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s made an entertaining story of it; and even Emerson grinned reluctantly when Ramses quoted the Turk's ments about multiple wives。
 〃Excellent advice; my boy。 It's cursed strange; though。 He couldn't have been serious。〃
 〃You think not?〃 Nefret asked。 It was the first time she had spoken since Ramses began his story。 He gave her a quick look and shook his head。
 〃He couldn't have supposed I would agree … or keep my word if I did。〃
 〃Oh; you'd have kept your word;〃 Nefret murmured。
 〃I didn't give it。 It does seem to me;〃 Ramses said emphatically; 〃that I am entitled to some credit for preferring torture and death to infidelity。 She was a damned attractive girl; too。〃
 〃Now; now; don't quarrel;〃 I said。 〃It was the girl who helped you escape?〃
 Ramses nodded。 〃There was no way I could get those chains off by myself。 She's an efficient little creature;〃 he added thoughtfully。 〃She'd brought me a caftan and headcloth; and even a knife。 She also offered to steal a horse for me; but I pointed out … somewhat rudely; now that I think about it … that it would only have made me more conspicuous。〃
 Nefret looked as if she wanted to say something … I knew what it was … but she restrained herself。 It was Emerson who voiced the same thought that had; of course; occurred to me。
 〃He let you go。 The girl was acting under his orders or with his cooperation。〃
 〃That idea had; of course; occurred to me;〃 I said。 〃But it doesn't make sense。 He might have intervened to take you from the governor's men; but why would he connive in your escape so soon thereafter?〃
 〃Damned if I know;〃 Ramses said。 〃No doubt you are prepared to speculate; Mother。 It is a useful process that clears away the underbrush in the thickets of deduction。〃
 I did not at all mind his teasing me。 It was such a relief to have him back with us; alive and relatively undamaged。 〃Certainly;〃 I said。 〃Let us begin with the assumption that he intended to save your life。 If he had not taken you from the governor's guards you would have been treated far less courteously。〃
 〃I would be extremely surprised to discover that Sahin Bey … Pasha; I should say … acted out of kindness;〃 Ramses said。 〃He had an ulterior motive; and I doubt it was finding a husband for his daughter。〃
 〃Why; then?〃 Emerson grunted。 〃If he wants to turn his coat and e over to us … unlikely on the face of it … he wouldn't need a good word from you。 The War Office would sell their souls and those of all their mothers and grandmothers to get the head of the Turkish secret service on our side。〃
 Ramses scratched absently at the scraped flesh on his jaw。 〃I agree; Father。〃
 〃All the same; HQ must be notified。〃
 〃I've already done so。 Why do you suppose I'm wearing this bloody damned uniform? I was in the water long enough to wash the dye off my skin; but I hadn't any clothes except the bare necessities; and I'd never have got to General Chetwode looking the way I did。〃 Ramses added; 〃I expect the officer I waylaid holds a bit of a grudge; I had to borrow his uniform without his consent。 He oughtn't wander so far from camp。〃
 Emerson knew his son too well to misinterpret his lighthearted manner。 〃What did General Chetwode say?〃
 Ramses shrugged。 〃What could he say but 'Bad luck; old boy; glad you made it back after all'? Our Chetwode had already left for Cairo to make his report。〃
 〃He was in something of a hurry to get out of town; wasn't he?〃 Emerson mused。 〃How much did you tell the general?〃
 〃I am not telling anyone any more than I have to;〃 Ramses said tightly。 〃Nobody is telling me anything。 I'll be damned if I can understand who is actually running this stunt。 Apparently General Chetwode didn't know what his nephew intended to do; he was only told we were going to investigate and reconnoiter。 I didn't mention the girl; or Sahin's proposition。 The general is under the impression that I cleverly escaped all by my little self。 I'm sorry; I ought to have e here straightaway; but …〃
 〃Bah;〃 said Emerson gruffly。 〃You did what you had to do。 I still say the girl couldn't have managed it on her own。 The young; spoiled daughter of an aristocrat; raised in the harem …〃
 〃She'd been exposed to Western ideas and Western schooling;〃 Ramses interrupted。 〃Your basic point is well taken; however。 Someone helped her; but it need not have been her father。〃
 〃Ah;〃 said Emerson。
 〃I'm sorry; Father。 I ought to have made a greater effort to find him。〃
 〃Don't be absurd;〃 I said forcibly。 〃You could not have eluded recapture for long; and if you had not turned up; your father would have gone into Gaza looking for you。〃
 〃Perhaps I ought to have let him go in my place。〃 Ramses leaned back against the cushions and closed his eyes。 The dark stains of exhaustion under his eyes were very visible。 〃I made a thorough muckup of the whole business。 I'm sorry 。 。 。〃
 Nefret was sitting cross…legged on the divan next to him。 She stood up; the bracelets on her ankles and wrists jingling musically。 〃Stop saying you're sorry!〃
 〃Quite right;〃 Emerson exclaimed。 〃I am the one who should apologize; my boy; for badgering you。 Go and get some rest。〃
 Ramses sat up; propping his heavy head with his hands。 〃It might have been him。 There wasn't time to get a good look。 I couldn't determine whether the soldiers were guarding a prisoner or protecting a holy man。 But the mere fact that I am here; and not in Sahin's cell; is a strong indication that Sethos is in Gaza。 Unless that is what we are meant to believe 。 。 。 Sorry。 I seem to be adding to the deadwood instead of clearing it away。〃
 〃You didn't have time to question the girl; I suppose;〃 I said。 〃And don't say you're sorry again!〃
 Ramses summoned up a feeble grin。 〃Yes; Mother。 I did ask who had helped her。 She claimed no one had; that it was all her doing。〃
 〃She lied;〃 I said。 〃Quite understandable; she wanted the credit and your … er … gratitude。〃
 Ramses shook his head。 〃I don't think so。 Her fear was genuine。 You know how Sethos operates。 If it was he who arranged my escape; he'd have found a way of supplying her with everything she needed while leaving her with the impression that the whole thing had been her idea。〃
 〃But how did he manage it?〃 I demanded。 〃He had less than twelve hours to e up with a plan and carry it out。 He must have known the identity of Sahin's prisoner; for surely he would not have taken such a risk for a stranger。 How did he find out it was you?〃
 〃That question hadn't occurred to me。〃 Ramses sat up straighter。 〃And it may be significant。 Could that have been why Sahin didn't pop me into his little cell straightaway? Damn it; yes! He put me on display … beardless and bareheaded; easily recognizable … and when they did take me downstairs they paraded me through most of the house first。 If Sethos was staying in the same house 。 。 。〃 His brief animation faded。 〃It still doesn't answer the most important questions。〃
 〃Yes; yes;〃 Emerson said gruffly。 〃We'll talk about it later。 Take him away; Nefret。〃
 Ramses got slowly to his feet。 〃Take me where?〃
 〃To my little private cubicle;〃 Nefret said; drawing his arm over her shoulders。
 〃Are there any peepholes in the walls?〃
 〃Probably。 Does it matter?〃
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