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for a moment; then turned away。 Deal felt as if he'd been marked; somehow:
 Another Yuppie lemming; a guy so rich he could afford to fart around with a perfectly good Cadillac car; on his way through shantytown; headed for the mindless glitz up ahead。
 He could get out; Deal thought; leave the Hog where it was; take a seat beside the old guy; try to convince him otherwise。 Explain how he was on his way to see his estranged wife; convince her to e back home again; how he was having trouble with his finances; how we were all in this mess together; just like the Benetton ads said。 The old guy could give him his blessing; they could wear colorful sweaters together and be friends。
 Sure。 And pigs could sing the Hallelujah Chorus。
 He did get out of the Hog; though; leaving the door wide open as he stepped up into the Hog's bed for a better look at what might be happening。 Slow was one thing; but they hadn't moved at all; not for a good ten minutes。
 What he saw filled him with dismay。 The junction of Main and Grand; a kind of mini…Times Square just opposite the multileveled CocoWalk mall; was bad enough on a normal Saturday…endless streams of pedestrians ignoring the signals; la…de…dah…ing through the inching traffic; stopping to chat with the drivers; dodging rickshaw drivers and bikers weaving through it all。 But this was way beyond normal。
 A pulsing; unmoving throng had jammed the intersection。 A roar wafted down the line toward him; and he caught a glimpse of a huge; naked man being borne aloft on the uplifted arms of the crowd。 Then he saw another figure bouncing atop the crowd…a policeman; he realized。 Beer foam shot in streamers from cheering onlookers massed at the CocoWalk railings。 Cans arced down; bottles; what looked like a shoe。 Then shirts; other articles of clothing fluttering in the breeze。
 Another roar from the crowd as a topless girl jumped onto the hood of a car and began an energetic boogie。 Deal stepped down from the bed of the Hog; got back in the driver's seat。 The mob would make its way right down the line of stalled traffic; he thought。 How many of them would it take to lift the Hog; tip it over; turn it into a trampoline?
 Deal felt a jolt; then realized the Accord behind him had popped his bumper。 He glanced in the mirror。 The driver of the Accord; a kid with a ball cap turned backward; was leaning halfway out his window; talking to someone in a car headed in the opposite direction。 The Accord bumped him again; hard enough to rock Deal in his seat。 The kid was still talking; oblivious。
 Deal glanced ahead。 There was a bona fide pickup truck in front of him; with what looked like a pile of scuba gear in the back。 The crowd was going to love that; he thought…dive naked; dive free。 He also noted that the pickup had moved slightly; allowing him a couple feet of clearance。 Deal checked the mirror again; dropped the Hog in reverse。
 He eased back until he felt his bumper engage the Accord's; then gave the Hog some pedal。 He felt resistance; pressed down harder。 The Hog's engine growled; all eight cylinders getting seriously involved。 He heard a cry…maybe his tires'; maybe the kid's…saw through the mirror that smoke was rising from the Hog's rear tires; saw that the kid had lost his balance; was tumbling out his window as the Accord lurched backward。
 When he figured he had made enough room; Deal let off the gas; dropped the Hog into drive; leaned hard on the wheel。 The Hog turned neatly on its redone suspension; swung about; darted into a gap that had formed as the line of traffic heading out of the Grove began to move。 Deal stopped; rolled down his window; motioned to the startled driver of the pickup with the scuba gear。 A remarkably attractive woman; he noted。 Like him; she seemed old enough to have known better。
 〃Turn around;〃 he called; motioning to the space that had opened in front of the Hog。 She hesitated; staring uncertainly at him。 This was Miami; after all。 He ignored the wild chorus of horns behind him。 〃It's a riot;〃 he said。 〃You don't want to go that way。〃
 She craned her neck for a look just as the pop…pop…pop of gunfire erupted from somewhere。 That did it。 She threw the truck in reverse; chewed rubber all along the space where the Hog had been。 She stopped just short of the still…driverless Accord; dropped into low; and swung the pickup around in front of Deal。 In the next instant she was speeding away toward U。S。 1; the scuba gear dancing; a hand and slender arm waving a thank…you as she disappeared。 Something about the little drama left Deal with a curious pang; but the horns were deafening at his back and he didn't have long to consider it。
 He floored the Hog; roared past the stalled traffic himself。 The kid who had been driving the Accord was just struggling up off his hands and knees。 You think that was something; wait till you see what's ing next; Deal thought; then had to yank the Hog into an abrupt turn to avoid a new bottleneck headed out of the Grove。
 He found himself traveling down an unfamiliar narrow lane now; a tunnel boring through a dense overhang of ficus; Florida holly; and strangler fig。 He was forced into another turn and another…like running a maze…and was still trying to brush aside the image of the striking woman behind the wheel of the dive truck。 Was it someone he'd met? he wondered。 Or someone he wished he had? In the next instant; he was clutching the wheel tightly as the Hog bottomed out in a huge; rain…filled pothole; spraying water like a Donzi off its prow。
 The filthy water was just clearing from his windshield when Deal saw the man; or what he presumed was a man。 Though the whole thing couldn't have taken more than a few seconds; Deal's mind registered details with the precision and clarity that only impending disaster can bring。 The figure stood in the middle of the gloomy tunnel of foliage; arm upflung in surprise; face twisted in the glare of the Hog's headlights。 He seemed to be draped in a tangle of old shrimp netting which itself was studded with still…dripping seaweed; battered lobster…trap buoys; and the assorted detritus you'd expect to find floating the backwaters of the nearby bay these days。 There was something odd about the guy's face; a lopsided quality that suggested he'd already had one accident in the not so distant past。 He held a broken oar in his other hand…something he might have been using as a cane; or a makeshift crutch; and which had probably saved his life。
 The man…the ancient mariner; Deal found himself thinking…vaulted backward; using the point of the oar for leverage; just as Deal slammed on the brakes。 The Hog seemed to sail on imperturbably for a moment; until the water sloughed off the linings of the brakes。 When they did catch hold; it was with a vengeance。 He felt the heavy rear of the car rip loose from the pavement and whip around violently; a force like a giant hand pressing him back in the seat。 He was sure that next he'd feel the muffled thud of mariner body meeting sheet metal; but the moment passed; and instead he caught a glimpse of the man's astonished face peering at him as the Hog shot past。
 The pale; distorted face receded as if Deal were the stationary one; he watched helpless
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