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      〃I want her in that leather chair;〃 said the photographer。
      〃That's where she'll go;〃 Mason told him。
      The photographer raised the shades on the windows; set up the tripod; adjusted and focused the big camera; poured some flashlight powder into a flashgun。
      〃Why don't you use electric bulbs?〃 asked Perry Mason; eyeing the photographer with interest。 〃I understand they do better work; and they don't get a room all filled with smoke。〃
      〃Try telling that to the eagle…eyed bird that audits the expense account;〃 said the photographer; 〃and it's your office。 I don't care about the smoke。〃
      Nevers grinned at Mason。
      〃That's the sweet spirit of cooperation that we have over at the STAR;〃 he said。
      Mason looked at the ceiling of the room and muttered: 〃I presume I can move out of here for half an hour just because you fellows want to save the cost of a flashlight globe。〃
      〃Give him a shot out of that bottle;〃 said Nevers; 〃and maybe he won't load the flash quite so heavy。〃
      Mason slid the bottle over to the photographer。
      〃Listen;〃 Nevers said; almost moodily; 〃something seems to tell me you've got a trick up your sleeve; Mason。〃
      〃I have;〃 Mason told him。
      Nevers nodded to the photographer。
      〃All right; Bill;〃 he said; 〃better get a photograph of the lawyer at his desk。 Drag out some law books。 Get that bottle out of the way; and get a couple of shots。〃
      〃Don't waste your film;〃 Mason told him。 〃They won't publish my picture unless it's in connection with a courtroom scene; or walking down the street with Frances Celane; or something like that。〃
      Harry Nevers looked at him moodily; and said; in that bored monotone: 〃I'm not so certain。 It depends on what you've got up your sleeve。 You've pulled a couple of fast ones lately; and I'll have these pictures for the morgue in case we need 'em。 You can't ever tell what's going to happen。〃
      Perry Mason looked at him shrewdly。
      〃In other words;〃 he said; 〃you've heard that there's some talk of arresting me as an accessory after the fact。〃
      Nevers chuckled; a dry; rasping chuckle。
      〃You've got a good mind; Mason;〃 he said。 〃But you've got funny ways of trying lawsuits and representing clients。 Now that you mention it; it seems to me I did hear something about some stolen money that you'd received on a fee and hadn't surrendered。〃
      Mason's laugh was scornful。
      〃If I had received any money; what a sweet spot it would put my client in if I walked into the D。A。's office; and laid the money down on the table and said; virtuously: 'Here it is。'〃
      〃Did you receive any one thousand dollar bills from your client?〃 asked Harry Nevers; in the tone of one who asks a question without expecting an answer。
      Perry Mason made a gesture with his hand。
      〃If I did;〃 he said; 〃I'd either have the bills on me; or some place in the office。 The office has been searched from top to bottom。〃
      〃This morning?〃 asked Nevers。
      〃Some time last night;〃 Mason told him。
      Nevers jerked his head toward the photograph。
      〃Better take three pictures; Bill;〃 he said。 〃Get him at the desk; get him standing up; and get a close…up。〃
      FRAN CELANE sat in the big; black leather chair; stared at the camera on the tripod; looked at the face of Perry Mason; and smiled; a wan; pathetic smile。
      〃Hold that smile;〃 said the photographer。
      〃Wait a minute;〃 said Nevers; 〃there's going to be a sex angle to this; and I want a little more leg。〃
      Fran Celane continued to smile wanly。 She reached down with her left hand and moved her skirt up an inch or two。
      〃Face the camera;〃 said the photographer。
      Harry Nevers said: 〃Wait a minute。 It still ain't right。 I want a little more leg。〃
      The smile left her face; her black eyes blazed furiously。 She reached down and pulled the skirt far up over the knee with an angry gesture。
      〃That's too much; Miss Celane;〃 the photographer said。
      〃All right;〃 she blazed at Nevers; 〃damn you; you wanted leg! There it is!〃
      Mason explained patiently。
      〃You understand; Miss Celane; that these men are friendly to our side of the case。 They're going to see that you get some favorable publicity; but; in order to do that; they've got to have a picture that will attract the interest of the public。 Now; it's going to help your case a lot if you can get just the right kind of a smile on your face; and at the same time; show just enough of a sex angle to appeal to the masculine eye。〃
      Slowly the glitter faded from her eyes。 She adjusted her skirt down over her knee; and once more the wan; pathetic smile came on her face。
      〃That's oke;〃 said Nevers。
      〃Hold it;〃 said the photographer; and; 〃don't blink your eyes。〃
      A puff of white light mushroomed up from the flashgun and a little cloud of smoke twisted and turned as it writhed toward the ceiling。
      〃All right;〃 said the photographer; 〃let's try one with a slightly different pose。 Handkerchief in the left hand as though you'd been weeping; face mournful。 Let the mouth droop a little bit。 Not quite so much leg。〃
      Frances Celane flared: 〃What do you think I am; an actress or a mannequin?〃
      〃That's all right;〃 soothed Perry Mason。 〃You'll have a lot of this to go through with; Miss Celane。 And I want to caution you to keep your temper。 If you flare up and show temper; and the newspaper reporters start playing you up as a tiger…woman; it's going to be a bad thing for your case。 What I'm trying to do is to get the case brought on for trial; and get a quick acquittal。 You've got to cooperate or you may have some unpleasant surprises。〃
      She stared at Perry Mason; sighed; and took the pose they had suggested。
      〃Chin a little lower and to the left;〃 said the photographer。 〃Eyes downcast; but not so far that they give the impression of being closed。 Get the point of that shoulder a little bit away from the camera; so I can get the sweep of your throat。 All right; that's fine。 Hold it!〃
      Once more the shutter clicked; and once more the flashlight gave forth a puff of white smoke。
      〃Okay;〃 said the photographer。 〃That's fine for those two。〃
      Perry Mason crossed to the telephone。
      〃Get me Claude Drumm at the District Attorney's office;〃 he said。
      When he had Drumm on the line; he said: 〃I'm awfully sorry; Drumm; but Miss Celane is very much indisposed。 She's had a nervous breakdown and was ordered to a sanitarium by her physician。 She left the sanitarium to e in and surrender herself into custody when she knew that the police were looking for her。 She's at my office now; and she's suffering from nervousness。 I think you'd better arrange to pick her up here。〃
      〃I thought you said she had left your office when you telephoned before;〃 said Drumm; with a trace of annoyance in his voice。
      〃No;〃 said Mason; 〃you misunderstood me。 I said that she had started for your office。 I told you I didn't know what stops she intended to make on the way。 She was nervous; and stopped in here because sh
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