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drunk; and anybody could have planted that club in his room and the two thousand dollars in his clothes。〃
      〃You overlook;〃 said Mason; 〃the testimony of Don Graves; who actually saw the murder being mitted。 You overlook the fact that; according to Crinston's testimony; Edward Norton was sending for his chauffeur as Crinston left the place。〃
      〃I overlook nothing;〃 said Blackman impressively; his eyes boring belligerently into Mason's face。 〃And I don't overlook the fact that there was a woman mixed up in the thing somewhere。〃
      〃Yes?〃 asked Mason in a tone of polite but surprised interest。
      〃Yes;〃 said Blackman; 〃and don't be so damned surprised at it。 You know it; as well as I do。〃
      〃Know what?〃 asked Mason。
      〃Know that Don Graves saw a woman in that room at the time the murder was being mitted。〃
      〃Don Graves doesn't say so in the statement that he made to the police; as I understand it;〃 Mason remarked。
      〃The statement he made to the police hasn't got anything to do with it;〃 said Blackman。 〃It's the statement he is going to make on the witness stand that counts。〃
      Mason looked at the ceiling and said; impersonally: 〃In the event; however; that the statement he makes on the witness stand doesn't coincide with the first statement he made to the police; it might have a tendency to weaken his testimony; particularly as far as the woman was concerned。〃
      〃Yes; it might;〃 said Blackman。
      There was silence for a moment; then Blackman lowered his voice and said emphatically; 〃All right。 You know where I stand now。 You're controlling all the money in this case; and I'm representing the man who has been picked for the fall guy。 I want the family to cooperate in this thing; and I want some money。 Otherwise; I'm going to tear the lid off。〃
      〃What do you mean by cooperation?〃 asked Mason。
      〃I mean that I want the family to convey the impression to the police that they're not at all vindictive; that if Devoe did anything; he was drunk when he did it; and that if the District Attorney will take a plea of manslaughter they'll be just as well satisfied。 And then I'm going to want some of the gravy。〃
      〃You mean;〃 said Mason; 〃that you want Frances Celane to see that you get paid to plead Pete Devoe guilty of manslaughter so as to hush up any scandal? Is that what you're trying to convey to me?〃
      Blackman got to his feet with ponderous dignity。
      〃I think; counselor;〃 he said; 〃that you understand my errand perfectly。 I think that I have stated my position fairly and frankly; and I do not care to mit myself by replying to the rather crude summary which you have attempted to make。〃
      Perry Mason pushed back the chair from his desk; stood with his feet planted well apart; his eyes staring at Blackman。
      〃Don't think you can pull anything like that; Blackman;〃 he said。 〃We're here alone。 You're going to tell me what you want; and tell it in so many words。〃
      〃Don't be silly;〃 Blackman told him。 〃You know what I want。〃
      〃What do you want?〃
      〃I want money。〃
      〃What are you going to give in return for it?〃
      〃I'll cooperate with you in keeping Miss Celane in the background。〃
      〃To the extent that you'll have Pete Devoe plead guilty to manslaughter?〃
      〃Yes。 If I can get a plea。〃
      〃Is he guilty of manslaughter?〃 asked Perry Mason。
      〃Why the hell bother about that?〃 said Blackman irritably。 〃I told you that he'd plead guilty to manslaughter。〃
      〃How much money do you want?〃
      〃I want fifty thousand dollars。〃
      〃That's too much money for a fee;〃 Mason remarked; in a voice that was almost casual。
      〃Not for the work I'm going to do it isn't。〃
      〃The work for Devoe?〃 asked Mason。
      〃The work for Frances Celane; if you want to put it that way;〃 Blackman told him。
      〃All right;〃 Mason went on; 〃as you; yourself; expressed it; we're here alone。 There's no reason why we can't talk frankly。 Did Pete Devoe kill Edward Norton?〃
      〃You ought to know;〃 said Blackman。
      〃Why should I know?〃
      〃Because you should。〃
      〃I don't know。 I'm asking you if he did。〃
      〃Why worry about that? I'll get him to plead guilty to manslaughter。〃
      〃For fifty thousand dollars?〃
      〃For fifty thousand dollars。〃
      〃You're crazy。 The District Attorney wouldn't accept any such plea。 This is a murder case。 Second degree murder would be the best you could get。〃
      〃I could get manslaughter;〃 Blackman said; 〃if the family would cooperate; and if Graves would change his story a little bit。〃
      〃Why should Graves change his story?〃 Mason inquired。
      〃Why should anybody do anything?〃 Blackman asked in a sarcastic tone of voice。 〃Why should I do anything? Why should you do anything? We're not mixed in it。 We're doing things for money too。〃
      Slowly; almost ponderously; Perry Mason walked around the big desk toward Blackman。 Blackman watched him with greedy eyes。
      〃Just say it's all right;〃 said Blackman; 〃and you won't hear anything more about it。〃
      Perry Mason came to a stop in front of Blackman。 He looked at him with eyes that were cold and sneering。
      〃You dirty scum;〃 he said; his voice vibrant with feeling。
      Blackman recoiled slightly。 〃What the hell are you talking about?〃
      〃You;〃 said Mason。
      〃You've got no right to talk to me like that。〃
      Perry Mason took a swift step forward。
      〃A dirty shyster;〃 he said; 〃who would sell out his client for a fifty thousand dollar fee。 Get out of this office; and do it right now!〃
      Blackman's face twisted in surprise。
      〃Why;〃 he said; 〃I thought you were going to listen to my proposition。〃
      〃I listened to it;〃 Mason told him; 〃and heard all I wanted to。〃
      Blackman suddenly bolstered up his courage; and brandished a rigid forefinger in front of Mason's face。
      〃You're mixed in this thing pretty deep yourself;〃 he said。 〃You're either going to accept this proposition; or you're going to hear a lot more about it。〃
      Perry Mason reached up and grasped the extended forefinger in his left hand。 He twisted the other's hand down and around; until the lawyer exclaimed with pain。 Mason abruptly released the forefinger; spun the other lawyer halfway around; grasped the back of the lawyer's coat with his big; capable hand; and propelled the lawyer to the door。 He jerked open the door of the private office; gave Blackman a shove that sent him sprawling off balance; into the outer office。
      〃Get out; and stay out!〃 he said。
      Blackman almost ran for half the distance across the outer office; then turned; with his face livid with rage; his glasses dangling at the end of the black ribbon。
      〃You're going to regret that;〃 he said; 〃more than anything you ever did in your life!〃
      〃Get out!〃 said Perry Mason; in a slow; even tone of voice; 〃or I'm going to do some more。〃
      Blackman groped for the knob of the outer door; pulled it open; and stepped into the corridor。
      Perry Mason stood in the doorway of his private office; shoulders squared; feet planted widely 
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