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'Why; sir?'
 'I've got a Sea King going off to Gib in twenty minutes。 It'll just make it there and back; if they juice her up in Gib。 They're bringing in Morgan's replacement。'
〃Desperate Dan?'
 Walmsley seemed to have lost any humour that might have lurked behind his cold blue eyes。 'I believe they call him that。 You gol anyone in Gib?'
 'Let me check it out sir。 If the answer's yes; I'll see he's brought back。'
'Let me know before take…off。 You only have twenty minutes。'
It took Bond fifteen minutes to make contaci。 Yes; they had
an interrogation specialist with the unlikely name; for his skills; of Donald Speaker who would be delighted со have a go。
 So it was that when Flight BA498 landed; slightly lale; al two o'clock lhat afternoon; the Sea King from Invincible was sitting; juiced up。 on the helipad away from the terminal building。 Its crew of Ihree were aboard; plus Donald Speaker; a red…bearded; casually…dressed little man with the sharp look of a bank inspector about him。
 The Lieutenant mander from Invincible's Executive Officer's staff waited in the arrivals' terminal … which; in Gibraltar; is also the departure terminal。 He did nol notice that one passenger from BA498 came through the gates; lugging his flight…bag; and made slraight for the Men's Room: while a few seconds later another man came out。 carrying the same flight…bag; and with his passport in his left hand; held over his breast pocket。 To the Lieutenanl mander this was simply 'he man for whom he had been waiting; giving all the signals …bag in righl hand; passport in left hand; held high just under his breast pocket where his boarding card stuck out almost a couple of inches。
 The Lieutenant mander smiled and approached the civilian。 'Mr Woodward?'
 'Yes; I'm Dan Woodward;' said Abou Hamarik。 'Want to see the ID?'
 'Better take a quick shufti。 My name's Hallam。 by the way。' the Lieutenant mander grinned。 'Your diplomatic status stamp looks damned impressive。 Well; wele aboard Mr Woodward。'
'Jusi call me Dan。'
 They crossed the metalled apron; walking quickly towards the Sea King。 As they did so they saw the stop lights e on; and traffic grind to a halt on the road that ran straight across the runway。 A Royal Air Force Tornado came hurtling in with its droops and spoilers fully extended。 Their ears sang but cleared by the time they reached the Sea King。 The crewman helped them up。 and Hallam introduced him to everyone。 Speaker just gave him a nod; as though he did not approve of Americans being given free rides on Royal Navy helicopters。
 'Great;' Hallam said; just before the rotors began to turn。 'We'll be back in very good time for Stewards' Meeting。'
 'What's Stewards' Meeting?' Speaker asked。 He had a slight; unidentifiable acccnl; and a suspicious nasal tone in his voice。
 'I'm sorry;' Hallam turned to him with a smile。 〃If you don't know what it is; you're not cleared for it。 Righl; Dan?'
 'Most definitely right;' Abou Hamarik said。 Soon; he though!; ihe whole world will know about Stewards' Meeting。 And there will be things the whole world will not wish to know。
 The Sea King rose from the pad; lowered its nose; turned away from the Spanish mainland; banked and set course out to sea and HMS Invincible。
Stewards' Meeting
'D'you hear there! D'you hear there! This is the Captain。' Sir John Walmsley's voice rang out through the ship's Tannoy system; and。 as ever; all ranks stopped what they were doing and raised their heads to listen。
 Invincible had slowed down to a point where she was hardly moving in the light sea。 Outside; at 22。00 hours; it was black as pitch; but the flight…deck was fully lit and an S and R Sea King hovered off the port side。
 'I want all ranks to listen out; and listen carefully。 We still have the submarine wolf pack with us。 though I am assured that they will in no way impede our progress to Gibraltar。 Regarding Exercise Landsea '89 there is a political stalemate; and talks between various countries will restart tomorrow morning。 So far no further incidents have been reported within the boundaries of the European continent; though our forces … Red Side … are still known to be operating behind enemy lines。 That is the report。 and assessment; with regard to Landsea '89。
 'Now I must talk seriously about the real world; and what is happening aboard Invincible tonight。 I am standing down all watches at this moment; except for officers and ratings who have been given special instructions to be present on (he main deck; Flighl Operations; and the bridge。 This is for security purposes; and anyone not ordered to be on the main deck; in Flighl Operations; or on the bridge will meei with stiff penalties if found there。 In fact they could well suffer injury。 Marines have been posted on all panion…ways and bulkheads leading to the prohibited areas。 They are armed and there is a password sequence known only to those authorised to work on the main deck。
'You will hear helicopters landing and taking off。 This is because the VIP officers we've had aboard; since Landsea '89 began; will be taking their leave of us。 However; other VIPs will be ing aboard; and this is now classified information。 Until you're informed of its declassincation。 no officer。 Petty Officer; Warrant Officer; rating or marine will speak of anything seen aboard Invincible over the next few days。 If anyone does talk; outside this ship; 1 should remind you that to do so will be regarded as a breach of the Official Secrets Act; punishable accordingly。
 To underline the seriousness of this situation; you should know that; until we reach Gibraltar; there will be four Sea Harriers; fully armed and ready to fly; on and around the ski…ramp; for'ard。 There will be two pilots from the Air Group at five minute readiness; twenty…four hours a day; starting now。 That is all。'
 In Flight Operations; Bond could see that was not all。 for the first two Sea Harriers were not only in place but also had pilots in the cockpits and their engines on at idle。 Apart from that; there was a sense of deja vu in the lights flashing from three helicopters stacked; one behind the other; closing on the stem。 The cloud cover was high so he could only see the red and green rotating lights against the darkness。 But he knew; from the mander (Air); that the first chopper was about one mile away; closing at a speed of around fifty knots; and the other two were stacked at one thousand feet intervals。
 The Sea King was visible now。 a shaft of light ing from its nose as the halogen spot came on。 It closed; then hovered as the Flight…Deck Controller and his men signalled it in to land some hundred yards behind the pair of back…up Sea Harriers; parked together well behind the ski…ramp。
 Nobody approached the Sea King as its rotors gently slowed down。 They were still whisking the air as the US Navy helicopter rolled in behind it; followed by the big。 twin…finned Kamov…25 which nosed onto the deck with its two huge contra…rotating rotors whirling fast and its turbines giving a final dying roar。
 Bond just caught a glimpse of the three VIP officers; the British; American and Russian Admirals; being hustled towards their respective helicopters。 Then 
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