at them。 He held a stiff…backed stenographic notebook in his hand; and some papers under his arm。
      〃Mr。 Graves;〃 said Frances Celane; 〃my uncle's secretary。 Don; this is Mr。 Perry Mason; the lawyer。〃
      Mason bowed and noticed as he did so; that Don Graves stared at him with a curiosity which he made no attempt to conceal。
      The secretary was slender; well dressed; yellow haired and brown eyed。 There was about him a certain alertness; as though he were just about to break into conversation; or just about to start running。 Both his physical pose and his manner indicated physical and mental tension。
      The secretary said; with a rapidity of utterance which made the words seem to tread each on the heel of the other:
      〃I'm very pleased to meet you。 Mr。 Norton is expecting you。 If you'll go in; he'll receive you。〃
      Perry Mason said nothing。 His bow sufficed for an acknowledgment of the introduction。
      The girl pushed on past the secretary。 The lawyer followed her。 Fran Celane led the way across an outer office which contained a stenographer's desk; a safe; a battery of filing cases; two telephone instruments; typewriters; an adding machine; a file of card indexes。
      She pushed open the door of an inner office without knocking and Perry Mason found himself facing a tall man of fifty…five; who stared at them with a bland; expressionless countenance。
      〃You are late;〃 he said。
      〃Not over a minute; Uncle Edward;〃 said the girl。
      〃A minute;〃 he said; 〃is sixty seconds。〃
      She made no answer; but turned to the lawyer。
      〃This is my attorney; Perry Mason; Uncle Edward;〃 she said。
      The man said in those precise; expressionless tones: 〃I am very glad that you have consulted counsel。 I think now it will be easier for me to explain certain things to you。 You never would accept my word for them。 Mr。 Mason; I am very glad to meet you and very glad that you have called upon me。〃
      He extended his hand。
      Perry Mason nodded his head; shook hands; and sat down。
      〃Well;〃 Fran Celane said; 〃I'll be running along and leave my future in your hands。〃
      She smiled at them a
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