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。 For once the men did not exchange the BAST password; 'Health depends on strength' … a password taken very seriously by all BAST members except Baradj who thought it to be gobbledegook。 and did not; therefore; realise thai it was one of the tiny dues thai had leaked to Intelligence and Security services world…wide; who also took it seriously: to the point of analysing variations on its possible meaning。
 But。 this time; for no other reason than laxity; the words were not exchanged; therefore none of the listening…post puters picked it up。 The advent of a pair of high…ranking members of BAST went undetected in Gibraltar。 Tf they had exchanged this profoundly nonsensical form of greeting things might well have been different。
James Bond saw Clover Pennington for the first time since their meeting over Christmas; in the wardroom of Invincible。 Certain sea…going regulations had been altered to allow the Wrens and their officer to do their job with ease; and First Officer Pennington was; as the bearded Sir John Walmsley put it; 'A delightful adornment to our ship's pany。' Not one officer in the wardroom missed the slightly lascivious look in the Captain's eyes as he gallantly kissed Clover's hand and lingered over releasing it。 Eventually。 Clover escaped from the senior officers and came over to Bond。 who was nursing a glass of Badoit; having forsworn alcohol until the operation had been successfully concluded。 She looked fit; relaxed and very fetching in the trousers and short jacket Wren officers wore; for the sake of modesty; when on harbour or shipboard duty; and aircraft maintenance。
 'You all right; sir?' Clover smiled al him; her dark eyes wide and stirring with pleasure; leaving no doubt that she was happy to see him。
〃Fine; Clover。 Ready for the fray'。''
 '! hope it's not going to be a fray。 I just want it all over and done with。 I gather that I defer to you in all security matters。'
 'Thiit's what the rules say。 They also say it to the Americans and the Russians; though I really can't see either of them deferring to anyone。 The Old Man tells me he's going to make it plain to the whole lot。 They might well obey for the first part; but。 when we e to Stewards' Meeting。 I don't see them budging from their respective charges and telling me anything。' The cipher。 Stewards' Meeting; was。 as far as invincible was concerned; known only to Sir John Walmsley。 Clover Pennington。 James Bond; the three visiting Admirals and their bodyguards; to whom the information was essential。 Even when they got to thai particular phase the present circle of knowledge would not be considerably widened。 The entire ship's pany mieht see things; and guess others; but would never be formally told。
'We know who the minders are。 Jame 。 。 。 sir?' He nodded; glaneing around as officers drifted in to dinner。 'Our people're easy; just a pair of heavies from the Branch …both ex…Navy and done up as Flag Officers; the Yanks've got their Secret Service bodyguards。 Four of them。 As for the Russians; almost certainly K。GB。 four in all。 including a woman who's described as a Naval Attache。' 'Any names?'
 'Yes。 All unmemorable; apart from the Russian lady who's called Nikola Ratnikov。 a name to conjure with 。 。 。'
 'I've already marked her card; sir。' Clover gave him a wide…eyed look of innocence。 'Whatever she's like。 I'll think of her as 〃NikkiThe Rat〃。'
 Bond allowed her one of his neon…sign smiles: on and off。 'Let's eat。' he said 'I've a feeling it's going to be a long hard night。'
One of the Sea Kings hovered off the port bow。 This was normal operational practice during Hying operations。 One helicopter
was always airborne to act as a search…and…rescue machine should an aircraft end up m the drink;
 From Flight Operations; high on the superstructure known to all as the island; Bond could see the helicopter's warning lights blinking as it drifted forward keeping in station with the ship。
 'Here they e。' The mander in charge of Flight Ops snapped his night glasses up and swept the sky behind the stern。 'Our man's leading them in;'
 You could see them with the naked eye … not their shapes; hut the warning lights of three helis stacked from around five hundred feet; at a good thousand…yard intervals; up to about a thousand feet。
 'Rulers of their own nay…vee…s;' Bond parodied the Gilbert and Sullivan song from IIMS Pinafore。
 A young officer chuckled; and; as the first chopper; another Sea King; came in and put down; taxiing forward at the instructions from the deck…handling officer; the mander joined in。 singing; 'For they are monarchs of the sea。'
 The second machine touched the deck; it was a big Mil Mi…14 in the Soviet Naval livery of white and grey (NATO designation Haze) making a din they could hear up on the bridge above Flight Operations。 Bond repeated his line。 'Rulers of their own Nay…vec…s。〃 adding。 'I think that one really has brought along all of his sisters; and his cousins; and his aunts。'
 As the rotors slowed to idle; so the final craft did a rather fancy rolling…landing; touching down right on the stern threshold。 This looked like an update of the Bell model 212。 and carried US markings; but no designation and no Wavy Sivery。 Nobody in Flight Operations had seen anything like it。 'I want those choppers off my deck fast;' the mander barked at the young officer acting as munications link with the deck…handling officer。 Then he turned back to Bond。 'We've got two Sea Harriers out there; fully juiced and carrying operational equipment: real bangs。 Sidewinders。 50mm cannon; the works。 Don't know what's behind it。 but the Captain gave the orders。 Round the clock readiness; with a four…minute ability lo switch them for unarmed I larriers。 Bloody dangerous if you ask me。'
The three helicopters were discharging their passengers with speed; each machine being met by a senior officer; a bosun; and several ratings: the senior officer to salute; the bosun to pipe the admiral aboard; and ihe ratings to secure any luggage。 Admiral of the Fleet Sir Geoffrey Gould; Admiral Edwin Gudeon。 United States Navy; and Admiral Sergei Yevgenne…vich Pauker; mander…in…Chief of the Soviet Navy; together with their staffs and bodyguards were aboard invincible。
 Half an hour later。 Bond was ushered into the Captain's day cabin。 The three admirals were standing in the centre of the cabin; each nursing a drink; and Rcar…Admiral Sir John Walmsley greeted Bond with a smile; turning to the assorted brass from the Royal Navy。 United States Navy and the Soviet Navy。 〃Gentlemen; I'd like you to meet Captain Bond who is in charge of your security arrangements while you're aboard invincible。 Bond; this is Admiral of the Fleet。 Sir Geoffrey Gould。' Bond stood to attention in front of the smooth…looking; impeccable officer。 'Captain Bond。' Gould had a voice which matched his looks: he was one of those people who always look neat and freshly barbered。 'I'm sure we'll all be safe in your care。 1 have two Flag Officers who have had experience in these matters 。 。 。'
 〃Gentlemen; Captain Bond is to meet your personal staff; as soon as I've introduced him to you;' Walmsiey broke in quickly。 'I must stress that while you are guests aboard my flagship; your people
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