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 Again he waited for a laugh; but the jest was。 if not dying; at least fatally ill。 The point is that all three chose to meet in secure conditions so that they could carry out four whole days of highly personal; one…on…one … or; I suppose it could be one…im…two … talks without the usual interference from the throngs oi experts from both governmeni; military; financial and social levels who often advise more caution over sensitive issues。
 There will be no official statements regarding Stewards' Meeting。 Nobody is to know; unless they feel they have acplished some incredible breakthrough that can be announced。 Their main objective is to set some ground rules on world finance; security against terrorism; and the acceleration of solving that thorny question regarding the quick phasing out of nuclear weapons。
 'Our job is to see they have the next four days to themselves。 They will be eating and working together in ihe forward lecture room; which has been made more presentable than usual。 So; with the help of the Wren detachmenl to see they get decent food; and good service; and the assistance of security; they will be following a very tight schedule which; even in the midst of Landsea '89; we must see is adhered to。 They have got to be given four whole days; no matter what。 If you have any questions e straight to me。 Understand?'
 Yes; Bond thought。 Go straight to him。 and he will pass you straight on to me。 He left; went back lo his cabin and sent for Donald Speaker; the interrogator who had e in from Gibraltar with the new American; Woodward。
He had never met Speaker before; but knew his reputation as a hard investigator who rarely gave an inch; so it was; when the man came into his cabin and sat down without even being asked; that Bond took an almost irrational dislike to him。
 If Speaker had made any progress with Deeley he was not going to tell Bond。 In fact it was just the opposite; for; within minutes; he realised that the interrogator was asking questions of him。
 'I don't altogether trust those two Branch men in fancy dress;' Speaker said of Brinklcy and Camm。
 'Not cut out for the kind of job (hey're doing on this ship。 I'm highly dubious of their motives; Mr; er Captain; Bond。*
'Interesting; but what about Deeley?'
Til report when I have anything to report。'
 The gingery beard。 Bond decided; covered a weak chin。 The man was; in a sense; hiding from himself。 'You have only a very limited lime。 You realise that?'
〃How so?'
 'It bees a non…Service matter; once we get to Gib。 She has to be handed over to the Civil Police。'
〃What are we; two days from Gib?'
 'We're taking tour actually。 For operational reasons which don't concern you。'
 'Well;' the lips curled under the beard; 'well; that's plenty of time for me to whop some kind of story out of her。 Don't worry。' He rose。
 'Sit down!' Bond all but shouted。 'Sit down! I haven't said you can leave。'
'I didn't know you were my keeper on ihis ship。'
 'Well; you had better know; Mr Speaker。 You don't move on this ship without my saying so。'
'You're not trying to tell me you're SIS?' The leer again。
'1 am telling you just that。'
'Very interesting; in view of what seems to have happened on board this ship。 I think we'll have a little talk when we're back in London。 I can be a very suspicious man。 Bond; and they trust me at the interrogation centre。 I can reach into your file and e up with something; I'm sure。 Everyone has at least one thing they want to hide。 We'll discover yours; then I can embroider it a little and they'll drop you into a well and forget about you。 I've broken stronger men than you。 Bond。 Goodnight;' and he walked from the cabin; leaving Bond floundering。 The man was some kind of a nutter; he thought。 Best get a signal off to London about him。
 He went out and toured the passageway; speaking to all the varied security men; British; American and Russian。 All seemed in good order; so he decided to leave the signal until after dinner; which he took quietly in the ward…room。
 Later; as he was about to go up to munications; the Tannoy clicked on。 'D'you hear (here! D'you hear there! Would Captain Bond please take a message in his cabin? Captain Bond to his cabin please。'
Nikki; looking pale and unfortable; was waiting for him。
'What can I do for you。 Nikki?'
 'Oh。 please don't tempt me; James; but 1 have a terrible concern。 A worry。'
〃That's what I'm here for。 Pour it all out。'
 'This is about the new American。 The one called Woodward; Dan Woodward。'
 'Desperate Dan。' Bond smiled。 'Has he been desperate with you? He es plete with a reputation that he likes the ladies。'
 'No; James。 No。 This is not funny。 I am suspect that this man is not American; That he is not truly the Dan Woodward he claims。'
 'What?' He sat up。 a little twitch of anxiety deep in his stomach。 'Why do you say Ihis; Nikki?'
 'How do 1 tell you? It is difficult。 Look; is operational secret; but we must share it。 Three years ago。 I was assigned to work in Afghanistan。 With KGB。 We had a dossier on terrorists operating in the Gulf。 You know the kind of thing。 A mixed bag of names and suspicions。 The man who says he is Dan Woodward。 His picture was there in dossier。 I forget what he was called then。 Hamarik; or Homarak。 Something。 James; you should take a look。'
 'Keep quiet for now。 Nikki。 ''II run it through London。 Play it gently。 1 know how we can check it out。'
He went up 10 munications and went through the same; thorough inquisition by a different; armed marine; then got on with the job in hand。 First a cipher concerning Speaker; followed by a second one to liaison with Grosvenor Square; requesting a photograph to be sent over the wires。 When unbuttoned; the text read …
 It had been a long; tiring day; so he hoped it would e in before he went to sleep。
 He had just got into his bunk when there was a tap at the door。 He opened up; and Nikki slipped past him into ihc cabin。
 'James; I'm sorry。 I feel so alone。 So afraid。 It is like a feeling of doom。 Please don't send me away。' She wore a towelling robe which she slipped from her shoulders。 There was nothing underneath。 Bond's mind travelled back to the villa on Ischia。 Once more he saw the doomed and treacherous Beatrice and realised that; whatever she had been; it would take a long time for her to be expunged from his emotions。
 Now。 looking at the young body of Nikki Ratnikov he realised that he was also lonely; worried; and in need of fort。 He turned the lock in the cabin door; and took her in his arms。 For a long lime she just clung to him。 then; lifting her head。 Bond put his own lips to hers; and they moved to the bunk; then drowned in each other as though this was the first and last time they would ever meet。
 She left him at dawn; and he lay on the bunk alone; thinking they had both given and taken from each other。 It was the most; except for dying; that any two humans could give。
 munications did not e back to him uniil almost ten…thirty the next morning。 There were two messages waiting for him。 First; a flash from Regent's Park authorising
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