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  There was a sharp clang as the pipe struck the wall。 Then Kerk was standing over Jason; his hands extended toward the smaller man; his face flushed and angry。
  〃Don't ever say that!〃 he roared。 〃Don't let me ever hear you say that again!〃
  Jason sat as quietly as he could; talking slowly and picking out each word with care。 His life hung in the balance。
  〃Don't get angry; Kerk。 I meant no harm。 I'm on your side; remember? I can talk to you; because you've seen much more of the universe than the Pyrrans who have never left the planet。 You are used to discussing things。 You know that words are just symbols。 We can talk and know you don't have to lose your temper over mere words。 。 。 。〃
  Kerk slowly lowered his arms and stepped away。 Then he turned and poured himself a glass of water from a bottle on the desk。 He kept his back turned to Jason while he drank。
  Very little of the sweat that Jason wiped from his sopping face was caused by the heat in the room。
  〃I'm…sorry I lost my temper;〃 Kerk said; dropping heavily into his chair。 〃Doesn't usually happen。 Been working hard lately; must have got my temper on edge。〃 He made no mention of what Jason had said。 〃Happens to all of us;〃 Jason told him。 〃I won't begin to describe the condition my nerves were in when I hit this planet。 I'm finally forced to admit that everything you said about Pyrrus is true。 It is the most deadly spot in the system。 And only native…born Pyrrans could possibly survive here。 I can manage to fumble along a bit after my training; but I know I would never stand a chance on my own。 You probably know I have an eight…year…old as a bodyguard。 Gives a good idea of my real status here。〃
  Anger suppressed; Kerk was back in control of himself now。 His eyes narrowed in thought。 〃Surprises me to hear you say that。 Never thought I would hear you admit that anyone could be better than you at anything。 Isn't that why you came here? To prove that you were as good as any native…born Pyrran?〃
  〃Score one for your side;〃 Jason admitted。 〃I didn't think it showed that much。 And I'm glad to see your mind isn't as musciebound as your body。 Yes; I'll admit that was probably my main reason for ing; that and curiosity。〃
  Kerk was following his own train of thought and puzzled where it was leading him。 〃You came here to prove that you were as good as any native…born Pyrran。 Yet now you admit that any eight…year…old can outdraw you。 That just doesn't stack up with what I know about you。 If you give with one hand; you must be taking back with the other。 In what way do you still feel your natural superiority?〃 He asked it lightly; yet there was weight of tension behind his words。
  Jason thought a long time before answering。
  〃I'll tell you;〃 he finally said。 〃But don't snap my neck for it。 I'm
 gambling that your civilized mind can control your reflexes。 Because I have totalk about things that are strictly taboo on Pyrrus。
 〃In your people's eyes I'm a weakling because I cone from off…world。 Realize; though; that this is also my strength。 I can see things that are hidden from you by long association。 You know; the old business of not being able to see the forest for the trees in the way。〃
 Kerk nodded agreement and Jason went on。 〃To continue the analogy further; I landed from an airship; and at first all I could see was the forest。 To me certain facts are obvious。 I think that you people know them too; only you keep your thoughts carefully repressed。 They are hidden thoughts that are pletely taboo。 I'm going to tell you the biggest one of these secret thoughts and hope you can control yourself well enough not to kill me。〃
 Kerk's great hands tightened on the arms of the chair; the only sign he had heard。 Jason spoke quietly; but his words penetrated as smoothly and easily as a lancet probing into a brain。
  〃I think human beings are losing the war on Pyrrus。 After hundreds of years of occupation this is the only city on the planet…and it is half in ruins。 As if it once had a larger population。 That stunt we pulled off to get the shipload of war materials was a stunt。 It might not have worked。 And if it hadn't; what would have happened to the city? You people are walking on the crumbling rim of a volcano and you won't admit it。〃
  Every muscle in Kerk's body was rigid as he sat stiffly in the chair; his face dotted with tiny beads of sweat。 The slightest push too far and he would explode。 Jason searched for a way to lessen some of the tension。
  〃I don't enjoy telling you these things。 I'm doing it because I'm sure you know them already。 You can't face these facts because you would then have to admit that all this fighting and killing is for absolutely no purpose。 If your population is dropping steadily; then your fight is nothing but a particularly bloody form of racial suicide。 You could leave this planet; but that would be admitting defeat。 And I'm sure Pyrrans prefer death to defeat。〃
  When Kerk half…rose from his chair Jason stood too; shouting his words through the other man's fog of anger。
  〃I'm trying to help you…do you understand that? Wipe the hypocrisy out of your mind; it's destroying you。 Piight now you would rather kill me than admit consciously that you are fighting an already lost battle。 This isn't a real war; just a disastrous treating of symptoms。 Like cutting off cancerous fingers one by one。 The only result must be ultimate
 defeat。 You won't allow yourself to realize that。 That's why you would rather kill me than hear me speak the unspeakable。〃
  Kerk was out of his seat now; hanging over Jason like a tower of death; about to fall。 Held up only by the force of Jason's words。
  〃You must begin to face reality。 All you can see is everlasting war。 You must begin to realize that you can treat the causes of this war and end it forever!〃
  The meaning penetrated; the shock of the words draining away Kerk's anger。 He dropped back into the chair; an almost ludicrous expression on his face。 〃What the devil do you mean? You sound like a bloody Grubber!〃
  Jason didn't ask what a Grubber was; but he filed the name。
  〃You're talking nonsense;〃 Kerk said。 〃This is just an 'alien world that must be battled。 The causes are self…obvious facts of existence。〃
  〃No; they're not;〃 Jason insisted。 〃Consider for a second。 When you are away for any length of time from this planet; you must take a refresher course。 To see how things have changed for the worse while you were gone。 Well that's a linear progression。 If things get worse when you extend into the future; then they have to get better if you extend into the past。 It is also good theory…though I don't know if the facts will bear me out…to say that if you extend it far enough into the past you will reach a time when mankind and Pyrrus were not at war with each other。〃
  Kerk was beyond speech now; only capable of sitting and listening while Jason drove home the blows of inescapable logic。
  〃There is evidence to support this theory。 Even you will admit that I; if I am no match for Pyrran life; am surely well versed in it。 And all Pyrran flora and fauna I've seen have one thing in mon。 They're not functional。 None of their immense armory of weapons is used agai
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