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nston promised Judge Purley that if the judge would drive Mr。 Crinston out here; he would be detained less than half an hour in all。 Mr。 Crinston had an appointment with my uncle for eleven o'clock; and he was seven minutes late。
      〃I guess you saw enough of my uncle to know how he would feel about that seven minutes。 Mr。 Crinston kept urging Judge Purley to 'step on it;' all the way out here。〃
      〃I still don't see;〃 said Mason; 〃how that fixes the exact time of the murder。〃
      〃Well; you see;〃 she explained; 〃Don Graves saw the murder mitted。 Now; if the car started from the house at eleven thirty; it would have taken about three minutes to get to the point in the driveway where Graves could look back and see the persons clubbing my uncle。〃
      〃Persons?〃 he asked。
      〃Person;〃 she amended quickly。
      〃I see;〃 said the lawyer dryly。
      PERRY MASON encountered Don Graves just after that individual had been released from police questioning。
      Graves mopped his forehead and smiled at the attorney。
      〃Never had such an ordeal in my life;〃 he said。 〃I certainly am glad that I wasn't here。〃
      〃What do you mean by that?〃 asked Mason。
      〃They might have tried to pin it on me;〃 he said。 〃They tear you to pieces and doubt everything you say。〃
      〃I wonder;〃 said Mason; 〃if you'd mind giving me an outline of just what you told them?〃
      Graves sighed wearily。
      〃I've told the facts so often now;〃 he said; 〃that I'm hoarse。〃
      Mason took the young man's arm and piloted him unsmilingly through the dining room to a solarium; where there were some chairs grouped around a wicker table。
      〃Smoke?〃 he asked; extending a package of cigarettes。
      Graves nodded eagerly。
      Perry Mason held a match to the cigarette。 〃Get started;〃 he said。
      〃Well;〃 said Graves; 〃there isn't very much that I can tell。 That's the trouble with it。 The police want me to tell too much。 At first; when I saw the murder being mitted; Judge Purley thought that I was crazy because he claimed I couldn't have seen all that I said I saw through the window; and now the police are jumping on me because I don't tell them more; and seem to think I'm holding something back。〃
      〃You saw the murder?〃 asked Mason。
      〃I guess so;〃 said Graves wearily。 〃I've been hammered around so much now that I don't know what I saw。〃
      Perry Mason made no ment。
      〃Well;〃 said Graves; exhaling twin streams of smoke from his nostrils; 〃Mr。 Crinston had an appointment for eleven o'clock; and was seven minutes late。 Mr。 Norton was very much exasperated over several things that had happened one of which was your visit; and then he had some trouble with his niece afterwards。 But Mr。 Crinston says that I'm not to mention that trouble with Fran Celane unless somebody specifically questions me about it。
      〃Well; Crinston was late for his appointment; and you know how that would affect Norton。 He was in one of those cold rages。 He showed it by being cold…blooded; efficient; and exceedingly disagreeable。
      〃I don't know what Crinston talked about with him。 They were having some violent difference of opinion。 Frankly; I think Crinston was pretty much exasperated when he decided to leave。 He had promised Judge Purley that he would leave not later than eleven thirty; and at just about eleven thirty Crinston came out of the inner office。
      〃Mr。 Norton wanted him to stay。 Crinston refused。 He said he'd promised Judge Purley to leave at eleven thirty。 Then Mr。 Norton made some sarcastic remark that Crinston would keep him waiting seven minutes; and think nothing of it; but wouldn't think of detaining a municipal judge for as much as ten seconds。 He was mad; all right … good and mad。
      〃Crinston had only been gone a minute or two when Mr。 Norton came out and told me that he wanted me to rush out to Crinston's house and get some papers。 They were some agreements that he and Crinston had been discussing; and Crinston had promised to send them to Norton。 Norton suddenly decided that he didn't want to wait; but wanted them right away。 He told me to wake up Devoe; that's the chauffeur; and get him to drive me out to Crinston's house and pick up the agreements。
      〃At that time; Crinston and Purley were just about to drive away。 They had; I believe; started their car。
      〃Then Mr。 Norton suddenly got the idea that if I should drive out with Mr。 Crinston; I could save a little time。 He intended to have Devoe; the chauffeur; e in and pick me up。 But it was going to take Mr。 Crinston a few minutes to get the documents; after I got there; and the chauffeur would take a little time dressing and getting the car out; so Norton thought he could save time by having me go in with Mr。 Crinston。 There wasn't any sense to it。 Devoe could have driven me there just as well; but I mention it to show how excited Norton was。 He was simply furious。
      〃So Mr。 Norton raised up the window in his office and called down to Mr。 Crinston to wait a minute。 I'm not certain; but I think Mr。 Crinston got out of the machine and walked back so that he stood under the window to hear what Mr。 Norton said。 I heard Norton ask if it would be all right for me to ride in with them; and I heard Crinston say that he'd go over and ask Judge Purley if there were any objections。
      〃I knew right away there wouldn't be any objections; so I started hot…footing down the stairs。 The way Norton felt; I didn't want to waste a second。
      〃Crinston had asked Judge Purley; and was standing beneath the window; talking with Mr。 Norton; when I got down。 Mr。 Crinston said to me: 'Hurry up; Graves; I've promised Judge Purley that he would leave here promptly at eleven thirty; and he's in a rush to get home。' So I ran right across and jumped into the machine。 I think that I got into the machine before Mr。 Crinston did; or maybe we got in together; at any rate; Mr。 Crinston got into the machine at just about the same time。
      〃Judge Purley had the engine running; and just as soon as the door slammed; he started the car。 I was in the back seat; and Mr。 Crinston was sitting up in front with Judge Purley。
      〃You know the way the road winds around up the side of the hill。 Well; I don't know what prompted me to look back through the window at the house。 Maybe it was just curiosity; maybe it was some sense of what was happening。
      〃Anyway; I was looking back through the rear window of the car; and just as it rounded the curve where I could see into the study; I saw people in the study; and a man swinging a club。〃
      〃How many people?〃 asked Perry Mason。
      Don Graves did not answer for a moment。 Then he took a deep breath and said slowly: 〃Only one that I was sure of。 That is; I saw one person raise his arm and strike another person。〃
      〃That you were sure of?〃 said Mason。
      〃Yes sir;〃 said Graves; 〃that I was sure of。〃
      〃There might have been another person present?〃 asked Perry Mason。
      Don Graves said in a very low voice: 〃I don't think; if I were you; sir; that I'd go into that。〃
      〃Why not?〃 asked Perry Mason explosivel
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