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t bilge about a power failure。 They knew。 They just didn't want me to be able to warn anyone。〃
  〃They 。。。 who's 'they;' John?〃 Joe asked gently。 The phone rang。 It was Dan。 〃Did you hear?〃
  〃I heard。 I guess that's what it was all about; Dan。 That's what it was all about〃 
   19 … Where the Birds Gather 。。。
  Thirteen months to the day (November 15; 1966…De…cember 15; 1967) the Year of the Garuda came to an end。 Like some evil specter of death; Mothman and the UFOs had focused national attention on quiet little Point Pleasant and lured scores of reporters and investigators like myself to the Ohio River valley。 When the Silver Bridge died of old age many of these same reporters returned once again to the village to revisit old friends and to share the pain of that tragic Christmas。 Wherever you were; you watched the agonized aftermath on national television and read about Point Pleasant on the front pages of your local newspapers。
  The Silver Bridge was constructed in 1928 and was an engineering marvel in its day。 It became a main artery from West Virginia to Ohio; but had not been designed for the heavy traffic of the 1960s。 Huge trucks lumbered across it continuously。 People on both sides of the river crossed it daily to shop; go to work; visit friends。 The next nearest bridge was almost fifty miles upriver。 
  '*' On June 16; 1967; Mrs。 Gladys Fusaro of Huntington; New York; received a phone call from a woman claiming to be Princess Moon Owl。 The princess gave her this statement to pass on to me: 〃The pebbles on the beach are washed under the bridge where the birds gather and where rays of light show through。〃 
  On the Ohio side of the river; at the little cluster of shops and dwellings called Kanauga; the stoplight at the mouth of the bridge was malfunctioning that afternoon。 It was stuck on green and the rush…hour traffic along Route 7 was creeping past in confusion。 Traffic was backing up in both directions and at 5 P。M。 the bridge was laden with slow…moving lines of cars and trucks in both directions。 The light on the Point Pleasant side had always been recalcitrant; remaining red for so long that many regular bridge users had learned to ignore it。 Running the light …was a mon practice。
  Frank Wamsley; a twenty…eight…year…old truck driver; was on his way home to Point Pleasant; riding in a gravel; truck with a friend。 They found the traffic backed up on the Ohio side。 It was to be a black day for the Wamsley family。
  On the West Virginia side; Frank's cousin Barbara and her husband; Paul Hayman; were starting across the bridge in their 1955 Pontiac。 And his uncle; Marvin Wamsley; was also on the bridge with two friends in a 1956 Ford convertible。
  Bill Needham; twenty…seven; of Ashboro; North Carolina; was muttering under his breath because he had been caught in the 5 o'clock rush hour。 He inched his loaded tractor…trailer forward in a low gear。 His partner; R。 E。 Towe; sat beside him in patient silence。
  〃The old bridge is sure bouncing around today;〃 Howard Boggs; twenty…four; mented to his wife; Marjorie; nineteen。 She was holding their eighteen…month…old daughter; Christie。 There were several small children On the bridge; riding with their Christmas…shopping mothers。
  〃The bridge was shaking; but then it always shook;〃 William Edmondson; thirty…eight; of King; North Carolina; said later。 His partner; Harold Cundiff; was sound asleep in their tractor…trailer。
  The traffic jam worsened。 The streams of cars and trucks ground to a halt。 The old bridge shuddered and squirmed under the weight。
  Frank Wamsley spotted his cousin Barbara and her husband and waved to them。 Just ahead; he saw Marvin and his two friends。 Suddenly the whole bridge convulsed。
  The time was 5:04 P。M。
  Steel screamed。 The seven…hundred…foot suspension bridge twisted and the main span split from its moorings at either end。 Electric cables strung across the bridge snapped in a blaze of sparks。 Fifty vehicles crashed into the black waters of the Ohio; tons of steel smashing down on top of them。
  〃It sounded like someone moving furniture upstairs; and then the lights went out;〃 State Trooper R。 E。 O'Dell said。 He was in an insurance office a block from the bridge。 〃When the lights went out; I guess they really just flickered for a minute; I knew something was wrong。 I thought maybe it was a wreck; so I ran outside。〃
  Mrs。 Mary Hyre was in a drugstore on the Main Street; waiting for the traffic to ease so she could cross the bridge and pick up the daily notes from the Gallipolis Hospital。
  〃There was a sound like a jet plane or a plane going through the sound barrier;〃 she said afterward。 〃A rumbling roar that hurt your eardrums。 Then the lights flickered。 My first thought was that something had blown up。 I thought; 'My God; John was right! Something is exploding!〃 I ran outside and someone yelled; The bridge went down!'〃
  A Christmas tree salesman in Kanauga; H。L。 Whobrey; dropped the tree he was holding。 〃The bridge just keeled over; starting slowly on the Ohio side; then following like a deck of cards to the West Virginia side。 It was fantastic。 There was a big flash and a puff of smoke when the last of the bridge caved in; I guess the power line snapped。
  〃I saw three or four people swimming around in the water screaming。 I couldn't do anything。 I just stood there and watched。 Then I saw a City Ice and Fuel boat e and pick them up。〃
  Frank Wamsley saw the bridge in front of him tilt sharply and suddenly there was water all around him。 〃I went all the way to the bottom with the truck。 For a minute I didn't think I was going to get out。 Finally I got out and came to the surface and I caught hold of something and held on and was soon picked up。〃 When a boat pulled alongside he found he could not move his legs and had to be helped aboard。 His back was fractured。
  Howard Boggs found himself on the bottom of the river; outside his car。 〃I don't know how I got out of the car; or how I got to the surface。 But all at once I was on top and caught hold of something; like a big cotton ball。〃
  His wife and child didn't make it。
  Bill Needham's truck also sank to the bottom but he somehow managed to force a window and reach the surface。
  〃You could see and hear people screaming for help;〃 Mary Hyre described the scene。 〃I saw a tractor…trailer that floated a little before it sank; and a car and merchandise floating on the water。 People on the West Virginia side of the river were so upset they could hardly realize what was going on。
  〃You could hear people saying; 'This can't be true 。。。 you read about things like this in the papers; but it can't be happening here 。。。'〃
  Like Howard Boggs; William Edmundson suddenly found himself on the surface of the water; clinging to a truck seat。 He had no idea how he'd escaped from his vehicle。 His partner didn't surface。
  〃When I got there I could see this truck floating in the water;〃 Trooper O'Dell expla
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