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cb.coldheart canyon-第93章

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t out every night 'dressed like a cheap little slut。'
  〃I love this shit;〃 Todd said。
  〃People's lives;〃 Tammy replied。
  〃I guess they're happy。 They get their fifteen minutes;〃
  〃Did you like yours?〃
  〃I got more than fifteen;〃 he said。
  〃I didn't mean to offend you。 I was just asking。〃
  〃Sure; I enjoyed it。 Who wouldn't? The first few times you're in a restaurant and a waiter recognizes you; or somebody sends over a drink; you get a buzz out of that。 In fact; you feel like you're the only person who matters。。。〃 His voice trailed away。 The daughter on the screen; who had the seeds of whoredom in her pre…pubescent features; was telling the audience that if she wanted to dress like a slut that was her business; and anyway who did she learn it from? She stabbed her finger in the direction of her mother; who did her best to look virtuous; but given what she'd chosen to do with her hair; makeup and outfit didn't have a chance。 Todd laughed; then went back to what he was telling Tammy。
  〃The whole 'look at me; I'm a star' thing gets old pretty quickly。 And after a while you start to wish people didn't know who you were。〃
  〃Actually; it's more that you want to be able to turn it on or off。 Oh shit; look at this…〃
  The sluttish daughter was now up off her chair; and attempting to attack her mother。 Luckily; there was a security man ready to step in and stop her。 Unluckily; he wasn't quite fast enough to do so。 The girl threw herself upon her mother with such violence the woman's chair topped over; and the security man; who had by now taken hold of the girl to keep her from doing harm; fell forward too; so that chair; mother; daughter and security man ended up on the studio floor together。 Todd continued to talk through it。
  〃There are days when you really want to feel good about yourself; you want to be recognized; you want people to say: I loved your movie so much I saw it six times。 And then there are other days when it's a curse to have people know who the hell you are; because there's no privacy; no way to just go out and be yourself。 Everything bees a performance。〃 He pointed at the brawlers on television。 〃Look at these stupid bitches。 What are they going to say when their friends see this?〃 He pondered his own question for a moment; then he said: 〃Actually; I know exactly what they're going to say。 They're going to say: did you see me on the TV? That's all that matters。 Not: did you see me being smart or looking beautiful: just did you see me?〃
  He watched the women's antics for a while longer; shaking his head。 Then he glanced over at Tammy and said:
  〃I've been thinking maybe I'm done with the movies。 Or movies are done with me。 It's time to buy a ranch in Montana and raise horses。〃
  〃Really?〃 Tammy had finally got dressed; and came to sit down on the unmade bed beside Todd。 〃You're going to retire?〃
  He laughed。
  〃What's so funny?〃
  〃Oh; just hearing the word。 Retire。 At thirty…four。〃
  〃I thought you were thirty…two。 Your bio…〃
  〃I lied。〃
  〃But I'm still young。 Right? I mean; thirty…four is still young。〃
  〃A mere kitten。〃
  〃I just can't face the idea of that circus for one more day。。。〃 He turned off the television。 The room was suddenly very silent。
  After a few moments Tammy said: 〃Are we going to talk about it or not?〃
  Todd stared at the blank television。 She couldn't see his expression but she was certain it was just as vacant as the screen。
  〃The Canyon; Todd;〃 she said again。 〃Are we going to talk about what happened in the Canyon or not?〃
  〃Yes;〃 he replied finally。 〃I suppose so。〃
  〃Last night you said it wasn't real。〃
  〃I was tired。〃
  〃It's real。 I knew last night I was talking bullshit。。。〃
  He kept his back to her through this; as though he didn't want to let her see his inprehension; as though it were something to be ashamed of。
  〃You saw more than I did;〃 she said to Todd。 〃So you've probably got a clearer idea of what's going on。 And you talked to…〃
  〃Yes。 And。 What did she tell you?〃
  〃She told me the room downstairs had been given to her。〃
  〃By Zeffer。 Yes; I know that part。〃
  〃Then what are you asking me for?〃 he said。 〃You probably know as much as I do。〃
  〃What about Maxine?〃
  〃What about her?〃
  〃She must have checked out the house for you…〃
  〃Yeah。 She took photographs…〃
  〃Maybe she has some answers。〃
  〃Maxine?〃 He got up off the bed and went to the table to pick up his cigarettes。 He took one out of the packet and lit it; inhaling deeply。 〃As soon as she'd moved me into that fucking house she told me she didn't want to manage me any longer;〃 he said。
  There was a knock at the door。 〃Room service。〃
  Tammy opened the door and an elderly man; who frankly looked as though this might be the last club sandwiches and coffee he delivered; tottered in; and set the laden tray on the table。
  〃I asked for extra mayonnaise;〃 Todd said。
  〃Here; sir。〃 The old man proffered a small milk jug; into which several spoonfuls of mayonnaise had been deposited。
  〃Thank you; it's all fine;〃 Tammy said。
  Todd went into his jeans pocket and pulled out a bundle of notes。 He selected a twenty…much to the antiquated waiter's delight…and gave it to the man。
  〃Thank you very much sir;〃 he said; exiting rather faster than he'd entered; in case the man in the filthy jeans changed his mind。
  They set to eating。
  〃You know what?〃 Todd said。
  〃I think I should go and see Maxine。 Ask her what she knows; face to face。 Maybe this was all some kind of set up…〃
  〃If you get her on the phone…?〃
  〃She'll lie。〃
  〃You've had that experience?〃
  〃Several times。〃
  〃Where does she live?〃
  〃Well she's got three houses。 A house in Aspen; a place in the Hamptons and a house in Malibu。〃
  〃Oh how she must suffer;〃 Tammy said; teasing a piece of crispy bacon out of her sandwich and nibbling on it。 〃Only three houses? How does she manage?〃
  〃So eat up。 We'll just drop in on her。〃
  〃Both of us?〃
  〃Both of us。 That way she can't tell me I'm crazy。 What I saw; you saw。〃
  〃Actually; I saw some shit you didn't see。〃
  〃Well; we'll be sure to get some answers from her。〃
  〃Are you certain you want me to e?〃
  〃There's safety in numbers;〃 Todd said。 〃Drink your coffee and let's get going。〃
  Katya hadn't wasted any time weeping over Todd's departure。 What was the use? She'd shed more than her share of tears over men and their betrayals across the years。 What good had any of her weeping ever done her?
  Besides; it wasn't as if she'd truly lost the man; he'd simply drifted away from her for a few hours; that was all。 She'd get him back; humbled and begging to be returned into her pany。 After all; hadn't she let him kiss her? Hadn't she let him fuck her; there in the Devil's Country? He could never forget those memories。
  Oh; he could try。 He could put a hundred women; a thousand; between the two of them; but it wouldn't work。 Sooner or later he'd e crawling back to her for more of what only she could give him; and nothing that fat bitch of a woman who'd coaxed him away could say would keep him from ing b
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