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  Shortly after 2 P。M。 on September 1; Mrs。 James Ikart of Scott; Mississippi; grabbed her phone to call the Delta Democrat Times (Greenville)。 She and her neighbors were watching a whitish man…shaped flying object。 〃It got down pretty low and then would go up;〃 Mrs。 Ikart said。 〃I never saw anything like it。〃
  John Hursh; a local meteorologist; whipped out Standard Explanation No。 425。 〃It's apparently somebody's research balloon that's gotten away;〃 he announced。
  Whatever it was; it bounced around Scott most of the afternoon。
  Three thousand years ago a small group of brilliant men investigated and solved the mystery of unidentified flying objects。 Since then a great many others have approached the same mystery from different perspectives and solved it over and over again。 Unfortunately; their staggering solutions were obfuscated by intellectual extrapolations and the ponderous terminology of philosophy and theology。 Few modern UFO enthusiasts have the educational background to understand such literature。 They choose; as an alternative; to deal with the phenomenon on a materialistic level; assuming that the presence of unlikely objects and entities in our atmosphere is evidence of some extraterrestrial civilization。
  Xenophanes; one of the first great philosophers (sixth century B。C。); observed that the Ethiopians thought their gods were black and snub…nosed like themselves。 Today many of us no longer believe in direct visits with our God; so we have shaped a new mythology based upon the belief in spacemen carved in our own image。 When the ancients sighted giant; shambling bipeds covered with hair; their eyes blazing like fierce coals; they assumed they were confronting demons。 Early investigators eventually concluded that such demons did not really exist; even though they often left footprints behind and caused physical damage。 They coined the word khimaira (chimera) to describe them。 Others noted that the eerie aerial lights changed colors up and down the visual spectrum and the word specter was born。 Several times each year tall; hairy creatures with red eyes are still seen throughout the United States and; in fact; throughout the world。 Like many forms of chimeras; they are usually acpanied by the smell of rotten eggs…hydrogen sulfide。 The 〃fire and brimstone〃 of the ancients。 The same odor frequently surrounds the fabled flying saucers and their space…suited pilots。
  Seeing a spaceman disembark from a flying saucer is no more remarkable than seeing an angel descend in a luminous cloud (and angels are still reported hundreds of tunes each year)。 The report of a nine…foot…tall humanoid strolling down the main street of Buffalo Mills; Pennsylvania; on August 19; 1973; was no more outlandish than the dinosaurs who appear from time to time to terrify witnesses and baffle police posses。 In 1969 there were dinosaur reports in Texas。 In 1970 the police in Italy scoured a mountain range after several witnesses reported seeing a saurian。
  To the regret of the true believers; the majority of the witnesses to chimerical events were alone at the time of their experience。 While the amateur investigators tend to Concentrate on the very subjective descriptions of the observers; I probed deeper and studied the witnesses themselves。 Many; I found; suffered certain medical symptoms such as temporary amnesia; severe headaches; muscular spasms; excessive thirst and other effects; all of which have been observed throughout history in religious miracles (the appearances of religious apparitions); demonology; occult phenomena; and contacts with fairies。 All of these manifestations clearly share a mon source or cause。 While chimeras can e in all sizes and shapes; ranging from twenty…foot giants to animated tin cans only a few inches in height; the most fascinating type is one who has appeared in almost every country on earth。 In other ages he was regarded as the devil incarnate。 He dressed in black and rode a black horse。 Later he arrived in black horsedrawn carriages; even in hearses。 Today he steps out of flying saucers in remote farm fields。 He is built exactly like us; stands from five feet six inches to six feet tall; looks very human but has high cheekbones; unusually long fingers; and an Oriental cast to his features。 His plexion is olive or reddish。 He speaks every language; sometimes mechanically as if he is reciting a memorized speech; sometimes fluently。 He has trouble breathing; often wheezing and gasping between words。 Like our dinosaurs and hairy bipeds; he often leaves a few footprints behind 。。。 footprints which suddenly end as if he had vanished into thin air。
  I have been chasing these critters for twenty…five years and have traveled from Tibet; the land of the Abominable Snowman; to West Virginia; home of the strangest unknown 〃Bird。〃 In the course of all these adventures and frenetic activities I have e to reject outright the popular extraterrestrial hypothesis。
  My long and very expensive excursions into the borderland where the real and unreal merge have failed to produce any evidence of any kind to support the idea that we are entertaining shy strangers from some other galaxy。 Rather; I have e to realize that we have been observing plex forces which have always been an essential part of our immediate environment。 Instead of thinking in terms of extraterrestrials; I have adopted the concept of ultraterrestrials…beings and forces which coexist with us but are on another time frame; that is; they operate outside the limits of our space…time continuum yet have the ability to cross over into our reality。 This other world is not a place; however as Mars or Andromeda are places; but is a state of energy。
  The UFO phenomenon itself is only one trivial fragment of a much larger phenomenon。 It can be divided into two mam parts。 The first and most important part consists of the mysterious aerial lights which appear to have an intelligence of their own。 They have been observed throughout history。 Often they project powerful searchlight…like beams toward the ground。 Persons caught in these beams undergo remarkable changes of personality。 Their IQ sky…rockets; they change their jobs; divorce their wives; and in any number of well…documented instances they suddenly rise above their previous mediocre lives and bee out…standing statesmen; scientists; poets and writers; even soldiers。 In religious lore; being belted by one of these light beams causes 〃mystical illumination。〃 When Saul; a Jewish tent…maker; was zapped by one of these beams on the road to Damascus it blinded him for three days and he was converted to Christianity on the spot and became St。 Paul。 The second part of the phenomenon consists of the cover or camouflage for the first part; the 〃meandering nocturnal lights〃 as the air force has labeled them。 If these lights appeared in cycles; year after year; century after century without any acpanying explanatory manifestations they would cause much greater fear and concern。 But explanatory manifestations have acpanied them always; and these manifestations have always been adjusted to the psychology and beliefs of each pa
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