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      Mason chuckled。
      〃I knew you wouldn't forget it;〃 he said。
      〃Forget what?〃 asked the reporter suspiciously。
      〃That bottle of whisky in my desk;〃 said the attorney; and slipped the receiver back on the hook。
      THE Norton mansion blazed with light; every window in the place was illuminated。 More than a dozen automobiles were parked along the curb; or crowded into the driveway。 Men came and went through the open door; and four or five police officers strutted importantly about the premises。
      Up in the study where Edward Norton had been murdered; Claude Drumm stared speculatively at Perry Mason。
      〃I don't know what you could ask for that is more fair than this;〃 he said。
      〃Well;〃 Perry Mason told him; 〃it doesn't seem particularly plete to me as a test。 Don Graves has only a fifty percent chance of guessing wrong even if he were blindfolded。〃
      〃I don't see what you're getting at;〃 said Claude Drumm with purposeful stupidity。
      〃You've got two women here;〃 said Perry Mason; 〃one in a black dress and one in a pink dress。 You've got three men; all of whom are known to Graves。 Now the idea is; as I understand it; that Judge Purley will drive his car up the roadway at exactly the same rate of speed; as nearly as he can remember; that he drove it on the night of the murder。 When the car reaches a certain position in the roadway; Judge Purley is to shout: 'Look!' And at that time Graves is to turn and look。
      〃After we have started up the roadway; the figures will arrange a pantomime。 One of the three will stand with a club in his hand; and one of the women will stand so that her head; shoulder and arm are visible to a person going up the roadway。〃
      〃That is; correct;〃 said Drumm。
      〃Very well;〃 said Perry Mason。 〃Now the point that I am making is this: As far as the men are concerned; if Graves simply guessed; he would stand one chance in three of being right。 As far as the women are concerned; if he simply guessed; he would stand an even chance of being right。〃
      〃Well;〃 said Drumm; 〃you can't ask to have conditions any more favorable to your side of the case than they were at the time of the murder。 Now there were only two women in the house at that time。 There was Mrs。 Mayfield; the housekeeper; and Frances Celane; your client。 Now; it's conceded that there was a woman in the room at the time of the murder。。。〃
      〃No it isn't;〃 snapped Perry Mason。
      〃Well; according to my theory of the case; and according to the testimony of Don Graves; a disinterested witness; there was;〃 said Drumm; 〃and; if the test is going through; that has got to stand。 Now that woman who was in the room either had to be Mrs。 Mayfield or Miss Celane。 Similarly; there were three men who might have mitted the murder。 There was Pete Devoe; the chauffeur; who was drunk when we found him; but who; nevertheless; was under suspicion; there was Rob Gleason; the defendant in the action; and Purkett; the butler。 One of those three men must have been the one to swing the club。〃
      〃That;〃 said Mason; 〃is taking for granted that the evidence of the footprints under the window; and the window that had been jimmied open; is evidence that was planted。〃
      〃Of course it is;〃 said Drumm。 〃You wouldn't want us to have the whole city standing here in the room because there might have been someone in the city who had broken into the house。 You can't have this thing all your way。〃
      〃I should have it enough my way so that we can tell whether Graves uses his eyes; or whether it's just a lucky guess。〃
      Claude Drumm showed a glint of triumph in his eyes。
      〃I have arranged this test;〃 he said; 〃under circumstances which are identical to those which surrounded the mission of the crime。 This test is made as the result of a challenge by you。 Now; if you are afraid to have Graves go ahead with it; all you have got to do is to say so; and we'll call the test off; because you didn't dare to let the witness go through with it。〃
      Mason shrugged his shoulders。
      〃Very well;〃 he said; 〃if you're going to put it on that ground; go ahead。〃
      The glint of triumph which had been in Drumm's eyes became a light of victory; and he grinned with blatant assurance。
      〃All right;〃 he said to the pact group that had gathered about the two men; 〃I think you two gentlemen understand the situation perfectly。 We are to go up the hill in the car。 I will be seated in the back seat with Mr。 Graves。 Mr。 Mason; the attorney for the defendants; will be seated in the front seat beside Judge Purley。
      〃After the car has started up the hill; you gentlemen of the press will select one of these women; who will stand so that her head; neck; shoulder and arm will be visible through the window; to anyone standing on the curve in the road at the point where Graves looks back。 You will also select one of the three men; each of whom is attired in a distinctly different suit of clothes; to stand with a club in his hand; leaning over the chair in which Edward Norton was sitting when he was killed。
      〃I think that covers the situation。 The reputation and integrity of Judge Purley will be sufficient to guarantee that whatever may happen in the automobile will not subsequently be distorted by either party。〃
      Perry Mason said: 〃Just a minute。 Before Don Graves leaves this room I want to have a confidential word with Judge Purley。〃
      Drumm looked at him suspiciously。
      〃Not unless I am along;〃 he said。 〃This is a test; and if you are going to have any confidential words with anyone; I'm going to hear what they are。〃
      〃I have no objection to your listening;〃 said Perry Mason; 〃but naturally; inasmuch as this is a test; I don't want Don Graves to hear it。〃
      〃Very well;〃 said Drumm。 〃You can wait here; Graves; until we call you。〃
      〃We'll blow the horn on the automobile;〃 said Perry Mason; 〃when we are ready。〃
      In frigidly dignified silence; the two opposing attorneys walked down the broad stairs; through the front door; and to the automobile where Judge Purley sat in ponderous dignity; surrounded by flashlight photographers; his face wearing an expression of satisfaction which he endeavored to conceal beneath the cloak of a judicial and ponderous dignity。
      〃Are you ready; gentlemen?〃 he asked。
      〃It is understood;〃 said Perry Mason; 〃that I am to sit in the front seat with Judge Purley; that you; Mr。 Drumm; are to sit in the rear seat with Don Graves?〃
      〃That is so understood;〃 said Drumm。
      〃Under those circumstances;〃 said Perry Mason; 〃I am going to ask that you remove your glasses。〃
      〃That I what?〃 snapped the Deputy District Attorney。
      〃That you remove your glasses;〃 Perry Mason said。 〃You will readily understand that if you are wearing your glasses so that your vision is fully corrected; and you should turn at the same time that Don Graves turns; it might be that by some involuntary exclamation or motion; you would signal Don Graves which one of the three men you thought was holding the club。 In which case I should be having a test made with 
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