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nife on the cabin floor。
 His cry must have been loud; and sharp enough to save him。 The cabin door was flung open and the young marine; dropping his rifle; ihrew himself on the Wren's back; taking her in an arm…lock around her neck。 A split second later; a pair of burly sailors had (he spitting and struggling girl by both arms and were leading her out。
 'You okay; sir?'The young marine helped Bond into his chair。 He was still bent double and the area around his manhood seemed to be on fire。
 'I think I'll have a short word with the quack;' he breathed heavily; then looked up and saw the Master…at…Arms standing in the doorway。
 'You'll have to restrain her。' Bond panted。 'Just put her in the cells; under restraint。' The Royal Navy did not use the term 'brig'; so popular with the United States Navy。 'Get the Chief Regulating Officer to charge her。'
 'With attacking a senior officer sir?' The Master…at…Arms raised his eyebrows at the end of the query; in a manner that suggested this was a facial expression he used habitually when asking questions。
'Murder。' Bond corrected。  His voice seemed a long way off。 for the pain in his groin seemed to take precedence over
everything else。
'Murder; sir? The American?'
 Bond nodded。 'Just keep her well under restraint。 I think she's some kind of psycho; and well…trained at that。 A killer; who would obey orders and lake out someone with about as much emotion as any of us would feel in treading on a bug。 I'll be down to see her shortly。 The murder charge will; eventually; be a police criminal matter。' As the Master…at…Arms departed。 Bond suddenly though! of his own words; just uttered … 'a killer; who would obey orders 。 。 。' Whose orders? he wondered。 'Orders from outside; or some given to her on board?'
 Someone had called Surgeon mander Grant; who seemed quite amused at Bond's pain。 'There'll probably be some swelling;' he said examining the damaged area。 'I'll give you some pills to reduce the pain 。 。 。'
 'As long as they don't make me dopey/ In spite of the small agony。 Bond pul his job first。
 'You'll get no side effects。 I have a salve as well。 It'll deaden the area and you won't feel like playing with the ladies for an hour or so; but maybe that's not a bad thing。'
 Bond realised that he felt a little embarrassed about the whole business。
 'You'd be surprised;' the doctor continued; 'really surprised how many cases of (his I have to deal with these days。 Lads go ashore; won't take no for an answer and gel a hefty knee in the gonads。 Serve 'em right。 Bloody MCPs。'
 'I gol this defending myself;' Bond muttered grudgingly; trying to son his mind out。 deciding what had to be done next。
 Half an hour later he stood in front of the entire section of personal bodyguards for the three Admirals。 They were gathered in the small messdeck that had been put aside for their use and relaxation … the one in which Moggy Camm; two of the Russians and Bruce Trimble had joined in a drink before turning in on the previous night。 Now the place seemed crowded。 Nikki Ratnikov sat apart from her colleagues; Ivan; Yevgeny and Gennady: Brinkley and Camm sat together; still in their fancy dress; among Joe Israel; Bruce Trimble and Stan Hare。 Their three V1P charges were in the cabins set aside for them; each with an armed marine at the door。
'Right。' Bond began。 'We all know what this is about。 Our
Captain; the Rear…Admiral。 is determined to carry on with Stewards' Meeting。 My job is to co…ordinate security; and 1 want to get your feelings on the matter before I make a remendation to Sir John … not that he'll take my advice; but I'd rather we worked as a team; and a team has to be one hundred per cent in accord on a business like this。 We've had one death; and we don't want any more。'
 Nikki spoke up for the Russians。 'James; you must advise us。 We have a sacred duty here。 The strain will be on us as from tonight。 Do you think Ihat the killing of the American agent should make us fear for the lives of those we have to guard?'
 'It certainly means that this little terrorist outfit … if it is them … has managed to penetrate Invincible with at least one person。 If there is one; can there be others? I must reveal to all of you that Edgar Morgan was a worried man。 As far as 1 can tell; he slipped into the Wrens' heads to record a series of names …names of people in this ship。 He wanted a security check run on them。 Well。 I ran the check through London。 The only one that came out badly was the girl we arreste'd this morning。'
 Joe Israel looked up。 with interest。 'This is the first any of us have heard of Ed having doubts。 Can you be sure he was not just doing a random lest? A sampling? Or was he in possession of intelligence not revealed to any of us?'
 'I've no idea。' There was no point in Bond not being open and candid。 '1 still have to talk with the girl we arrested。 She was what some people would call a 〃Stone Killer〃。 It's not an expression I'm fond of。 Bul that's what she was; and is。'
 'Can you give us the other names Morgan had on his list?' Ted Brinkley asked。
 'I don't think that would be fair at this stage。 They all came out ultra…clean from London。'
 Brinkley conferred with his partner for a minute; in urgent whispers。 Then Brinkley said thai; as far as they were concerned; things could go ahead。 'It would have been very difficult for any terrorist organisation to infiltrate a Royal Navy ship。 That they gol one in is a kind of miracle。 Barring any outside attack; we consider it ninety…nine per cent safe。 We vote that things go ahead as planned。'
 Bond nodded。 In his head he still remained unhappy。 They had though! of BAST as a bit of a tinpot outfit; yet they certainly had resources; and even one penetration worried him。 He looked over at Joe Israel。 'What about our United States contingent?'
 'I guess we go along with you Brits。 Sure there's danger; but that es with the job。 We vote in。'
'You're one man short。'
 〃I gather that's being (aken care of。 Admiral Gudeon's been active and we've got another guy on the way。'
 Bond made a menial note that he should speak with the Captain about this turn of events。 Now he looked at Nikki。 'You're senior officer of our Russian rades。 Nikki。 What do you say?'
'Our people are the best in the world。 We say go ahead。'
'Then we're all agreed?'
Around the little messdcck there were murmurs of consent。
 So be it。 Bond thought。 They all seemed to be good; tried and tested people。 Now。 he had to speak with Sir John Walmsley。 After that there was the girl; Deeley; though he did not have any high hopes of breaking her down。
'So; you've decided not to fight me on this?' Sir John Walmsley looked pleased; like a man who had won a great battle。
 'It's not a question of fighting you; sir。' Bond spoke with almost exaggerated calmness。 'We weighed up the chances of this being a one…off incident。 We're not entirely convinced; but everyone here in the three bodyguard sections seems to think the risk is even。'
 'A sensible decision;' growled Walmsley; who knew he would have overridden any attempt to abor! Stewards Meeting。
 'I need answers to a couple of questions before I talk to the girl。 Deeley 。 。 。' Bond began。
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