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 I was seduced by revolution; driven to trample the worm who sold our country to the Mafia and the corporations; to trample him and drag his carcass ten times around the gates of Havana。 A new order; I thought。 A New Jerusalem。 But politics is just who shoves whom; who doles out the pineapples and soup to whom; who pockets whose profits。 Politics is a marketing strategy; a tool of business。 It can never make anyone happy。 For that we need virtue and knowledge; not laws。
 And so I get to live my simple life at last; here in the land of the lotus…eaters; where our people; some of them; have lost the hope of home。 Others are worms who would devour our flesh。 The aristocrats who fled; the professional class。 I wouldn't give a snap of my fingers for all their learning; their fortunes; their self…righteousness。 Let them try to create something; like an independent nation; like a poem。 Yes; when at last this Cuban…head…as…Trojan…horse business sorts itself out; the exiles will be ing home。 To those who return; wele; but remember; no one will own us…the Cuban Cubans; we who have lived on our wandering rock for the last thirty…seven years。 You see; we know how you think: eleven million Cubans…Demon Nation; one billion Chinese…Most Favored Nation。 We understand the great fear in your adopted country; the USA: fear of the poor! Power is based on weakness of the masses。 Those who e home must serve the people; not judge them; mand them; prod them。 Cubans; yes。 Juan Carlos Reyes; no; no gusanos; no problem。
 Fidel thought again of Lilia; her legs and her lips。 He remembered the moon setting over the Gulf of Man…zanillo; his rade Che; and his heart was going like mad。 Yes; Lilia; he said; senorita; yes; I will; yes and yes。
 12。 THE ODYSSEY…Elmore Leonard
 Joe Serano caught the Odyssey night clerk as he was going off: prissy guy; had his lunch box under his arm。
 〃I saw it this morning on TV;〃 Joe said。 〃So there was a lot of excitement; huh? I thought the cops'd still be here; at least the crime scene guys。 I guess they've all cleared out。 You hear the shots? You must've。〃
 〃I was in the office;〃 the night guy said。
 Joe wondered how this twink knew he was in the office at the exact time the shots were fired。 What'd he think; it was soundproof in there? But the cops no doubt had asked him that; so Joe let it pass and said; 〃It was the two guys in one…oh…five; wasn't it?〃
 〃I think so。〃
 〃You're not sure?〃
 The night guy rolled his eyes and then pretended to yawn。 He did things like that; had different poses。
 〃Fairly respectable…looking guys;〃 Joe said; 〃but no luggage。 What're they doing; shacking up? Maybe; maybe not。 But I remember thinking at the time; they're up to something。 The TV news didn't mention their names; so there must not've been any ID on the bodies and the cops didn't think the names they used to register were really theirs。 Am I right?〃
 The night guy said; 〃I wouldn't know;〃 acting bored。
 〃Soon as I saw those guys yesterday…they checked in as I was getting ready to go off…I said to Mel; 'Let me see the registration cards; see what names they gave。' He wouldn't show me。 He goes; 'Registering guests is not a security matter; if you don't mind。' 〃 Mel; the day guy; sounding a lot like Kenneth; the night guy。
 〃I didn't have time to hang around; keep an eye on them;〃 Joe went on。 〃I had to go to another job; a function at the Biltmore。 They put on extra security for this bunch of Cuban hotshots meeting there。 I mean Cuban Cubans; said to be Castro sympathizers; and there was a rumor Fidel himself was gonna show up。 You believe it? I wore a suit instead of this Mickey Mouse uniform; brown and friggin' orange; I get home I can't wait to take it off。 Those functions; you stand like this holding your hands in front of you; like you're protecting yourself from getting a hernia; and you keep your eyes moving。 So〃…he gestured toward the entrance…〃I saw the truck out there; the tan van; no writing on the sides? That's the cleanup pany; right?〃
 〃I wouldn't know;〃 the night guy said。
 Little curly…haired twink; walked with his knees together。
 〃Well; listen; I'll let you go;〃 Joe said; 〃and thanks for sharing that information with me; it was interesting。 I'll go check on the cleanup people; see how they're doing。 What room was that again; one…oh…five?〃
 It sure was。
 There was furniture in the hall by the open door and a nasty smell in the air。 As Joe approached; a big black guy in a white plastic jumpsuit; latex gloves; what looked like a shower cap; goggles up on his head; blue plastic covering his shoes; came out carrying a floor lamp。
 Joe said; 〃Joe Sereno; security officer。〃
 〃I'm Franklin; with Baneful Clean…Up。〃
 〃The boss named it。 He tried Pernicious Clean…Up in the Yellow Pages? Didn't get any calls。〃
 Joe said; 〃Hmmmm; how about Death Squad?〃
 〃That's catchy;〃 Franklin said; 〃but people might get the wrong idea。 You know; that we doing the job 'stead of cleaning up after。 This is my partner; Marlis;〃 Franklin said; and Joe turned to see a cute young black woman approaching in her plastic coveralls; hip…hop ing out of the jam box she was carrying。
 〃Joe Sereno; security officer。〃
 〃Serene; yeah;〃 Marlis said; 〃that's a cool name; Joe;〃 her body doing subtle; funky things like it was plugged into the beat。 She said to Franklin; 〃Diggable Planets doing 'Rebirth of Slick。' 'It's cool like dat。' 〃
 〃 'It's chill like dat;' 〃 Franklin said。 〃Yeah; 'it's chill like dat。' 〃
 Franklin bopping now; going back into the room。
 Joe followed him in; stopped dead at the sight; and said; 〃Oh; my God;〃 at the spectacle of blood: on the carpet; on two walls; part of the ceiling; a trail of blood going from this room into the bathroom。 Joe looked in there and said it again; with feeling; 〃Oh; my God。〃
 〃Like they was skinnin' game in here;〃 Franklin said。 〃Shotgun done one of them at close range。 The other one; nine…millimeter pistol; they believe。 Man got shot four times through and through…see the holes in the wall there? They dug out the bullets。 Made it to the bathroom; got three more pumped into him and bled out in the shower。 Thank you; Jesus。 We still have to clean it; though; with the green stuff; get in between the tiles with a toothbrush。 We thankful the man came in here; didn't go flop on the bed to expire。〃
 Joe said; 〃Man; the smell。〃
 〃Yeah; it's what your insides get like exposed to the air too long; you know what I'm saying? Your viscera; it's called。 It ain't too bad yet。 But if you gonna stay in here and watch;〃 Franklin said; 〃better breathe through your mouth。〃
 Joe said; 〃I think I'll step out to the patio for a minute。〃
 The two secretaries from Dayton; Ohio; their bra straps hanging loose; were out by the pool already; this early in the morning; to catch some rays; working at it; not wasting a minute of their vacation。 Joe took a few deep breaths; inhaling the morning air to get that smell out of his nose。 On the other side of the pool; still in shade; a guy sat in a plastic patio chair smoking a cigar as he watched the girls。 Guy in his sixties…he'd be tall with a heavy frame; his body hadn't seen much sun; but his face was weather
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