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      〃Afterwards; Gleason went down to the girl's room。 That was after Crinston came; and before the murder。 Along about that time Mrs。 Mayfield went to bed。 She doesn't know exactly what happened; except that she's certain Frances Celane didn't go out in the Buick automobile。 Therefore; she knows that the alibi Frances Celane was trying to make was false。
      〃She went to you and tried to shake you down for money to keep Frances Celane out of it。 You turned her down hard; so she started concentrating on the girl; and actually collected from her。 Then she found out that the money she'd taken from Frances Celane was in thousand dollar bills that were numbered consecutively; and knew that these bills would be traced in the event that she tried to change them for smaller bills。 So she has these bills hidden and has tried to create the impression that Frances Celane gave you twenty…eight thousand dollars to apply on a fee。 She has told the District Attorney's office that that is what happened; and the District Attorney's office has been trying to locate the twenty…eight thousand dollars。 They've made examinations at your banks; and have even gone so far as to search the office。 They have now e to the conclusion that you must be carrying the twenty…eight thousand dollars on your person。
      〃The District Attorney is intending to use her as a surprise witness。 She's going to testify as to the falsity of the girl's claim that she was out in the Buick automobile; and also to the quarrel that took place。
      〃It's the theory of the prosecution that a bitter quarrel was interrupted by Arthur Crinston; that the two people hatched out this murder plot and waited until Crinston had left to carry it into execution; that; as soon as Crinston drove away; they dashed up to the office and killed Mr。 Norton; then planted the evidence in Pete Devoe's room in order to make it appear Devoe was the guilty party; in the event the officers didn't fall for the jimmied window and the footprints in the soft soil。〃
      〃How about Graves?〃 asked Perry Mason。 〃Have you done anything with him?〃
      〃I've done lots with him。 That girl has turned him inside out。 He's going to be a bad man for you to handle; but he tells the girl that he's trying to protect Frances Celane; or that he was trying to protect her until the District Attorney brought pressure to bear on him。〃
      〃Look here;〃 Mason said; 〃my theory of this case is that Norton gave Fran Celane that money before Crinston called。 Now; Graves must have some information that'll support that theory。〃
      〃That;〃 said Drake; 〃is the worst part of his testimony。 He says he could hear every word of the conversation; that Norton took out his wallet and showed the girl forty thousand dollars; telling her he had originally gotten the money to give her; but that he wasn't going to give her anything except a small amount for current expenses。 Then he took out two one thousand dollar bills and handed them to her。
      〃Don Graves has the idea the girl took the one thousand dollar bills; and that she and Gleason planted those one thousand dollar bills in the pocket of Devoe; the chauffeur; while Crinston was talking with Norton; that the girl and Gleason came back afterwards and killed Norton; taking the balance of the money from his wallet to use for the purpose of bribing the housekeeper to silence and paying you a sufficient cash retainer so you would interest yourself in the case。 That's the theory Graves has。
      〃The District Attorney had things planned so that most of this would e out on cross…examination。 He was going to slap you in the face with it。 The fact that you've restricted your cross…examination so much has got Drumm worried。 He's going to try and bring out all of this stuff on redirect examination now; asking permission to recall the witnesses。〃
      Perry Mason stretched his long arms; stared at the detective; and laughed。
      〃Paul;〃 he said; 〃there are times when caution is a vice。〃
      〃What do you mean by that?〃 Paul Drake asked。
      〃I mean;〃 said Perry Mason; 〃that at times it is wise to stake everything on one dramatic blow; one crashing knock…out punch。 I've only got one string to my bow in this case。 If it breaks; I'm finished。 But if it doesn't break; I'm going to shoot an arrow right through the bull's…eye of the whole case。〃
      Drake said: 〃Well; Perry; if you can figure this thing out; you can do a lot more than I can。 The more I see of it; the more mixed up and confused it looks。〃
      Perry Mason started pacing the floor back and forth。
      〃The thing that I'm afraid of;〃 he said; 〃is that I'm not keeping my real objective sufficiently concealed。〃
      〃How do you mean?〃 the detective inquired。
      〃I'm stalking a bunch of geese behind a horse;〃 said Perry Mason; 〃and I'm afraid the horse may not be big enough to give me the concealment I want。〃
      Paul Drake started for the door。
      〃Listen;〃 he said; as he paused; with a hand on the knob of the door; 〃don't worry about that。 I've seen a lot of murder cases in my time; and I've talked with a lot of lawyers who thought they had a point when they didn't have。 If you think you're going to be able to save either one of your clients in this case; you've got more optimism than I have。 I just bet half of Della Street's salary for this month; that your clients were going to be convicted; and; after talking with you; I'm going out and try and get a bet for the other half。 That shows how much confidence I've got。〃
      As he closed the door; Perry Mason was standing in the center of the office; with his feet spread wide apart; his jaw thrust forward; heavy shoulders squared; staring in steady concentration at the closing door。
      HEADLINES streamed across the front page of the Star。
      Perry Mason; with the paper propped up in front of him on the table; cracked his three…minute eggs and smiled with satisfaction。 Down below the large headlines were smaller headlines:
      Perry Mason salted and peppered his eggs; dropped in a square of butter; reached for a slice of crisp toast; and chuckled。
      He read the verbatim account of the trial; noticed that the challenge which he had hurled at the prosecution was printed in black…faced type; finished his breakfast; folded the newspaper; and went to his office。
      〃Any news?〃 he asked Della Street。
      She regarded him with a wistful; half…maternal smile on her lips。
      〃You've got it in your pocket;〃 she said。
      He grinned at her。
      〃If the District Attorney refuses to accept the challenge now; I've got the case won in front of the jury;〃 he said。
      〃What will you do if he accepts the challenge?〃 she wanted to know。
      Perry Mason walked to the window and stared thoughtfully out at the morning sunshine。
      〃Now that;〃 he remarked; 〃calls for another question。 Did you double your bet with Paul Drake?〃
      〃Good girl!〃 h
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