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 Peter McCarthy was dead。 Murdered; according to the autopsy。 And the negatives。 They confirmed those vague hints of trouble at Brewster Forum and as far as the United States was concerned; Brewster Forum was heavy。 Very heavy。
 He went through the pictures again in his mind; then suddenly spun away from the view of the darkness and the stars; and pushed a button on a metal panel set into the space where the desk ordinarily would have had a top drawer。
 〃Yes?〃 came a voice。
 〃Tell programming to give me a match on backgrounders attached to the pictures。 Have the puter do it。 I don't want anyone playing games。 I'm the only one to see the matchups。〃
 〃Yes sir。〃
 〃I might add that if I hear of any of those pictures being used for entertainment; heads will roll。 Yours in particular。〃
 〃Yes sir。〃
 In fourteen minutes and thirty seconds at the click of the chronograph stopwatch; the pictures in numbered envelopes arrived attached to resumes in numbered envelopes。
 〃Leave;〃 said the bitter…faced man; checking the number on the envelope containing a photograph of a pudgy; middle…aged man wearing a black cape and busy stroking away at a wild…eyed; dark…haired woman wearing only long stockings and boots。
 He looked at the resume。 〃Yes; I thought so。 He's a goddam homosexual。 Dammit。〃 He put the resume back in the envelope and the pictures back in their envelopes and sealed them ah。 Then he spun back to the darkness of Long Island Sound。
 A dead operative。 Trouble at Brewster Forum。 Photographs of a homosexual male playing with an obviously naked woman。
 Yes or no; he thought。 Remo Williams。 The Destroyer。 Yes or no。 The decision was his to make; the responsibility his to bear。
 He thought once more of Peter McCarthy who had worked for the past eight years for a federal agency he did not even know existed。 And now he was dead。 His family would carry forever the shame of a man who died from a self…inflicted overdose of narcotics。 McCarthy's country… men would never know that he had died for duty。 No one would ever care。 Should a man be allowed to die that gracelessly?
 Back to the desk。 Press the missary button。
 〃Yes sir。 Sort of early for phoning;〃 came the voice。
 〃It's late for me。 Tell the fish man we need more abalone。〃
 〃I think we still have some left in the freezer。〃
 〃Eat it yourself if you want。 Just place the order for more。〃
 〃You're the boss; Doctor Smith。〃
 〃Yes; I am。〃。 Harold W。 Smith turned back to the sound。 Abalone。 A man could e to hate the smell of it if he knew what it meant。
 His name was Remo and the gymnasium was dark with only speckles of light ing from the ceiling…high windows where minute paint bubbles had burst shortly after workmen had applied the first layer of black。 The gym; formerly the basketball court of the San Francisco Country! Friends' School; had been built to catch the late afternoon j sun over the Pacific; and when the owner was told by the prospective tenant that he would rent it only if the windows were blackened; he showed some surprise。 He showed more when told he was never to visit the gym while the occupant was there。 But the rent money was good; so the paint went on the windows the next day。 And as the owner had told the man: 〃I'll stay away。 For that kind of money; it's no concern of mine。 Besides what can you do in a gym that isn't legal nowadays。 Heh; heh。〃
 So naturally; one day he hid himself in the small balcony and waited。 He saw the door open and the tenant e in。 A half hour later; the door opened again and the tenant was gone。 Now the strange thing was that the owner heard not one sound。 Not the creak of a floorboard; not a breath; not anything but his own heartbeat。 Only the sound of the door opening and the door closing; and that was odd because the Country Friends School Gym was a natural sound conductor; a place where there was no such thing as a whisper。
 The man named Remo had known someone was in the balcony because; among other things; he had begun that day working on sound and sight。 Ordinarily the water pipes and the insects proved adequate。 But that day there had been heavy nervous breathing in。the balcony…the snorting sort of oxygen intake of overweight people。 So that day Remo worked on moving in silence。 It was a down day anyway; between two of the innumerable alert peaks。
 Today; on the other hand; was an up peak and Remo carefully locked the three doors on the gym floor and the one to the balcony。 He had been on alert for three months now; ever since the study package had arrived at the hotel。 There were no explanations。 Just the reading material。 This time it was Brewster Forum; some sort of think tank。 Some sort of trouble brewing。 But there had been no call yet for Remo。
 Remo felt upstairs was not quite on top of things。 All his training had taught him you do not peak every week。 You build to a peak。 You…plan for a peak。 You work for it。 To peak every day just means that that peak gets lower and lower and lower。
 Remo had been peaking every day for three months now; and his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the gymnasium just a little less easily。 True; not down to the level of ordinary men or even; for that matter; people who saw well in the dark。 But he was less than he should be; less than he was trained to be。
 The gym smelled of a decade of dirty socks。 The air; felt dry and tasted like old dictionaries stored in late  summer attics。 Dust particles danced in the minute rays  ing from the specks in the black paint。 In the far  corner where rotting ropes hung from the ceiling came the  buzz of a fly。
 Remo breathed; steadily; and relaxed the centrality of  his being to lower the pulse and expand what he had  learned was the calm within him。 The calm which the  European and especially the American European had forgotten; or perhaps never knew。  The calm from which  came the personal power of the human being…that power  which had been surrendered to the machine which had  apparently done things faster and better。 The machine had  lowered industrial man to the use of less than seven per 
cent of his abilities; pared to the nine per cent average  for primitives。 Remo remembered the lecture。  
 At his peak; Remo…who eight years before had been  officially executed in an electric chair for a crime he did  not mit; only to be revived to work for an organization that did not exist…at his peak; this man Remo could  use nearly half the power of his muscles and senses。
 Forty five to forty eight per cent or; as his main instructor had said; 〃a moment of just more darkness than  light。〃 This poetic phrase had been translated for upstairs  into a maximum operating capacity of 46。5 plus or minus  1。5。
 Now Remo could feel the dark in the gym grow heavier r as the peak descended day by day。 One had to laugh。 So much effort; so much money; so much danger in even I setting up the organization; and now upstairs the only two officials in the country who knew exactly what he did were ruining him。 Faster than Seagrams Seven and Schlitz chasers; without as much fun。 
 The organization was CURE。 It did not appear in any government budget nor in any report。 The outgoing President verbally to
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