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 I shook my head。 〃Here is an interesting invitation; however。 The Albions are giving a dinner party and dance on Friday。 The honor of our presence is requested。 There is a little note penned by Mrs。 Albion herself; hoping that Jumana will also honor her。〃
 〃Me?〃 Jumana's eyes opened very wide。
 〃Her?〃 Emerson exclaimed。 〃What the devil for?〃
 〃She is one of the family;〃 Nefret said。 〃I expect they are trying to make up for 。 。 。 for any inadvertent rudeness in the past。〃
 〃They have not been rude;〃 Jumana said。 〃They sent me flowers; when I was sick。〃
 〃They did? You didn't tell me。〃
 〃Many people sent me presents;〃 Jumana said proudly。 〃Bertie; and Mr。 Vandergelt; and Daoud; and an American gentleman I met at Mr。 Vandergelt's party。 Will we go? There will be dancing。 I like to dance。〃
 〃I believe not;〃 I said。
 〃Why not?〃 Emerson inquired。 〃It should be a … er … enjoyable outing。〃
 〃Emerson!〃 I exclaimed。 〃What are you up to now?〃
 Emerson's sapphirine…blue eyes met my own with a wholly unconvincing look of candor。 〃I only wish to give you pleasure; my dear。 You like such things。 It is the least a fellow can do。〃
 Ramses knew perfectly well what his father was 〃up to。〃 Deny it as he might; he was as obsessed as Cyrus with Jamil's tomb。 In a way; Ramses couldn't blame him。 The words ran through his own head like a litany: The hand of the god。 What god? Where? It was beginning to interfere with his personal life。 Nefret shook him awake that night; plaining that he had been muttering the words in his sleep。 〃If you must talk in your sleep; you might at least mumble about me!〃
 After he had apologized by reciting the epithets of Hathor … 〃Golden One; Lady of Fragrance; Mistress of All the Gods〃 … and acted upon them … she settled down with her head on his shoulder and admitted she couldn't get that enigmatic clue out of her head either。
 〃I've been wondering whether we ought not question Jumana again;〃 she said。 〃She has a fantastic memory and almost total recall; even for accents。 Wasn't it enchanting to hear her imitate Cyrus?〃
 〃It was rather uncanny hearing her imitate Jamil the day we found Mother and Father;〃 Ramses said。 〃Are you suggesting that if we asked the right questions she might remember something Jamil said about the tomb?〃
 〃That's how her memory seems to operate。〃
 〃It's worth a try; I suppose。 We might even be able to talk Father out of breaking into the Albions' suite。〃
 〃You're joking。 No; damn it; you aren't!〃
 He had told her of his conversation with Emerson。 She had scoffed at the time; but now 。 。 。
 〃That's why he agreed to go to their party!〃 she groaned。 〃What are we going to do?〃
 〃Make sure they don't catch him in the act。 He's dead set on this; Nefret。 I've been thinking about it and I don't believe it will do any harm。〃
 She relaxed against him and let out a breath of laughter。 〃Well; maybe not。 Even if the worst happened … if someone found him in their rooms … he'd talk his way out of it。〃
 〃Shout; not talk;〃 Ramses corrected。 〃What could they do to him; after all? There isn't a man in Luxor who would dare interfere with him。〃
 All the same; he was a little on edge the night of the party。 His father had readily admitted he meant to search the Albions' rooms; he had raised the subject himself; overruling Ramses's half…hearted protests and requesting his assistance。
 〃I will signal you when I'm ready to act。 Keep an eye on the Albions。 If one of them starts to leave the ballroom … well; you will know what to do。〃
 〃Start a fight with Sebastian; for example? All right; Father; I'll think of something。 I hope。 You will be in disguise; I suppose。〃
 His father grinned happily。 〃Just the usual; my boy; just the usual。 Er … might I borrow a beard? Your mother must have done something with mine; I can't find it。 Oh; and if she asks where I am; put her off somehow。〃
 It wouldn't be easy; keeping tabs on three people and fending his mother off; but Ramses thought he could manage it with Nefret's assistance。 He only hoped his mother didn't have ideas of her own。 She looked very handsome that evening; in a gown of her favorite crimson; the diamonds in her ears sparkling。 Nefret was radiant in amber satin; and Jumana looked like any young girl on her way to a dance … eyes shining; cheeks flushed。
 The Albions had hired the entire hotel; or at least the public rooms; including the dining saloon。 That presented no problem to the management; since the convalescent officers who occupied part of the hotel had all been invited。 Everyone in Luxor seemed to be there; including the Vandergelts。 Mr。 Albion's money and his wife's good taste made it quite a splendid affair; the wine flowed freely and the food was excellent。 After dinner; when the dancing was about to begin; Ramses edged up to his father。
 〃Is there any way I can persuade you not to do this?〃
 〃Now; now; my boy; it will be all right; you'll see。〃 Emerson plucked irritably at his tie。 It looked wilted。 〃I am going to dance with your mother and Katherine; and then give our hostess a whirl; and after that I will quietly steal away。〃
 〃Have you asked Mrs。 Albion? The ladies have dance cards。 You're supposed to put your name down for a particular dance。〃
 〃Absurd。 Dancing should be spontaneous。 Joie de vivre and that sort of thing。〃
 He strolled away; his hands in his pockets。
 Ramses also approved of joie de vivre; but he had been lectured by his mother and his wife about proper procedure。 He'd never been able to see the point of the little cards … appointment slips; one might call them … unless it was to give popular ladies a sense of power; and make unpopular ladies squirm when they saw all the blank spaces。
 Jumana was loving every moment of it … the flowers; the fancy dresses; the little booklet and pencil attached to her slim wrist by a golden cord。 When Ramses asked for a dance she presented the booklet with an air of great importance and an irrepressible giggle。 He needn't have worried about her being neglected; Bertie and Cyrus had signed on; and so had both the Albions。 There were several other names Ramses didn't know。 She had attracted quite a lot of attention; with her exotic looks and exquisite little figure。
 He had allowed himself the pleasure of engaging his wife for the second dance; as they circled the floor; he warned her of his father's intentions。 Emerson was waltzing with Katherine; looking as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth。
 〃How are we supposed to watch three people at once?〃 Nefret grumbled。 〃With everything else that's going on? I promised Mother I'd make sure Jumana is enjoying herself。〃
 〃Obviously she is。〃 White skirts flaring; Jumana was light as thistledown in the respectful grasp of a tall American Ramses remembered having met at Cyrus's soiree。
 〃Mr。 Lubancic;〃 Nefret said; following his gaze。 〃He's very nice。 I've got Mr。 Albion for the third dance and you for the fourth; suppose I corner Sebastian for that one instead; and you ask Mrs。 Albion。〃
 〃I suppose I can't very well dance with Mr。 Albion。 We'll just have to be prepared for emergency action。 Be ready to faint or pretend you've seen a mouse if I give a distr
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