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round is simple enough 。。。 it makes it impossible to tape the voices。 I've tried and found that the background pletely smothered the voice on the tape。
  I kept a careful log of the crank calls I received and eventually cataloged the various tactics of the mysterious pranksters。 Some of these tactics are so elaborate they could not be the work of a solitary nut harassing UFO believers in his spare time。 Rather; it all appears to be the work of either paranormal forces or a large and well…financed organization with motives that evade me。
  From my years in show business I know that talented mimics are rare and that some voices are almost impossible to imitate。 Nevertheless; our hypothetical Organization is able to mimic almost anyone…including myself。 And I have a flat; colorless voice somewhat like former Vice…President Spiro Agnew's。 Professional mimics like Rich〃 Little and David Frye were never able to get Agnew's voice down pat。
  At 1 A。M。 on the morning of Friday; July 14; 1967; I received a call from a man who identified himself as Gray Barker from West Virginia。 The voice sounded exactly like Gray's softly accented mellifluous own; but he addressed me as if I were a total stranger and carefully called me 〃Mr。 Keel。〃 At first I wondered if maybe he hadn't been out celebrating。 The quiet; familiar drawl told me that he knew I wrote for newspapers and he had just heard about a case which he thought I should look into。 It was; he said; similar to the Derenstein case。 Gray and I had visited Woodrow Derenberger together so I knew this was not the kind of mistake he would make。
  Around that time I had received a number of reports from people in the New York area who had been receiving nuisance calls from a woman who identified herself as 〃Mrs。 Gray Barker。〃 I knew that Gray was not married but when I mentioned these calls to this 〃Gray Barker〃 he paused for a moment and then said; 〃No; Mrs。 Barker hasn't been calling anybody up there。〃 He returned to his recital of an absurdly insignificant UFO sighting near West Mifflin; Pennsylvania。 It was not the kind of incident that would have inspired a long…distance call。 Later I did try to check it out and found all the information he gave me was false。
  We talked for about ten minutes and throughout that period 〃Gray〃 sounded like a man under duress 。。。 as though someone was holding a gun to his head。 I tricked him several times with different meaningless references and by the time I hung up I was definitely convinced that this man was not the real Gray Barker。
  An hour later my phone rang again and a young man said; 〃Gray Baker has been trying to reach you 。。。 he asked us to give you this number and to please call him。〃 He recited a number that was identical to my own except for the last digit。
  There were more calls from strangers that night; and more pointless messages from Gray Baker。
  The next day I called Gray long distance and he denied having placed the call; naturally。
  Soon after that I discovered that another 〃John Keel〃 had been phoning people around the country; imitating my voice and mannerisms exactly。 Mary Hyre received one such call。 I phoned her a few days afterward and she said; 〃I'm glad you're feeling better 。。。 you sounded sick or drunk the other night。〃
  〃What other night?〃
  〃When you called a couple of nights ago。 Remember we talked about your letter and what you thought was going to happen on the river。〃
  I had not called her and discussed the letter。 Nor had I discussed the disaster prediction with anyone other than the contactees who were told about it。
  Jaye P。 Paro called me one morning to plain。
  〃You must think I'm crazy。 I wouldn't go up to Mount Misery alone at midnight。〃
  〃What are you talking about?〃 I demanded。
  〃Last night。 You called and told me to meet you on Mount Misery。〃
  〃I didn't call you last night; Jaye; and I certainly wouldn't ask you to do such a thing anyway。〃
  〃You're putting me on。 It sounded exactly like you。〃
  I spent most of March 1968 in Washington; D。C。 While I was gone an old army buddy; a serious; quiet man who worked in advertising; stayed in my apartment。 He was totally reliable and not a practical joker。 When I returned I found a stack of messages from phone calls he had received while I was gone。 One was from George Clark; a UFO enthusiast in New Jersey。 He had called on March 23 and asked for me to call him back。 I never got around to it。 So a few days later he called again and I apologized for not returning his previous call。 There was a stunned silence on the other end and then he slowly told me that I had called him back around 10 P。M。 on March 27。 A voice that sounded exactly like mine had talked to him at length; using my pet expressions and nonmittal statements such as; 〃Well; we'll just have to wait and see what happens next。〃
  Two days later George said he called my number again around 8 P。M。 and a 〃hippie〃 answered。 〃No; man; Mr。 Keel ain't here right now 。。。 but he ought to be back soon。 Would you like to leave a message; man?〃 George left a message with him。
  That particular evening I was back in New York and sitting next to my phone。
  Three months earlier; on January 18; 1968; my phone went dead again。 The main office of my exchange could find nothing wrong; so a repairman was dispatched to my apartment。 He examined my telephone but it seemed okay。 I acpanied him to the basement where he unlocked the telephone room and began examining the maze of wires。 The multitude of connections are coded in such a vague way that only a real expert can pick out an individual line。
  〃This is where your line is connected;〃 he explained to me。 〃And you see 。。。〃 He stopped and stared at the wires。 〃Look at this。 This wire has been cut。〃 He waved a neatly snipped wire。 Someone had managed to single out my telephone line in that maze and cut it with a pair of pliers!
  As soon as the wire was spliced and my phone was working again I called my friendly telephone representative。
  〃This I must have in writing;〃 I snapped。
  A few days later I received a letter from her stating that my phone had bee disconnected on January 18 because a piece of solder in the main office had loosened。 I knew there was only one piece of solder on my line in the main exchange and I had examined it personally only the month before。
  Between the IRS; the phone pany; Apol and his gang; and flying saucers I was rapidly being a candidate for the funny farm。 
   18 … Something Awful Is Going to Happen 。。。
  Mrs。 Virginia Thomas was working in her kitchen deep inside the TNT area when she heard a loud squeaking sound unlike anything she had ever heard before in her years there。
  〃The best way I can describe it;〃 she told Mrs。 Hyre and me; 〃is that it was like a bad fan belt 。。。 but much louder。 I stepped outside。 It seemed to be ing from one of the igloos。 Then I saw a huge shadow spreading across the grass。 It was just after noon so there shouldn't have b
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