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cb.coldheart canyon-第84章

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of trees。 They were approaching at speed; kicking up clods of earth as they came。 Were they real; Tammy wondered; or just part of the landscape? She wasn't sure; nor was she particularly eager to put the question to the test。
  Yet with every passing second she was standing in this world the more she felt the power of the room to unknit her doubts。 She felt its influence seeping through her sight and her skin into her mind and marrow。 Her head grew giddy; as though she'd downed two or three glasses of wine in quick succession。
  It wasn't an unpleasant sensation by any means; especially given the extreme disfort of the last few hours。 She felt almost forted by the room; as though it understood how she'd suffered of late; and was ready to soothe her hurts and humiliations away。 It would distract her with its beauty and its strangeness; if she would only trust it for a while。
  〃Tammy。。。〃 she heard Zeffer say behind her。 His voice was weak; and the effect his summons had on her was inconsequential。 She didn't even acknowledge it。 She just let her eyes graze contentedly on the scene before her; the trees; the horsemen; the road; the rocks。
  Soon; she knew; the riders would make a turn in that road; and it would be interesting to see how their image changed when they were no longer moving in profile; but were ing towards her。
  She glanced back over her shoulder。 It wasn't far to the door: just a few yards。 Her eyes didn't even focus on whatever was going on in the passageway。 It seemed very remote from her at that moment。
  She looked back towards the horsemen。 They had turned the corner in the road; and were now ing directly towards the spot where Todd and she stood。 It was the oddest visual spectacle she'd ever witnessed; to see them growing larger as they approached; like illustrations emerging from a book。 The landscape around them seemed to both recede and advance at the same moment as they approached; its motion throwing them forward as the ground beneath their horses drew back like a retreating wave。 It was an utterly bewildering spectacle; but its paradoxical beauty enthralled her。 All thought of Zeffer's summons; or indeed his safety; were forgotten: it was as though she was watching a piece of film for the first time; not knowing how the mechanism worked upon her。 She felt Todd throw her a sideways glance。 〃Time to go;〃 he said。
  The earth beneath their feet reverberated as the horsemen approached。 They'd be at the door in thirty or forty seconds。 〃e on;〃 he said。 
  〃Yes。。。〃 she murmured。 〃I'm ing。〃
  She didn't move。 It wasn't until Todd caught hold of her arm and pulled her back towards the door that she eventually obeyed the instruction and went。 Even then she kept looking back over her shoulder; astonished。 〃I don't believe what I'm seeing;〃 she said。
  〃It's all real。 Trust me on that;〃 he said。 〃They can do you harm。〃 They had reached the threshold now; and she reluctantly allowed herself to be coaxed back over it and into the passageway。 She was amazed at the speed with which the room had caught her attention; made itself the center of her thoughts。
  Even now; it was still difficult to focus her attention on anything but the scene beyond the door; but finally she dragged her eyes away from the approaching horsemen and sought out Zeffer。
  He had fallen to his knees three or four yards from the door; putting up no defense against Katya's assault。
  〃I told you; didn't I?〃 she said; slapping his head。 〃I never wanted to see you in this house ever again。 You understand me? Ever again。〃
  〃I'm sorry;〃 he said; his head bowed。 〃I just brought…〃
  〃I don't care who you brought。 This house is forbidden to you。〃
  〃Yes。。。I know。〃
  His acquiescence did nothing to placate her。 The reverse; in fact: it seemed to inflame her。 She kicked him。 〃You revolt me;〃 she said。
  He bent over; as though to present a smaller target to her。 She pushed him; hard; and he fell。 She moved in to kick him again; aiming for his face; but at that moment Tammy saw what she was about to do; and let out a cry of protest。
  〃Leave him alone!〃 she said。
  Katya turned。 〃What?〃
  〃You heard me。 Leave him alone!〃
  Katya's beauty was disfigured by the naked contempt on her face。 She was breathing heavily; and her face was flushed。
  〃I'll do what it suits me to do in my own house;〃 she said; her lip curling。 〃And no fat; ugly bitch like you is going to tell me otherwise。〃
  Tammy knew plenty about Katya Lupi by now; of course; her intimidating reputation went before her。 But at that moment; seeing Zeffer lying on the floor; and hearing what the woman had just said; any trace of intimidation was burned away by a blaze of anger。 Even the glories of the Devil's Country were forgotten at that moment。
  She walked straight towards Katya and pushed her hard; laying her hands against the bitch's little breasts to do so。 Katya was clearly not used to being manhandled。 She came back at Tammy in an instant。
  〃Don't you dare touch me!〃 she shrieked。 Then she back…handed Tammy; a clean; wide strike。
  Tammy fell back; the metallic tang of blood in her mouth。 There were three sickening heartbeats when she feared the force of Katya's blow was going to knock her unconscious。 Darkness pulsed at the corners of her vision。 But she was determined not to be floored by one blow; even if it did have something more than ordinary human force behind it; as she suspected it did。
  She reached out for something to steady her; and her hand found the door…jamb。 As she caught hold of it; she glanced back over her shoulder; remembering her proximity to the strange beauty of the Devil's Country。 But the power of the room's illusion had been momentarily knocked from her head。 The walls were simply covered in tiles now。 There were trees and rocks and a painted river on those tiles; but none of it was so finely rendered that it could have been mistaken for reality。 The only part of the scene before her that was real was Todd; who was still lingering at the threshold。 Apparently he could see what Tammy could not because at that moment he threw himself over the threshold like a man in fear of something ing close on his heels。 He caught hold of the doorhandle; and started to pull the door closed; but as he did so Katya came back into view and blocked the door with her foot。
  〃Don't close it!〃 she told Todd。
  Todd obeyed her。 He let go of the handle。 The door struck Katya's leg and bounced open again。
  Now the machinations of the room began to work on Tammy afresh。 The gloomy air seethed; and the shapes of four horsemen appeared out of the murk; still riding towards the door。
  The leader…the Duke; Tammy thought; this is the Duke…pulled hard on the reins to slow his mount。 The animal made a din; as though its primitive gaze was failing to make sense of what it was ahead of it。 Rather than advance any further it came to a panicked halt; throwing up clods of dirt as it did so。 Goga jumped from the saddle; shouting a number of inprehensible orders back at his men; who had also brought their animals to a stop。 They proceeded to dismount。 There were whispers of superstitious doubt between the men: plainly whatever they were wi
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