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'You wish for goose?'
 He shook his head。 'Old English children's rhyme。 No; Beatrice; I don't know how I'll celebrate Christmas… Nalale。'
'In England you have snow; yes?'
 'Usually only on the Christmas cards。 We gather the whole family together; give each other unsuitable gifts; and eat ourselves stupid。 Turkey; as a rule。 I do not like turkey。' He looked at her hard and asked how she would be spending Christmas。
 'At the big villa。 On my own。 1 told you。 I am in charge。 Umberto and Franco; two of the gardeners; will e in to see all is well; and maybe one of the young girls we have to help when the villas are all occupied; or the Signora is at home; will call to see me。'
 'Well; I'll probably drive into Forio and buy some kind of special feast we can share。 How about that?' If she were a devil; then at least he would know where she was; if an angel; it would not matter。
'This is good; Signor Bond … James。 This I would like。'
 'Okay。' He found the dark eyes disconcerting; For they locked onto his like radar。
 'Now I must go back to the house。 The big villa。 La Signora; she telephones me each day。 In 。。。〃 her slim wrist came up showing her watch。 'In about fifteen minutes。 1 must he there always for her。 Otherwise is lot of shouting over the telephone。 Is not good。'
 Bond saw she was wearing a very functional wrist…watch。 Black metal; with all the bells and whistles Middle Eastern airline pilots liked on their chronometers。
 Beatrice paused by the doors leading to the rear terrace; 'book。 James。 1 make good cannelloni。 How if I e down tonight and cook for you?'
 The temptation weni in and out of Bond's mind in the lime it takes for an expert to slit a throat。 He smiled and shook his head; 'Very kind of you; Beatrice。 Perhaps tomorrow。 I'm tired and want to make it an early night。 Need the rest。 You know; light meal and bed with a good book。'
 'You're missing one of the great delights of Ischia;' she said; the cheekiness in both face and voice。
 'I'll make up for it。' But; by the time he said it; she had disappeared。 All that remained was the soft patter of her shoes on the path leading back to the main villa。
 He chose Ihe bedroom at the back of the house: the one furthest away from any of ihe doors and windows。 It was large with a big; old…fashioned wooden bed。 built…in closets filled with doors and interiors that had once belonged to a pair of beautiful old wardrobes。 There was a plicated icon facing the bed …elongated figures; a fussy bination of faiih and philosophy that showed the Trinity surrounded by saints and angels。 It looked like a genuine product of the Stroganov school; but who would know? A doctor friend of Bond's could have knocked a similar piece off in a matter of weeks; then aged it over twelve months and nobody but an advanced expert would have known。
 He hung up the one suii and two spare pairs of slacks; carefully put the shirts; socks and other items in the drawers which formed one side of each cupboard and laid out the short towelling robe he had brought with him。 Lastly he casually threw a heavy roll…neck sweater onto the bed; placed a little leather…cased toolkit on the night table; then went into the main room to the telephone。
 The number in Ejigland picked up on the third ring。 'Predator。' said Bond。
 ?Hellkin;' the voice was clear from the distant line。 'Repeat。 Hellkin。…
 'Acknowledge。' Bond put down the receiver。 'We will give what cover we can。' M had said。 〃There will be a daily password so that everyone knows what's what。' The instructions were that Bond should telephone on arrival。 After that he would call at a similar time every twenty…four hours。 The word of the day would be given; and that would last until the next contact。 'Don't want our own people getting shot up;' M had said as though he did not give a damn who got shot up。
 In the kitchen。 Bond prepared a light meal: a four…egg omelette with a tomato salad。 He ate alone; there in the kitchen and confined his drinking to three glasses of the red wine Beatrice had provided。 The label said it was a Vino Gran Caruso and he did not doubt it for a minute。 He even toyed with the idea of taking a fourth glass; but in view of his situation he left it at three。
After the meal; he went around the entire villa to make certain every lock was applied; every bolt closed; and all curtains drawn。 Then he sat in the main room; with the toolkit beside him; and stripped the automatic; examining each part before reassembling it。 Then; carefully using two pairs of pliers; he removed (he bullets from four rounds of ammunition; each taken at random from the four magazines。 Once he checked thai Ihey were the real thing Bond disposed of the mutilated shells; rilled one magazine and slammed it into the Browning's butt; cocking the mechanism before readjusting the other clips … one full; the other two with a couple of rounds short。
 It was almost ten o'clock by the time he was ready for the next move。 In the bathroom he showered; then changed into the thick roll…neck; heavy cord slacks; and a pair of soft black moccasins。 He strapped on a leather shoulder…holster from the bottom of his case; then shrugged on his windcheater before sliding the Browning in place; and distributing the spare magazines around his pockets。 It was not; he considered; going to be the most fortable Christmas week he had ever spent。
 Finally; Bond moved from room to room; starting in the kitchen; altering the furniture; placing it against doors and near window…entry points before strewing bottles and cans from the kitchen like mines across the floor。 He worked back towards his bedroom so that anyone who managed to gain entrance would have to use a torch or cause a great deal of noise。 Even with a torch; a trained man would have problems in not bumping against; or falling over; one of the obstacles。 He stretched strings between chairs; tying them to pots and pans。 He even fitted simple booby…traps of pans; plastic buckets and cooking utensils near doors or the smaller windows。
 He then arranged the pillows in the bed; so that the impression to any inlruder would be that he was quietly sleeping。 It was a very old dodge; but one that worked efficiently on an assassin doing a quick in…and…out job。 Lastly; Bond pulled a sleeping…bag from the bottom of his case and; still moving furniture and scattering traps; he put out the lights; carefully heading towards the french windows which led from the dining…room to the rear terrace。
The sky was clear outside; and the moon not fully up as yet。 Silently he closed and locked the windows; making his way slowty and without a sound; to the covered roof…top。 The nighl air stung his Face with cold; but; once zipped snug inside the sleeping…bag; set close to the wall near ihe steps; James Bond
closed his eyes and drifted into a light sleep。
 Sleep; for Bond; was always shallow: it came with the job。 When he woke it was suddenly; his eyes snapping open; all senses alert; ears straining for sounds。 Certainly there was a soft noise; a scraping ing from below; near the frcnch windows。
 He quietly unzipped himself from the sleeping…bag; rolled away and stood up。 Browning out and ready with the safety off … all in a mat
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