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ace。 〃I must feed my children first;〃 he said。 Went straight to the heart。 Unlike dogs; which are unclean; cats are favored … did not the Prophet allow his cat to sleep on his sleeve? … but they just can't afford to feed them all; much less neuter them。 So far as I know there is no spay…neuter clinic in Cairo; but I wouldn't be surprised if one got started。 Our group was discussing it later and they include some determined folk。
 After an excellent dinner at a hotel in the Khan; and a lot of sentimental speeches; we were off to the airport and an interminable wait; plane left on time; though; and I collapsed and dozed till NY。 The usual delay getting bags; no problem with customs … and the first sight I saw when I emerged was Kristen's beaming face; the second Tim's beaming face。 They put me in the car; which they had driven up early that morning; and took me home。 
 Epilogue。 I wish I could describe in detail just how enjoyable this trip was for me。 I've never met a nicer group of people … unfailingly courteous; thoughtful; intelligent; interested; and full of gusto。 I hope to keep in touch with all of them。
 … Elizabeth Peters


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