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bles that was Ischia; the peaceful island that had known the crack and blast of history; and seen much violent death as well as happiness in its time。
 He drove wesi; feeling at his most vulnerable。 I le had carefully sailed the ground for whoever was supplying BAST wiih information; declaring to a lot of people; in and out of the ward…room ai Yeovilton RNAS。 that he was heading for the Bay of Naples; to spend a quiet Christmas alone。
They knew that BAST was filching information from Yeovilton: just as they knew that; the oily Baradj had fingered him; putting the Cat … Saphii Boudai … in charge。 As with Baradj; Hamarik。 and Adwan; there were no photographic  descriptions available。 At best the pictures were blurred; photo ts provided by people who had caught fleeling glimpses of the quartet which formed the leadership of BAST。 All Bond knew for sure that the Cat was a woman; variously reported to  the short; tall; fat and thin; beautiful and repellent; The only feature was that she had very dark hair。

 He was traveling in a rented car; which was bare security to start with; and; until he reached the Villa Capricciani he was unarmed。 It was only alter M had given the final instructions that Bond had also realised; from memory; that the villa itself was a security nightmare。 As he drove the narrow dangerous  security to roads he constantly scanned the rear…view mirror searching sight of vehicles that had been on the ferry … a Volvo there; a VW there。 But none seemed to linger; or take any interes in him。
 On the road between Lacco and Forio; respectively on the north west and west of the island; he turned off; down the very narrow; metalled road which led to the villa。 Nothing seemed to have changed on the island; everything was hot remembered it; from the destructive; near suicidal driving to the sudden beautiful views that came; unexpectedly; it turn in the road。 There were also other aspects: handful of peeling buildings; the open front of a cluttered shop; a dowdy petrol station。 In summer these last would seem romantic。 In winter the they came into clear; depressing focus。 Now he locked for the gates set into the high; grey stone wall to the right hoping that nothing at the villa had fundamentally altered。 
 The gates were open; and he swung the Fiat in to the tight turning circle inside; cut the engine and got out。 In front of him was a large and beautiful lily pond; bordered on the right by another gate which; in turn; led to steps overhun; with vines and greenery。 He could see the white dome of the  villa above and was half way up the steps when a voice called。
'Signer Bond?'

He shouted back an affirmative; and; as he reached the top a young girl appeared。 She was dressed in a tank top and jeans that were not so much cut…offs as rip…offs。 Makin her look as though a pair of gorgeous legs had been grafted onto a small exquisite body。 Her face could only be described as cheeky Dark eyes danced above a snub nose and wide smiling mouth; the whole topped by a bubbly black; tight…curled foam of hair。
 She had e out of the big; sliding glass doors of ihe villa and now stood; smiling; by the poolside。 In the palms and tropical fronds to her right a short; white statue of a young satyr thumbed its mouth and produced almost a mirror…image of the girl;
 'Signor Bond;' she said again; the voice jolly and bright; 'wele to Villa Capricciani。 I am Beatrice。' She pronounced it with almost cassata…flavourcd Italian … Beh…ah…Tree…che。 '1 am here to greet you。 Also to look after you。 I am the maid。'
 Bond thought he would not like to bet on it。 but strode onto the wide terrace which was covered with a green material so thai in hoi weather you would not barbecue the bare soles of your feet getting to the pool which was now empty and covered。 The villas were never open in the winter; so he wondered how M had pulled off the renting of this one。 The answer probably lay in a close; maybe secret; arrangement with the owner。 M had highly placed friends the world over; and。 Bond suspected; was able to apply pressure when required by circumstances such as these。
 As though reading his thoughts。 Beatrice stretched out her hand and took his in an unexpectedly firm grasp。 LThe Signora is away。 She go to Milano for the Natale。 I remain here and guard the house and all the villas entirely。'
 ?And I wonder if you guard them for BAST; also?' Bond thought。
 'e。 I will show you。' Beatrice gave his hand a short lug; like a child leading him into the villa; then stopped。 'Ah; 1 forget。 Already you know。 You have before been here; yes?'
 He smiled and nodded; following her into the big white room with arched ceiling and matching sofas and chairs; encased in crearn covers。 There were three glass…topped tables; four lamps with surrounds of white glass shaped like opening lilies; and four paintings … one in the style of Hockney。 an unknown man leaning against the chrome surround of the pool; three others of various garden views which needed no explaining to Bond。
In spite of Beatrice's realisation of the fact thai he already knew the place; she continued to lead him around; almost at breakneck speed; showing off the three large bedrooms … 'You will have trouble in making your mind which to use。 huh? Or possibly you use them one at a time。 Different each night。 You are alone; huh? A pity。 One different each night would be enjoyable。' This last was followed by grandsire triples of laughter。
 The villa was on one level; just the main room; with doors off to (he three bedrooms; and a narrow passage … neatly contrived to store two refrigerators; food; china; pots; pans and cutlery … leading to the kitchen。 The rear of the main room was arched and; in turn; led to the dining area: the whole beautifully furnished with a clever mix of old and new; each room taking on a style of its own。 Behind the dining area you passed through a pair of french windows on to a second terrace; on the left of which; steps led up to a flat roof; converted into an open…sided room … simply a wood and rush roof; topped by a weathercock; supported by heavy wooden beams and furnished with a long refectory table; making an excellent dining area in summer。 The view looked out towards the little white and grey town of Forio。 with its ancient refurbished church of Our Lady of Succour; brilliant white; built with simple architectural lines; perched on the older grey stone projecting from the headland of Soccorso。
 The rain had cleared; and there was a little winter sun which seemed to hit the church; tiny in the distance; then bounce off to sprinkle and glitter on the water。 Bond looked back at the town; with its hills rising above; then returned his gaze to the promontory and the church。
 'Is beautiful; eh?' Beatrice stood by his side。 'This is for the help of fishermen; for all who sail。 Our Lady of Soccorso takes care of them。'
 'We have a hymn;〃 Bond unexpectedly heard himself say。 'It is a prayer。 〃Oh hear us when we cry to Thee; for those in peril on the sea。〃
〃Is good。〃
 She was standing close to him。 and even in the chill of this winter day he could smell the sunshine on her。 A sweetness that seemed to have been trapped in the strong hot weeks of summ
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