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      〃So you took the money;〃 he told her。
      〃Yes; of course。〃
      〃Then what?〃
      〃Then;〃 she said; 〃I gave all of it except ten thousand dollars to Mrs。 Mayfield。〃
      〃Why did you do that?〃 he asked。
      〃Because she knew I had been married; and was threatening to tell my uncle about it。〃
      〃Was that before Crinston came to the house; or afterwards?〃
      〃You mean when I gave her the money?〃
      〃Who saw you give the money to her。。。 anyone?〃
      〃Rob Gleason。〃
      Perry Mason whistled。
      〃So Gleason was there; eh?〃 he asked。
      〃Yes;〃 she said slowly; 〃Gleason was there。 That's why I said I wasn't there。〃
      〃All right;〃 he said grimly; 〃tell me about that。〃
      〃You know that we are married;〃 she said。 〃Rob drove up in his car; a Chevrolet。 There's a porch which opens out from my room; and he came to that porch and I let him in。 He was worried about Mrs。 Mayfield and about what my uncle was going to do。 I told him that I'd seen my uncle and I thought things were all right。
      〃While we were talking; Mrs。 Mayfield came in and demanded money。 She had been listening; and knew that my uncle had given me some money。 She didn't know how much。
      〃I told her I'd give her all I had。 I opened my purse and let her take it out。 But; before I did that; I had ditched ten of the one thousand dollar bills; because I knew you were going to need some money; and I was saving it for you。 That was all I needed money for … just you and her。 I thought then that things would be all right; with you representing me; and Mrs。 Mayfield keeping quiet。 I thought we could work the thing out some way。〃
      〃And Crinston had arrived by that time?〃 asked Mason。
      〃Yes;〃 she said; 〃he had e before that。 I heard him drive up。 In fact; I was leaving my uncle's office when Crinston came up。〃
      〃And Graves; the secretary; was in the outer office all the time?〃 asked the lawyer。
      〃Yes; he was there all the time; and knows pretty much what happened。 He knows a lot more than he lets on。 He knows a lot about my uncle's affairs; and I have an idea he knows something about what Mrs。 Mayfield is doing。〃
      〃All right;〃 said Mason; 〃then what happened?〃
      〃Well;〃 she said; 〃Mrs。 Mayfield went out; and I went out and sat on the porch with Rob。 Then there was a motion; and I heard running steps from the front of the house; and shouts; and heard something about my uncle having been murdered。 I knew that it would never do for Rob to be there; so I told Rob to get in his car and drive away。〃
      〃And you went with him?〃
      〃Yes; I went with him。〃
      〃Why did you do that?
      〃Because I didn't want to be there。〃
      〃I thought that I could fix up an alibi for Rob。〃
      〃How did you get out of the grounds?〃
      〃There's a way out through an alley in the back; to the driveway。 We went out there; and nobody heard us; I guess。〃
      〃All right; then what happened?〃
      〃Then I came back home; that is; I had Rob drive me to a place about two blocks from the house; and got out there。 I sneaked into my bedroom and talked with Don Graves。 I found out from him that my uncle had reported the Buick as having been stolen; and they thought that I was driving it。 I figured that was a good alibi for me; and would let Rob out of it; so I said that I had been driving the Buick; and nobody questioned my word。〃
      〃All right。 Then what happened?〃
      〃You know the rest。 Everybody took it for granted that I had been driving the Buick; and I thought everything was all right until you came and told me about the speedometer records not checking up。 I went out to put some mileage on the Buick; and found an officer there; who grinned at me and told me that the Buick was going to be held for evidence。〃
      〃They'd sealed it up?〃 asked Perry Mason。
      〃Yes。 They put a padlocked chain around the front axle and through the spokes of the wheel; and they'd also locked up the transmission。〃
      〃That;〃 said Mason dryly; 〃makes it nice。〃
      She said nothing。
      After a moment Mason resumed his regular pacing of the floor; and the girl watched him with dark; anxious eyes; her head never moving; but the eyes following him back and forth as he paced rhythmically。
      〃You;〃 he said; at length; 〃are going to have a nervous breakdown。 I know a doctor I can count on。 He's going to examine you and order you to a sanitarium。〃
      〃What good will that do?〃 she asked。
      〃It's going to give me a little time;〃 he said。
      〃But won't that make them more suspicious when I run away?〃
      〃They can't get any more suspicious;〃 he told her。 〃The minute they sealed up that Buick; it showed they were working on this other angle of the case。 I tried to slip that notebook containing the mileages into my pocket; and make it appear I was doing it casually; but the officer wasn't so dumb。 He called me on it; and I had to put the notebook hack。〃
      〃Did you know about the mileage then?〃 she asked。
      〃I suspected it。〃
      〃How did it happen you suspected it?〃
      〃Because I knew you'd been lying to me。〃
      Her eyes blazed。
      〃Don't talk to me like that!〃 she said。
      He simply grinned at her。 After a moment the angry light left her eyes。
      〃You've got to figure you're trapped on that car business;〃 he told her。 〃You've got to switch around on that。〃
      〃But;〃 she said; 〃that's going to bring Rob into it。 If they know Rob was there; that's going to make an awful mess; because there was bad blood between Rob and my uncle。〃
      〃Did Rob see your uncle the night he was murdered?〃 asked Mason。
      She shook her head; hesitated a moment; then nodded it。
      〃Yes;〃 she said; 〃he did。〃
      〃And the reason you changed your story just now and admitted it;〃 he said; 〃is that you suddenly remembered there is someone who knows Rob saw your uncle。 Who is that someone … Don Graves?〃
      She nodded her head again。
      Perry Mason stepped to the door of the outer office。
      〃Della;〃 he said; 〃get me Doctor Prayton on the telephone right away。 Tell his nurse that it's vitally important … a matter of life and death。 Get him on the telephone personally; and do it now。〃
      〃Yes;〃 she said。 〃There's a Mr。 Paul Drake in the office who wants to see you about a personal matter。 He won't tell me what it is。〃
      〃All right;〃 snapped Perry Mason。 〃Tell him to wait;〃 and he stepped back into the office; slamming the door。
      〃Now;〃 he told the girl; 〃you're going to have a nervous breakdown。 You'll be sent to a sanitarium under another name。 The police will find you sooner or later。 But I want it to be later。 Don't let anyone know who you are; don't show any undue interest in the newspaper reports of the case; and; no matter what happens; don't get stampeded。〃
      She stared at him searchingly。
      〃How do I know I can trust you?〃 she asked。
      He met her gaze with a steady stare。
      〃That's one of the things you can use your own judgment about;〃 he said; 〃and it's going to make a hell of a lot of difference 
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