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 In fact there was much Booger didn't know; wouldn't know; couldn't know; since his brain was approximately the size and plexity of a bocci ball。 Booger's breadth of rumination was therefore limited to a daily quest for warm quiet waters; tasty seaweed; and (once in a great while) clumsy sea cow sex。
 Whatever had gotten into this manatee in recent days coursed like a mysterious fever; temporarily investing him with the cunning of a dolphin; the fierce agility of a killer whale; and the dopey loyalty of a Labrador retriever。 None of those qualities typically was found in Trichechus manatus…an ancient; migratory; dull; but delightfully docile hulk of mammal。
 The death of the old woman; for example; had stirred in Booger the utterly alien feelings of sorrow; rage; a thirst for revenge。 No mere manatee was ever burdened by such plicated emotions! For most; bliss was never farther than the next juicy clump of turtle grass。
 In a way; Booger's gunshot wound was a blessing。 Eventually the nagging sting in his flank chased away the brain fever and unclouded his primordial thinking。
 Lolling under the dock at Big Joey's house; Booger found himself losing the insane urge to chase boats; slap his tail on the surface like some hyperthyroid beaver; or attach strange names (〃Ma〃…what the heck did that mean?) to pale wrinkled humans。
 As daylight slipped away; Booger was cogitating less like a Disney character and more like an ordinary sea cow。 He no longer fretted over what was happening in the bright dry world above him。 Likewise; the fate of other species was no longer Booger's worry…a kitten could either swim; or it couldn't。 And presented with a choice between rescuing a drowning person and dodging the propellers of a lunatic Donzi; Booger wouldn't hesitate to dive for cover。
 Sorry; pal。 Every mammal for himself。
 As darkness fell; Booger swam slowly into the bay。 He kept to the shoreline and meandered north toward the familiar bustle of Dinner Key。 When he got there; he was startled to find swimming among the sailboats another manatee; shy and sleek and miraculously unscarred。 As she brushed against him; Booger felt a tingle in his fluke。
 Soon the bullet wound was forgotten; as were the queer events of recent days and the fading clamor of Coconut Grove。 Together the two sea cows struck out across the silky waters; breaching and diving in tandem。 Booger knew of a little out…of…the…way place on Virginia Key; a quiet teardrop of a harbor where friendly human shrimpers occasionally tossed crispy heads of lettuce to visiting manatees。
 It was a helluva first date。
 The yacht of Juan Carlos Reyes was anchored in a gentle chop a mile east of North Bimini。 Even for Hector it was easy to find: a gleaming 107…foot Feadship called Entrante Presidente。
 Reyes greeted them in a navy blazer; cream…colored slacks; and dainty Italian loafers。 The yacht's salon reeked of cigars and heavy cologne。 Britt and Fay instantly became sick。 Reyes ordered them taken to a private cabin and handcuffed to a bedpost。 Hector eagerly volunteered; but Reyes told him to sit down。 One of Reyes's bodyguards; a weightlifter type with a pearl nose stud; escorted the women away。
 Juan Carlos appraised the Castro impersonator。 〃The real one was heavier in the belly;〃 he said; circling; 〃but overall; my friend; you're not bad。〃
 〃Thank you;〃 said Mickey Schwartz。 He had a routine to go with the getup: a bombastic and humorously convoluted tirade against Yankee imperialists; capitalism; and blue jeans。
 Juan Carlos Reyes wasn't interested in hearing it。 〃You must be Lilia;〃 he said to the elegant older woman。 He attempted to kiss her hand; but she pulled it away。
 〃Little fool;〃 she scoffed。 〃Cuba will never take you back。〃
 〃We shall see; puta。〃
 Lilia bent over (for she was a full six inches taller than Juan Carlos Reyes) and slapped him smartly on the face; dislodging the smoldering nub of his cigar。 Hector sprang forward; raising the stubby Uzi; but Reyes waved him off。
 〃Fidel is ten times the man you'll ever be;〃 said Lilia Sands。
 Reyes smiled。 〃Your precious Fidel is dead; old woman。 Croaked。 Cacked。 Deceased。 Checked out。 Whacked。 Eighty…sixed。 Muerto。 Your amor is no more。〃
 With frost in her voice; Lilia declared; 〃I do not believe you; enanillo!〃
 〃Ah; but my sources are impeccable。〃 Juan Carlos
 Reyes plucked the cigar off the carpet and relit it。 〃The highest of connections in Washington…and yes; Havana。〃 He turned to Hector。 〃Do you have it?〃
 Hector nodded; fished in a pocket。 He brought out a wispy lock of dark hair; tied in a red and gold Montecristo wrapper。 He handed it to Reyes; who examined it as if it were a rare jewel。
 〃In a cigar box;〃 Hector said; 〃in her bedroom。〃
 Reyes chuckled。 〃Ironic; no?〃
 Lilia glared defiantly。 Mickey Schwartz deduced it was not the appropriate moment to mention his fee。 He stared down at his black military boots; crusty with salt from the boat ride。
 Juan Carlos Reyes held up the tuft of hair as a trophy。 〃Proof!〃
 Lilia spun away。 〃You're a fool。 Fidel is not dead。〃 She felt a forting hand on her shoulder…the impersonator。 A harmless fellow; she thought。 And not a bad kisser。
 Carefully; Reyes slipped the lock of hair into an inside pocket of his blazer。 〃Hector;〃 he said。 〃Bring me the prize。 Bring me the key to my destiny!〃
 〃Cuba's destiny; you said。〃
 〃Whatever。 Go get the damn thing。〃
 Reyes himself cradled the Uzi while Hector retrieved the red cooler from the speedboat; which was tied to the yacht's stern。 He brought the Gott into the salon and set it ceremoniously before Reyes' s delicate loafers。
 Lilia Sands and Mickey Schwartz had no idea what they were about to see。 Excitedly; Juan Carlos shoved the machine gun butt…first at Hector; and flipped open the cooler。 He removed a stainless canister the size of a hatbox; and placed it…shiny and perspiring from the ice…on a beveled glass dining table。
 〃Where was it?〃 Reyes asked breathlessly。
 〃Hidden in the woman's boat;〃 Hector replied。 〃The blonde's。〃
 The stumpy millionaire chuckled。 〃Lost and then found。 Fate; no? That's what brought him to me。 Fate in the form of wild women。〃 He stepped back from the canister。 〃Open it; Hector。〃
 〃Let the bastard out!〃
 〃OK; OK。〃 Hector grappled with the canister's vacuum lock until it surrendered with a burp。 Cautiously; he opened the lid。
 〃Take it out;〃 Reyes manded。
 Hector hesitated。 By nature he was not a squeamish man; but 。。。 
 〃Take it out!〃
 Hector grabbed a gray mossy handful and lifted the staring head from the canister。 He held it like a lantern; his arm outstretched toward the two captives。 Mickey Schwartz's mouth turned to chalk。 Lilia lowered her eyes。
 Juan Carjos Reyes was trembling with pleasure。 〃Senor Castro; how nice of you to join us! You're looking very jaunty this evening…wouldn't you agree; Miss Sands?〃
 Without ment Lilia collapsed into Mickey Schwartz's arms。 〃Swell;〃 he said with a grunt。
 Reyes produced a gold…plated cuticle scissors and snipped a thatch from the severed head。 〃Hector;〃 he said; 〃keep an eye on our guests。 I'll be in the galley。〃
 The DNA expert had been waiting three hours;
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