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 I invited Fatima to acpany me on my tour of inspection。 Selim; who had been awaiting us; came along; not because he wanted to; but because I insisted。 Like his father; he was never quite sure how I would respond to his efforts along domestic lines。 Abdullah had been inclined to wax sarcastic about what he considered my unreasonable demands for cleanliness。 〃The men are sweeping the desert; Sitt;〃 he had once remarked。 〃How far from the house must they go?〃
 Dear Abdullah。 I missed him still。 At least he had tried; which was more than Emerson ever did。
 In fact; I found very little to disapprove; and Selim's wary expression turned to a smile as I piled pliment upon pliment。 The new wing; which I intended for Sennia and her entourage … Basima; Gargery; and the cat … had a number of rooms surrounding a small courtyard; with a shaded arcade along one side and a charming little fountain in the center。 The new furniture I had ordered had been delivered; and while we were there; one of the maids hurried in with an armful of linens and began to make up the beds。
 〃Excellent;〃 I exclaimed。 〃All it needs is … er … um … well; nothing really; except for some plants in the courtyard。〃
 〃We thought we should leave that to you; Sitt;〃 said Selim。
 〃Yes; quite。 I enjoy my gardening。〃
 I meant to make a few other changes as well; but they could wait。
 The others were still in the sitting room; with several other members of the family who had turned up; including Kadija; Daoud's wife; all talking at once and doing absolutely nothing useful。 I made a few pointed remarks about unpacking; to which no one listened; dismissed Selim; and asked Nefret to join me and Fatima for the rest of the tour。
 She had seen only the unfinished shell of the second house; which was situated a few hundred yards away。 The intervening space would be filled in with flowering plants; shrubs; and trees as soon as I could supervise their planting and cultivation。 Just now it was desert…bare; but the structure itself looked very nice; I thought; its mud…brick walls plastered in a pretty shade of pale ocher。 My orders had been carried out; the interior was as modern and fortable as anyone could wish; including an elegant bath chamber and a small courtyard; enclosed for privacy。 As we went from room to room I found myself chattering away with scarcely a pause for breath; pointing out the amenities and explaining at unnecessary length that any desired alterations could be acplished quickly and easily。 Nefret listened in silence; nodding from time to time; her face unsmiling。 Finally she said quietly; 〃It's all right; Mother;〃 and I got hold (figuratively speaking) of my wagging tongue。
 〃Dear me;〃 I said somewhat sheepishly。 〃I sound like a tradesperson hoping to sell a house。 I beg your pardon; my dear。〃
 〃Don't apologize。 You mean this for us; don't you … for Ramses and me。 You didn't tell me last year that was what you intended。〃
 〃My intentions are not relevant; Nefret。 It is entirely up to you。 If you prefer to stay on the dahabeeyah; as you used to do; that is perfectly all right。 But I thought 。 。 。 It is some distance from our house; you see; and once I have the plantings in place they will provide additional privacy; and we would not dream; any of us; of intruding without an invitation; and …〃
 〃Can you imagine Father waiting for an invitation?〃 Nefret inquired seriously。 〃Or Sennia?〃
 〃I will make certain they do;〃 I said。
 〃It is a beautiful house。 But a trifle large for two people; perhaps?〃
 〃D'you really think so? In my opinion …〃
 〃Oh; Mother!〃 Laughter transformed her face; from shining blue eyes to curving lips。 She put her arm round me; and Fatima; who had listened anxiously to the exchange; broke into a broad smile。 Nefret gave her a hug too。
 〃It is a beautiful house;〃 she repeated。 〃Thank you … both of you … for working so hard to make it perfect。〃
 The appearance of Sethos at the Cairo railroad station had worried Ramses more than he admitted。 He would have been the first to agree that his feelings for his uncle were ambivalent。 You couldn't help admiring the man's courage and cleverness; you couldn't help resenting the fact that he was always one or two steps ahead of you。 Affection … yes; there was that; on both sides; he thought … a belated understanding of the tragedies that had turned Sethos to a life of crime; appreciation of the risks he had taken for them and for the country that had denied him his birthright 。 。 。 Ramses felt certain he was still taking those risks。 Had he turned up to greet them because he was about to embark on another job; one from which he might not return? It was a far…fetched notion; perhaps; but Ramses had once been a player in 〃the Great Game;〃 and he was only too familiar with that fatalistic state of mind。
 He did not mention this; not even to his wife。 It would worry her; and the others; including his father。 Emerson's pretense of indifference didn't fool Ramses。 〃Bastard〃 was one of Emerson's favorite epithets。 It was indicative that he never used it to refer to his illegitimate brother。
 However; there had been no sign of Sethos since; and no indication that he was back in the antiquities business。 Ramses was relieved when his father decided to leave Cairo。 If Nefret had insisted on acpanying him on a tour of the coffeeshops he could not have denied her; she had demanded a role as equal partner in all his activities; and God knew she had earned it。 He believed he had put up a fairly good show of willing acquiescence; but the idea of seeing her facing thieves and murderers still made his hair stand on end。
 Anyhow; he preferred Luxor to Cairo and the Theban cemeteries to those of ancient Memphis。 Emerson had managed to get official permission to excavate the ancient village at Deir el Medina and Ramses was looking forward to a long; peaceful period of purely archaeological work。 They wouldn't find any buried treasure or long…lost tombs; which was fine with him。 As for the recent discovery that had aroused Cyrus Vandergelt's interest; he hoped he could persuade his father to stay out of that matter。 They had had enough trouble with tomb robbers the year before。
 His mother's energetic renovations had altered the house almost beyond recognition。 There were new structures all around。 The shaded veranda was the same; however; and the sitting room still had its handsome antique rugs and familiar furniture。 Nefret went at once to the pianoforte and ran her fingers over the keys。
 〃Is it not right?〃 Fatima asked anxiously。 〃I will find someone …〃
 〃I can't imagine where;〃 Nefret said with a smile。 〃Actually it's in remarkably good tune; considering。〃
 〃Sounds fine to me;〃 declared Emerson; who was blissfully tone…deaf。 He looked round with an air of great satisfaction。 〃Help me unpack these books; Nefret。 First things first。〃
 A brief and inconclusive argument with his wife; who wanted him to inspect the new wing; ended with her marching off with Fatima and Selim and Emerson happily wrenching the tops from cases of books; which he proceeded to put in piles all over the floor。 He hadn't got very far before they were interrupted by visitors。 
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