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 〃All's well that ends well; eh; Peabody?〃 he inquired。
 〃Hmmm;〃 I said。 〃Nefret?〃
 She was conferring with Kadija。 〃No broken bones;〃 she announced。 〃He was lucky。 But he'll have to stay off that foot for a few days。〃
 〃Lucky!〃 Cyrus burst out。 〃He had no business going off like that。 He …〃
 〃Is not the only person present who has ever been guilty of reckless behavior;〃 I interrupted。
 Ramses gave me a wide; unself…conscious grin; and then sobered。 〃We'd have found him eventually; Cyrus; even without Jumana。〃
 The girl must have been even more annoying than usual that day; or he would not have minimized her effort。 We would certainly have looked for Bertie; but we might not have found him in time。 It might well be said that the young man owed her his life。
 〃Who bandaged his hand?〃 Nefret asked。
 〃I wish everyone would stop talking about me in the third person;〃 Bertie said stiffly。 〃Jumana …〃
 〃Yes; I did it!〃 She jumped up; jangling。 〃You see; I have my belt of tools; too; like the Sitt Hakim! I washed his hand and bandaged it and I took care of him。 He was very stupid to go there alone。〃
 Bertie turned red; but he didn't have a chance to defend himself; he had not yet learned that in our circle it is necessary to shout in order to be heard。 Emerson did it for him。 Men always close ranks when women criticize one of them。
 〃And so were you; Jumana。〃 Emerson slammed his cup down in the saucer。 〃Any man or woman; even the most experienced; could suffer an accident in that terrain; and die of exposure before he was found。 No; young lady; don't talk back to me! Why didn't you tell Vandergelt where you were going?〃
 Jumana bowed her head。 〃I wanted to find him myself;〃 she murmured。
 〃I see。〃 Emerson's voice softened; and Bertie's face went even redder。 Men are such innocents; they had taken her statement as a declaration of affectionate interest。 I; who had once pointed out to Jumana that wealthy and powerful Cyrus Vandergelt would think well of anyone who looked after his adopted son; suspected that self…interest had been her primary motive。
 〃Enough of recriminations;〃 I said。 〃We must …〃
 〃I'm not finished recriminating;〃 Cyrus declared。 〃Not by a damned sight。 Excuse my language; ladies; but I've got a few words to say to my old pal here。 Emerson; you deliberately and with malice aforethought pawned Deir el Medina off on me so you could do what I would have done if you hadn't told me not to do it! And by the Almighty; there is a tomb out there! We've got proof now。〃
 Emerson looked sheepish and drank out of his cracked cup。 Tea dribbled down the front of his shirt; but I cannot say its condition was appreciably worsened thereby。
 〃If we had found anything of interest; I would have let you in on it; Vandergelt;〃 he mumbled。 〃I only wanted to … er … save you time and effort。〃
 〃Oh。 All right; then;〃 Cyrus said; mollified。 〃But now we know there is a tomb …〃
 〃I'm afraid not; Cyrus;〃 Ramses said。 〃Jamil may not be the most intelligent opponent we've ever faced; but he isn't stupid enough to give away the location of the tomb … if there is one。〃
 〃The gold Bertie saw …〃 Cyrus began。
 〃He said it glittered like gold;〃 Ramses interrupted impatiently。 〃Hasn't it occurred to you that the boy has been deliberately leading us astray?〃
 〃It had occurred to me; of course;〃 I said。
 Ramses's sober face relaxed into a grin and Emerson snarled wordlessly。 〃Where is the tomb; then?〃 Cyrus demanded。
 〃Like Ramses; I am not convinced there is one;〃 I replied。 〃I can think of a number of reasons why Jamil might want to lead us on a wild…goose chase。 'He only does it to annoy; because he knows it teases。' Or he may want to lure us into a trap。 It is wild country; and Bertie's accident today is a grim reminder of what can happen if he catches one of us alone。〃
 Jumana lifted her chin and stared defiantly at me。 The rather pathetic collection of tools on her belt jingled as she shifted position。 I wondered if she had also acquired a parasol。
 〃He didn't mean to hurt Bertie;〃 she declared。 〃It was an accident。〃
 〃That's right;〃 Bertie said quickly。
 〃Perhaps he didn't intend to;〃 I said。 〃But the result might have been disastrous。 He's been watching us … spying on us。〃
 〃Damnation!〃 Emerson exclaimed。 〃Jumana … Bertie … all of you … don't take any more chances; do you hear? Even if Jamil appears decked out in the Double Crown and the full regalia of a pharaoh; blowing kisses; don't follow him。〃
 〃Here!〃 Cyrus exclaimed; his eyes brightening。 〃Do you think it's a royal tomb he's found?〃
 〃Good Gad; Vandergelt; is that all you can think of?〃 Emerson gave him a rueful smile。 〃I thought of it; too; I admit。 But there won't be a king's tomb in that area。 My point is that none of us must go into a remote area alone。 It is too dangerous; as Bertie discovered today。〃
 〃Oh。〃 Cyrus glanced apologetically at Bertie。 〃Sorry; son; I was forgetting about your foot。 Guess I'd better get you home。 I'll go to the Castle and send the carriage。〃
 〃I can ride;〃 Bertie said; trying to push himself to his feet。
 〃Take Risha;〃 Ramses said; before any of us could voice an objection。 〃Jamad can go with you and bring him back。 Here; let me give you a hand。〃
 〃Don't put your weight on that foot;〃 Nefret called; as they left the room; Bertie hopping and leaning on Ramses's arm。 Neither of them replied。 Closing ranks; I thought。 Closing ranks!
 〃A word of advice; if I may; Cyrus;〃 I said。
 He had been about to go after them。 He stopped and turned to me。 From his expression and that of my husband I suspected one of them was about to make a sarcastic ment; so I went on before either could do so。 〃Don't treat him like a child。 He is a grown man and must make his own decisions。 He did it for you; you know。〃
 〃I know。〃 Cyrus tugged at his goatee。 He turned a challenging look on Emerson。 〃So; old buddy; where are we going tomorrow?〃
 Emerson mumbled something。
 〃Hey?〃 said Cyrus; cupping his hand round his ear。
 〃Not;〃 I said; 〃to the Cemetery of the Monkeys。 We will meet you at Deir el Medina tomorrow; Cyrus。 All of us。〃
 As soon as Cyrus had taken his departure; Emerson fled to the bath chamber。 He was well aware that this was only a temporary refuge; after arranging a few domestic matters; I followed him。 I had intended to sit on the edge of the bath but he was splashing the water all about; so I leaned against the wall instead。 Emerson gave me a cheerful smile。
 〃Did you have a pleasant day; my love?〃 he inquired。
 〃Quite pleasant。 Emerson; why do you do this sort of thing? You know I will find out in the end。〃
 〃Certainly I know。 I enjoy stirring you up; Peabody。 And you enjoy ferreting out my evil schemes and scolding me。〃 He got to his feet。
 I always say there is nothing like a vigorous out…of…door life to keep a person in excellent physical condition。 Emerson had changed very little since the days when I had first known him … except of course for the absence of the beard that had hidden his firm chin and strong jaw。 His stalwart form was as trim; the pull of muscle across his broad shoulders just as distracting。
 〃I will not be distracted; Emerson;〃 I informed him。
 〃No?〃 He s
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