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 The chains clinked and he swore under his breath。 They were making too much noise and taking too much time。 It was too damned quiet。 Hadn't Sahin left a guard? Maybe it wasn't a trick after all。 If her father had set it up; she was putting on a very convincing show of fear。 As soon as he stood; she thrust a bundle at him。
 〃Put it on。 Hurry!〃
 The caftan was probably one of Sahin's。 It was of fine wool and far too costly for someone who wanted to be inconspicuous; but since he had no choice in the matter; he put it on; and wound the woolen scarf over his head and face。 The last item in the bundle was a knife。 She'd thought of everything … except a belt。 He slashed a strip off the bottom of the caftan; tied it round his waist; and slipped the knife through the makeshift sash。
 She let him precede her to the door but stayed so close behind him he could hear her agitated breathing。 She'd left the door ajar。 Ramses swept the torch in a hasty circuit; half expecting to see Sahin's grin and a heavily armed guard; but the corridor was empty。
 〃That way。〃 She extended a shaking arm over his shoulder。
 〃I know。 Is there anyone in the other cells?〃
 〃What does it matter? Hurry!〃
 She pushed at him; but he stood firm。 〃Is there?〃
 The light of the torch showed that the doors were not barred or bolted; but he couldn't leave without making certain。 He eased them open; one after the other; just far enough to look inside。 Despite his care; the hinges gave off a series of groans; echoed; on a higher note; by the girl。 She tugged at his arm。
 Ramses let himself be drawn away。 The cells had been unoccupied except by a family of rats that had set up housekeeping in a pile of moldy straw。 She led the way now; tiptoeing; her black skirts raised。 Ramses followed her up the stone steps and through a mazelike series of narrow passages and small storerooms。 She certainly knew her way around the cellars。 He doubted very much that she had explored them herself。
 But they had met no one and seen no one when she finally stopped by a wooden door and tugged at the handle。 Somehow Ramses was not surprised when the portal swung silently open。 Stars shone bright overhead; illumining a walled courtyard。 It was strictly utilitarian; no fountain; no flowers; only weeds and piles of trash。 They were at the back of the villa; near the kitchens。 He looked up; scanning the night sky; and found the Dipper and the North Star。 It would be light in a few hours。 Time was definitely of the essence; but there was one question he had to ask。
 He turned to the girl。 〃Who helped you?〃
 〃No one helped me! I did it myself; all of it。 I saw you today when they brought you in; and I 。 。 。 There is no time for this。 You must hurry。〃
 〃But how did you know …〃
 〃No questions! It won't be easy to find your way out of the city。 I must show you where …〃
 〃No; go back to your rooms before you are missed。 I know where I am now。〃
 She put her hands on his arms。 〃A horse。 I will get one for you。〃
 〃Why don't you just paint a target on my back?〃 Ramses inquired; and immediately felt guilty when her mouth quivered pathetically。 Her face was so close he could see the kohl lining her eyes。 She'd made herself up as if for an assignation; and that absurd pink frock was probably one of her best。
 〃I'm sorry;〃 he whispered; and although every moment counted now; he racked his brain to remember a few pleasing platitudes。 〃You have saved my life。 I will never forget …〃
 His breath came out in a grunt as she threw herself against him。 〃We will meet again one day;〃 she gasped。 〃You can never be mine; but your image will be enshrined in my heart!〃
 〃I forgot that one;〃 Ramses muttered。 She was a well…rounded armful; soft and warm and heavy; and there seemed to be only one way of getting her to stop talking。
 So he kissed her; thoroughly but somewhat absentmindedly; and then detached the clinging arms and propelled her through the open door。
 〃Through that gate;〃 she panted。 〃Turn to the left …〃
 〃Yes; right。 Uh … God bless you。〃
 He pulled the door shut and headed; not for the gate; but for the wall to his right。 How long would it be before they discovered he was gone; and warned the defenders that an English spy was on the loose? Maybe not for hours。 Maybe a lot sooner。 He couldn't take the chance of waiting until morning and strolling out the way he had e。
 Once over the wall; he found himself in a typical Middle Eastern street; narrow; dusty; and extremely dark。 His suspicions had been incorrect; there was no one lurking outside the gate。
 He had exaggerated a trifle when he told the girl he knew where he was; but it didn't take long to orient himself。 The lacy; domed minaret of the Great Mosque pricked the moonlit sky to the southwest。 He was near the Serai; then; the governor's palace; and the quickest way out of town was westward。
 It took him longer than he had hoped。 He had to avoid the main east…west street; which was well lighted; with men standing guard at the entrances to official buildings。 The lanes wound in illogical curves; and twice he had to climb a wall to avoid patrols。 Luckily the marching men made enough noise to warn him of their approach。
 Three miles of sand dunes separated Gaza from the Mediterranean。 There was plenty of cover … the ruins of the ancient seaport of Gaza … and the picket lines were widely spaced; since their primary purpose was to guard against agents who might be landed from the sea。 The first pallid light of dawn was showing in the east before Ramses waded out into the water。 He had hoped to 〃borrow〃 a fishing boat under cover of darkness; but it was too late now; a boat would be seen and fired upon。 With a heartfelt groan; he shed Sahin's caftan and began to swim。
 〃He's all right;〃 Nefret said。 〃Believe me。 I always know when he isn't。〃
 I wanted to believe her。 The bond between them was so strong that she had always been able to sense; not so much danger … Ramses was in trouble a good deal of the time … but an imminent threat to his life。 She didn't look as if she had slept well; though。 None of us had。 It had been almost twenty…four hours since we got the word that Ramses had been captured and we had spent most of that time discussing what we should do about it。 Emerson does not bear waiting well。 By late afternoon he had walked a good ten miles; pacing back and forth across the tiled floor of the saloon。
 〃We cannot act yet;〃 I insisted; for the tenth time。 〃Give him a little more time。 He's got himself out of worse situations; and at least we know he was alive when he was last seen。 Emerson; for pity's sake; stop pacing。 What you need is a nice hot cup of tea。 Help me; Nefret。〃
 Emerson said he did not need the confounded tea; but I needed something to do and so; in my considered opinion; did Nefret。 The confidence she had expressed to us had not rendered her indifferent to the fate of one dearer to her than life itself; her breath came quick and fast; and her hands shook so badly I had to prepare the tea myself。
 Suddenly she sprang up。 It was anticipation; not fear; that had made her tremble … the unbearable; final moments of waiting for an event greatly desired。 As she turned 
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