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ot past。
 The pale; distorted face receded as if Deal were the stationary one; he watched helplessly as the man was yanked into oblivion by some otherworldly force。 Then the front end of the Hog tipped up abruptly; and Deal felt himself plunging down into his own abyss。 There was a crunching sound; metal against rock; another; and another; a jolt as his head rammed the roof; a second as it bashed against the wheel。
 He was seeing only bright flashes of light now; had lost all sense of orientation。 Upside down; sideways; going forward; or back? Impossible to know。 He heard a tremendous splash; felt another jolt and a momentary weightlessness before gravity finally caught up with him。 Gentle rocking now; and then a slow but steady descent。 The smell of seawater; brackish rot; odor of the grave; he thought。
 He was in the water and going down。 Groggy; he felt his hands grope blindly; frantically for the handle of the door。 He sensed a great coolness envelop his chest; his groin; his neck。 Strange objects bumped at his face; slid away; curled back again。 He felt the door lever slide into his grasp like some odd creature from the deep。 He pulled。 Kicked reflexively at the door; felt resistance; unlatched his seat belt in a kind of daze。
 He felt release then; free drifting in water that was cool and somehow warm at once。 His limbs were heavy now; his head lolling in the current。 Whatever instinctual source of energy had enabled him to escape had expended itself。 He floated beneath the surface; his consciousness teetering; sensing that soon he would open his mouth and take that great last gasp that would fill his lungs with water and sink him like a stone。 Worst of all; there was nothing he could do about it; not one thing。
 He felt the pressure building in his chest; acpanied by a mounting fire in his brain。 He willed his arms to move; his legs to kick; but the signals flew off down blind trails; leaving him adrift; rudderless; a ship with a captain shouting orders from the bridge and no one left in the engine room。 As he drifted into darkness; he dreamed that something…a hand; or perhaps a diver's fin…came to brush against his chest; and then he became aware of a great presence swelling up beneath him。 In this dream or vision; he began to rise through the murky water; picking up speed; spiraling upward toward some brilliant pool of light。 Aside from the rather hackneyed image of the light; it seemed a lovely dream to him; one in which he felt his face break the surface of the water as if it were a tangible membrane; a passage into some other world; where he could gulp down air like any other man; and simply live and be。
 〃Just lie still; you。〃 The woman's voice came to him from the darkness。 A small voice; ancient; and yet carrying the authority of its years。 He blinked his eyes; realized that it wasn't just darkness; that in fact he couldn't see。 He raised his hands in a panic; felt hers pull him down。
 〃You've got some nasty bumps and cuts there;〃 she said。 〃I've got a poultice resting。 It's not to be disturbed。〃
 Deal felt the pressure of cloth; at his face。 Yes; maybe he could detect a nimbus of light。 He blinked again; felt his lids rustle at the bandages; smelled vague medicinal odors。
 〃Hospital;〃 he heard himself mumble。
 She laughed。 〃There won't be any hospital tonight; unh…uh。 They got the whole of Coconut Grove cordoned off; they do。 Waitin' for the fuss to burn itself out。〃
 Deal heard distant shouts; chanting; the double boom of a shotgun。 He felt a wave of dizziness sweep over him。 He lay back; remembering; trying to prehend all that had happened。
 〃Where am I?〃 he managed; at last。 He groped about him; felt crisp sheets; a blanket; realized his clothes were gone; that he was wearing some kind of flannel gown。 A lady's nightgown? It couldn't be。 Surely it couldn't。
 〃Keep your hands off those bandages; now; or I'll tie 'em down; you hear me。〃 Deal nodded; rested his hands on his chest。
 〃You're one lucky boy;〃 she cackled。 〃Lucky old Booger took a liking to you; lucky I was there to pull you out。〃
 〃He's a manatee;〃 she said。 〃He's the last sane creature that lives in these parts; and that includes me。 All the fuss erupted downtown; I went over to have a chat with Booger; see if maybe he thought this was a sign。〃
 〃A sign?〃 Deal's head was swimming again。
 〃The beginning of the end;〃 she said。 〃Booger and me got a running bet。 Hundred and two; I think I'll be around to witness it; he says we got a ways to go yet。 I found him in his little grotto; keeping you propped up on a chunk of boat seat。〃
 The dream was ing back to him now。 The vague presence; being propelled upward; toward a pool of light he'd taken for the light。 He shook his head。
 〃Did you have a flashlight with you?〃 he asked。
 〃You think I can see in the dark?〃 she snorted。 〃Here; raise up some。 I want you to take a drink of this。〃
 He felt a wiry hand under his neck; sensed something warm and steaming at his lips。 The smell was bitter; even searing。 〃What is it?〃 he said。
 〃Swamp yarbs;〃 she said。 〃Now drink it; or I'll hold your nose and pour it down you。〃
 Deal sensed it wasn't a bluff。 He was so weak he had no doubt she was capable of doing exactly what she said。 He nodded; helped her guide the cup to his lips。
 Despite its wretched smell; the brew tasted amazingly good。 Licorice; he thought。 And something earthy。 With an unidentifiable blend of herbs。 It was bracing。 And just as quickly; soporific。 He was drifting again by the time his head hit the pillow。
 〃Booger showed me what you floated in on;〃 she said。
 〃I don't know what you mean;〃 Deal said。
 〃What you had tied to that boat seat;〃 she said。
 Deal shook his head。 〃I 。。。 I fell into the water;〃 he said。
 〃Course you did;〃 she said。 〃You wrecked your boat and damn near drowned。〃
 〃No;〃 he said。 He felt himself spiraling。 〃I didn't。〃
 〃Carrying a thing like that; I'd hate to admit it myself;〃 she said。
 Deal wanted to protest again; but he was just too tired。
 〃I showed it to Booger; though;〃 she cackled。 〃Fried his apples; I'll tell you。 See there; I told 'im。 Here es the end of the world; Booger; just like I said。〃
 He hadn't the slightest idea what she was talking about; but she'd get no argument from him。 Not this night。 She was still cackling when he went under for good。
 3。 BISCAYNE BLUES…Paul Levine
 Just how much is a whiplash worth?〃 John Deal asked; twisting awkwardly in his cervical collar。
 〃That depends on whether Dr。 Scheinblum is sober when he testifies;〃 his lawyer; Jake Lassiter; answered。
 Deal hadn't been in court since an action film star had sued him over a broken pump motor in a custom…built Jacuzzi。 Lassiter had won the case; cleverly arguing that the tub hadn't been intended for a dozen persons; eleven of whom happened to be strippers from Club Plutonium; bobbing for apples and whatnot in the foamy water。
 Deal had nearly been late this morning。 Though a native of Miami who had built houses in virtually every neighborhood; he had bee lost on a stretch of Eighth Street…Calle Ocho…recently renamed Olga Guillot Way。 A few blocks to the west; the same street was called Celia Cruz W
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