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ustled towards their respective helicopters。 Then the main deck lights went out; leaving only dim blue guiding lights leading from the helicopters to the main bulkhead doors in the island。
 'Time you joined the reception mittee。 Captain Bond。' The mander glanced towards him。 Bond nodded and with a 'Good luck!' left Flight Ops; turning his body sideways; ratiling down the panion…way; heading towards the section of cabins recently vacated by the trio of Admirals and (heir bodyguards。
 In the hour that had passed since he had last been in this part of the ship; a great deal had taken place。 The passageway floors were now covered in thick red carpeting; and three sections of the long corridor; which led from James Bond's cabin to the turning into the Wrens' quarters; had been separated by neat wooden doors; the jambs screwed into bulkhead cross…sections。
 The doors were open; and he could see right down to the end; where the entire draft of Wrens were drawn up。 with Clover Pennington pacing anxiously。 In the middle portion; (he new Naval Intelligence man。 Woodward; was acpanied by two armed marines。 Woodward gave Bond a wink; lifting his right hand and following with a ihumbs…up; to which Bond replied in kind。 Through the door nearest to him Nikki Ratnikov and Yevgeny Stura were also acpanied by two Royal Marines; while another pair; with Sergeant Harvey in tow。 waited patiently to one side of'Bond's cabin door。
 Bond nodded to the sergeant。 'Any minute now。' he said; and the words were hardly out of his mouth when he heard the sounds of feet on the uncarpcted section of the passageway leading to the spruced up VIP quarters。
 They came al a brisk pace: Rear…Admiral Sir John Walmsley。 Ted Brinkley and a civilian who could only be from one service; for he had all the smooth and tough; alert looks of an officer of the Special Branch Close Protection Squad。 At the centre of this group。 Bond saw the first of the VIPs who had e aboard from the helicopter which had picked up Sir Geoffrey Gould。
 The Rear…Admiral stopped in front of Bond。 'Prime Minister;' he said to the almost regally dressed Mrs Margaret Hilda Thatcher。 'I'd like to present Captain James Bond; who is in total charge of security for Stewards' Meeting。'
The Prime Minister smiled and firmly shook Bond's hand。 'It's nice to see you again; and congratulations on your promotion。' She turned to Walmsley。 'Captain Bond and I are already old friends;' she said。 'I couldn't have better protection; and it's not generally known that Captain Bond was instrumental in saving not only my life; but that of ex…President Reagan; some lime ago。' Then back to Bond。 Ч couldn't be in better hands。 Just see that we're left alone for a full four days; Captain Bond。 We shall need every minute of it。 if we're going to get through a tough agenda… And it is a very tough; and important agenda。 I'm sure you are already aware of lhat。'
 'Yes。 Prime Minister。 I'll do everything possible。 If your people; require anything; they should get in touch with me personally。'
 'Very kind of you。 Captain Bond;' and with her best electorial smile; the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom marched away with her retinue。
 Bond's eyes followed her; and he ignored Sergeant Harvey's muttered。 'I wouldn't like to be on her defaulters' parade。'
 From the far end of the passageway; he heard the Rear…Admiral introduce the PM to First Officer Pennington; and then make his excuses。
 He came striding back; glaring at Bond。 'You said nothing about saving her life! Anything else I should know?'
 'She exaggerated;' Bond did not smile。 〃The information's restricted anyhow; so I shouldn't let it go any further; sir。'
 'Hrrumph!' Walmsley said … or something very like it … and went off to meet the next arrival。
 President George Herbert Walker Bush; surrounded by his Secret Service men … Joe Israel; Stan Hare and Bruce Trimble … and with a small man carrying a briefcase chained to his wrist; had been met at the foot of the panion…way by Walmsley。 The President was tall; smiling; greying and very open…faced。
 'Captain Bond。' he acknowledged as the Rear…Admiral made the introduction; 'I know I'm in good hands。 A close friend of mine told me what a help you'd been to him。 and I believe we have another friend in mon。〃
'We probably have; sir。'
 'Yes。 Felix served under me when I was DCIA。 A good man。 Hope to see more of you。 Bond; but you'll appreciate the schedule's tight as a drumskin。 Good to meet you。'
 The President of the United States had a firm handshake; almost as firm as Mrs Thatcher's; and。 as he walked away; Sergeant Harvey muttered; 'Nor his。'
'Nor his what?' Bond said out of the corner of his mouth。
'Wouldn't like to be on his defaulters' parade either。'
 'If you were; they'd call it a masthead。 Sergeant Harvey。 That's what the US Navy call defaulters … just as the Royal Navy did a long time ago。'
 Sir John Walmsley gave Bond another dirty look as he hurried past; again heading for the panion…way and the final VIP。
 Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev。 General Secretary of the CPSU and President of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet was dressed in a camel…hair overcoat that he had not bought at GUM。 He held a grey felt hat。 which could have been purchased at Lock's in Jermyn Street; and wore a broad smile。 He was neat; burly; broad…shouldered; and relaxed; thanks to all the goodwill that seemed to flow out of him。
 Watmsley introduced them; and。 to Bond's surprise; Mr Gorbachev replied in English; 'Captain Bond; it is a great pleasure to meet you。 I hope you mingle with those who look after me in a true spirit of glasnost。' The short man's handshake was positively bone…crushing and left Bond speechless as the Russian passed on towards his quarters。
 'Ho dear; sir。' Harvey whispered。 …He hasn't brought Raisa with him。 Hope he's got an Amex card as well。'
 'Be fair; Harvey。 The Prez hasn't brought Barbara; and Mrs T's without Denis。 It's reasonable enough。'
 Walmsley returned; looking flustered。 'Well; at least one of them didn't seem to know you。 Bond。'
'I wouldn't bet on it; sir。'
 'No。 well 。。。 All senior officers; divisional officers and the Chief Regulating Officer in my day cabin in fifteen minutes。 We're not using the PA to warn you; so tell me now if you're happy about arrangements … I mean happy enough to leave this section of the ship for an hour or so。'
 Til be there; sir。 if I'm at all concerned; I'll let you know; personally; and give you my reasons。'
 The Rear…Admiral gave a curt nod and left; his long; important strides indicating that he was well pleased with the final transfer of probably the three most powerful people in the world to his ship。
 Bond thought this was one hell of a responsibility; and Walmsley should not show any cockiness until it was all safely over。
Petty Officer 'Blackie' Blackstone looked at the great turbines whining strongly in the Engine Room of Invincible。 When he had first joined the Royal Navy; the Engine Rooms were hot; dirty; sweaty and noisy places; htvincible's Engine Room was brilliantly clean; and only a few people were actually needed close to the turbines; for they were monitored from a separate room; full of dials; VDUs 
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