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  If the phenomenon can produce any effect through hallucination; it can easily support any theory。 It took me a long time to realize that many of my Men in Black reports were just feedback。 It is even possible that affairs like Tiny's visit to the Christiansens were somehow arranged for my benefit; even though I didn't know them at the time。 I came across the Christiansens during an investigation far from Cape May。 They were almost dumped in my lap; just as the letter from the man in Massachusetts came at a time when I was involved in cases with 〃Indian…like〃 entities on Mount Misery。 (Note he put 〃misery〃 in quotes。)
  My thoroughness led to the discovery of coincidences that seemed significant at the time。 Two of my silent contactees shared the same birth date…September 6。 As soon as I realized this; circumstances added several new contactees to my stable…all women and all born on September 6!
  During one of her almost…daily conversations with Apol and Lia; Jane was told that a number of women were being selected for artificial insemination! They would be bearing very special children for the space people。 This led to a whole new game in which I found myself trying to cope with pregnant women; though I eventually figured out they were victims of pseudocyesis…false or 〃hysterical〃 pregnancies。 This was probably feedback from my concern over Derenberger's statement that if the truth were known; women the world over would panic; throw their babies out the window; and mit suicide。
  By mid…July I was in indirect contact with the entities through three different systems。 First; contactees would relay my questions to them and relay their answers back to me。 I was still extremely skeptical; so many of my questions were plicated and beyond the abilities of the individual contactees to answer 。。。 even if they spent hours in a library trying to research the answers。 Second; I was able to municate by mail by sending letters through the U。S。 Post Office to addresses which I later discovered were nonexistent。 I would receive replies by mail; often the very next day; written in block letters。 Some of these replies covered several pages。 Third; I was sometimes able to speak to the entities by telephone! A contactee would call me and inform me that an entity was present in his or her house and wished to speak to me。 Sometimes I just asked questions and the alleged entity whispered the answer to the contactee who relayed it to me。 Sometimes a strange voice would e on the line and speak to me directly。 In some; if not all; of these instances the contactee probably entered a trance state and the voice came from their own vocal chords just as 〃spirits〃 speak through mediums at seances。
  As soon as I entered this munication phase my problems with the mails and telephone intensified。 Important letters of a non…UFO nature went astray 。。。 or arrived days late and had obviously been opened by someone en route。 My telephone rang at all hours of the day and night with beeping calls; eerie electronic sounds; and; most interesting of all; frantic calls from people who were superb actors and who described UFO incidents containing those secret details in cases I was working on; but when I tried to check out these people I found the addresses they had given me were nonexistent and the phone numbers they gave were false。
  Someone somewhere was just trying to prove that they knew every move I was making; listened to all my phone calls; and could even control my mail! And they were succeeding。
  On July 20; 1967; the Vatican announced that the pope was planning a trip to Turkey。 He would be flying to Istanbul where he would be greeted by a huge mob at the airport。 Several of my contactees had been gravely concerned with the prediction of the pope's impending death and the three days of darkness that would follow。 The accuracy of earlier predictions led me to take this one seriously。 Very seriously。
  The assassination was supposed to take place on July 26。 It would be preceded by a violent earthquake。
  On July 22 more than one thousand people were killed in an earthquake in Adapazari; Turkey; one hundred miles southeast of Istanbul。 The news really shook me up。 The whole prophesied scenario was being carried out to the letter!
  The night before the quake; there were a rash of telephone hoaxes throughout the Northeast。 These calls consisted of two people talking indistinctly for the most part; but certain names were clearly audible。 Ivan Sanderson received such a call on his unlisted phone in the mountains of New Jersey at midnight。 My call came through at 11:40。 A UFO buff on Long Island received one at 1 A。M。 He heard; 〃Hang up; John 。。。 and I'll turn off the recorder。〃 On my call the name 〃Jim〃 was used。
  These calls were part of a broader nationwide pattern which had successfully disrupted; even destroyed; many local UFO groups。 The receiver heard the name of a fellow UFO enthusiast and regarded it as proof that the other person was responsible for all the hoax calls he or she was receiving。 The very same ploy was used against the civilians quietly investigating the Kennedy assassination! Penn Jones; a Texas newspaper editor who has been investigating the death of JFK for years; received similar calls; including the playing of a tape of his phone conversations with other investigators 。。。 proof positive that his phone was being tapped by someone and they wanted him to know it。 This playback of taped conversations also happened on my phone。 The object of such gimmicks is clearly to incite paranoia。 Since many of the UFO enthusiasts are very unstable to begin with; the device has been very effective。
  I was now receiving many messages phrased in biblical terms。 Some came from unknown elderly ladies who phoned me late at night claiming to be from Western Union。 Then they would read long Bible quotations that were supposedly telegrams。 But Western Union disavowed any knowledge of these messages。 I had hooked up a tape recorder to my own phone so I could keep track of all these things。
  〃If it is the days of darkness;〃 said a message received on July 23; 〃behold there will be voices; thunder and earthquakes and disturbances upon the earth。 And at their cry all nations shall fight one against the other。 And fear shall fall upon the earth and the sky shall be darkened except for the illuminating round lights that will be the only sparks of light。 And rain shall e at the end of the happening。
  〃John: Do not trouble yourself over trivial matters such as strange calls。 We're in greater danger than you can imagine。 Not only is your world involved; but many others too。〃
  I am an amateur herpetologist and once kept three…fanged cobras in my New York apartment 。。。 until my concerned neighbors squealed to the Board of Health。 Some of the descriptions of the entities impressed me as resembling some kind of reptile rather than human mammals。 I didn't mention this reptile notion to anyone。 But on July 24; Lia visited Jane and refused to talk about anything but eggs。 She took some eggs from Jane's refrigerator and sucked o
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