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He looked back at Cort。 〃I will bury my hawk tonight; teacher。 And later go into lower town to inform those in the brothels that will wonder about you。〃
Cort's lips parted in a pained smile。 And then he slept。
The gunslinger got to his feet and turned to the others。 〃Make a litter and take him to his house。 Then bring a nurse。 No; two nurses。 Okay?〃
They still watched him; caught in a bated moment that was not yet able to be broken。 They still looked for a corona of fire; or a werewolf change of features。
〃Two nurses;〃 the gunslinger repeated; and then smiled。 They smiled。
〃You god…damned horse drover!〃 Cuthbert suddenly yelled; grinning。 〃You haven't left enough meat for the rest of us to pick off the bone!〃
〃The world won't move on tomorrow;〃 the gunslinger said; quoting the old adage with a smile。 〃Allen; you butter…ass。 Move your freight〃
Allen set about making the litter; Thomas and Jamie went together to the main hall and the infirmary。
The gunslinger and Cuthbert looked at each other。 They had always been the closest  or as close as they could be under the particular shades of their characters。 There was a speculative; open light in Cuthbert's eyes; and the gunslinger controlled only with great difficulty the need to tell him not to call for the test for a year or even eighteen months; lest he go west。 But they had been through a great deal together; and the gunslinger did not feel he could risk it without an expression that might be taken for patronization。 I've begun to scheme; he thought; and was a little dismayed。 Then he thought of Marten; of his mother; and he smiled a deceiver's smile at his friend。
I am to be the first; he thought; knowing it for the first time; although he had thought of it(in a bemused way) many times before。 I am to be first
〃Let's go;〃 he said。
〃With pleasure; gunslinger。〃
They left by the east end of the hedge…bordered corridor; Thomas and Jamie were returning with the nurses already。 They looked like ghosts in their heavy white robes; crossed at the breast with red。
〃Shall I help you with the hawk?〃 Cuthbert asked。
〃Yes;〃 the gunslinger said。
And later; when darkness had e and the rushing thundershowers with it; while huge; phantom caissons rolled across the sky and lightning washed the crooked streets of the lower town in blue fire; while horses stood at hitching rails with their heads down and their tails drooping; the gunslinger took a woman and lay with her。
It was quick and good。 When it was over and they lay side by side without speaking; it began to hail with a brief; rattling ferocity。 Downstairs and far away; someone was playing Hey Jude ragtime。 The gunslinger's mind turned reflectively inward。 It was in that hail…splattered silence; just before sleep overtook him; that he first thought that he might also be the last。
The gunslinger did not; of course; tell the boy all of this; but perhaps most of it had e through anyway。 He had already realized that this was an extremely perceptive boy; not so different from Cuthbert; or even Jamie。
〃You asleep?〃 the gunslinger asked。
〃Did you understand what I told you?〃
〃Understand it?〃 The boy asked; with cautious scorn。 〃Understand it? Are you kidding?〃
〃No。〃 But the gunslinger felt defensive。 He had never told anyone about his ing of age before; because he felt ambivalent about it。 Of course; the hawk had been a perfectly acceptable weapon; yet it had been a trick; too。 And a betrayal。 The first of many: Am I readying to throw this boy at the man in black?
〃I understood it;〃 the boy said。 〃It was a game; wasn't it? Do grown men always have to play games? Does everything have to be an excuse for another kind of game? Do any men grow up or do they only e of age?〃
〃You don't know everything;〃 the gunslinger said; trying to hold his slow anger。
〃No。 But I know what I am to you。〃
〃And what is that?〃 The gunslinger asked tightly。
〃A poker chip。〃
The gunslinger felt an urge to find a rock and brain the boy。 Instead; he held his tongue。
〃Go to sleep;〃 he said。 〃Boys need their sleep。〃
And in his mind he heard Marten's echo: Go and find your hand。
He sat stiffly in the darkness; stunned with horror and terrified (for the first time in his existence; of anything) of the self…loathing that might e。
During the next period of waking; the railway angled closer to the underground river; and they came upon the Slow Mutants。
Jake saw the first one and screamed aloud。
The gunslinger's head; which had been fixed straight forward as he pumped the handcar; jerked to the right。 There was a rotten jack…o…lantern greenness below and away from them; circular and pulsating faintly。 For the first time he became aware of odor  faint; unpleasant; wet。
The greenness was a face; and the face was abnormal。 Above the flattened nose was an insectile node of eyes; looking at them expressionlessly。 The gunslinger felt an atavistic crawl in his intestines and privates。 He stepped up the rhythm of arms and handcar handle slightly。
The glowing face faded。
〃What was it?〃 the boy asked; crawling。 〃What  〃The words stopped dumb in his throat as they came up upon and passed a group of three faintly glowing forms; standing between the rails and the invisible river; watching them; motionless。
〃They're Slow Mutants;〃 the gunslinger said。 〃I don't think they'll bother us。 They're probably just as frightened of us as we are of  〃
One of the forms broke free and shambled toward them; glowing and changing。 The face was that of a starving idiot。 The faint naked body had been transformed into a knotted mess of tentacular limbs with suckers。
The boy screamed again and crowded against the gunslinger's leg like an affrighted dog。
One of the tentacles pawed across the flat platform of the handcar。 It reeked of the wet and the dark and of strangeness。 The gunslinger let loose of the handle and drew。 He put a bullet through the forehead of the starving idiot face。 It fell away; its faint swamp…fire glow fading; an eclipsed moon。 The gunflash lay bright and branded on their dark retinas; fading only reluctantly。 The smell of expended powder was hot and savage and alien in this buried place。
There were others; more of them。 None moved against them overtly; but they were closing in on the tracks; a silent; hideous party of rubberneckers。
〃You may have to pump for me;〃 the gunslinger said。 〃Can you?〃
〃Then be ready。〃
The boy stood close to him; his body poised。 His eyes took in the Slow Mutants only as they passed; not traversing; not seeing more than they had to。 The boy assumed a psychic bulge of terror; as if his very id had somehow sprung out through his pores to form a telepathic shield。
The gunslinger pumped steadily but did not increase his speed。 The Slow Mutants could smell their terror; he knew that; but he doubted if terror would be enough for them。 He and the boy were; after all; creatures of the light; and whole。 How they must hate us; he thought; and wondered if they had hated the man in black in the same way。
He thought not; or perhaps he had passed among them and through their pitiful hive colony unknown; only the shadow of a dark wing。
The boy made a noise in his throat and the gunslinger turned his head almost casually。 Fou
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