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cb.coldheart canyon-第51章

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gs and dead flowers scraped at his face; his shirt was quickly soiled; his sneakers filled with stony dirt。 By the time he got to the other side of the garden; and took to the path again; he was short of breath and patience; and had two dozen little nicks and scratches to call his own。
  His wanderings had brought him to a spot that offered a spectacular view。 He could see the big house below him surrounded by palms and Birds of Paradise; he could see the baroque weathervane on the top of the gazebo he'd passed on his way here; and the orchid house; which he had e upon on one of his earlier trips around the garden。 All this; bathed in clear warm California light; the crystalline light which had brought filmmakers here almost a century before。 Not for the first time since ing to the house he had a pleasurable sense of history; and a measure of curiosity as to the people who might once have walked here; talked here。 What ambitions had they plotted; as they ambled through these gardens? Had they been sophisticates; or simpletons? What little he knew about Old Hollywood he'd heard from Jerry Brahms; which meant he'd only ever really been half…listening。 But he knew enough to be certain those times had been good; at least for a man like himself。 Douglas Fairbanks and Rudolph Valentino; Charlie Chaplin; the Barrymore clan; and all the rest had been like royalty; lording it over their new dominion in the West。 A bean…counting prick like Eppstadt…with his demographics and his endless corporate maneuvering…would have had no power in the world this canyon still preserved。
  Having caught his breath; he now continued his ascent。 The shrubbery became denser the closer he got to the guest…house。 He would have needed a machete to hack through it efficiently; but; lacking one; had to do with a branch he picked up on his way。 The flowers gave up their perfume as he beat his way through them; and he recognized their scent。 It was her scent。 The scent on Katya's skin。 Did she walk naked amongst them; he wondered; pressing the flowers against her body? Now that would be a sight to see。
  The thought of this had stirred him up; he actually had a hard…on。 Not an everyday order of hard…on either; but the kind that was so strong it actually hurt。 It was a long time since he'd had a woodie so fierce; and it added immeasurably to his sense of well…being。 With the guest…house now in view he pressed towards his goal; feeling curiously; happily; adolescent。 So what the hell if Maxine was deserting him? What the hell if he'd never be a Golden Boy again? He was still alive and kicking; still had a stick in his hand; and a woodie in his pants; and the thought of Katya's flower bath in his mind's eye。
  The thicket had finally thinned; and he was at last delivered onto a small unkempt lawn。 The house before him was a two…story affair; built in the same style as the main house; simply on a much more modest scale。 Above the door; set into the stucco; was a single tile; with a man on a horse painted upon it。 He glanced up at it for only a moment。 Then he pressed his flattened hand down the front of his jeans to push his erection into a less obvious position on the clock; and knocked on the madwoman's door。
  There was no reply from within; nor any sound of movement in response to his knocking。 He knocked a second time; and then…after a short pause…a third。 Still there was no response; so he tried the latch。 The door was unlocked。 He pushed it open; and stepped out of the sunlight into the cool interior of the house。
  At first glance he assumed that he'd misunderstood what Katya had told him; and the house was not occupied after all; merely used as a storage space of some kind。 The room before him; which was large and high…ceilinged; was little more than a junk…room; filled with furniture and bric…a…brac。 But as his eyes became more accustomed to the murky light; after the blaze of sun outside; he began to make sense of what he was seeing。 Yes; the place was over…filled; but the contents of the room were far from junk。 On the wall to the left hung an enormous tapestry depicting a scene of medieval revelry; on the wall opposite was a series of white marble bas…reliefs that looked to have been filched from a Roman temple。 In the far corner; close to a great oak door; were more slabs of stone; these carved with hieroglyphics。 There was an elegant chaise longue in front of the massive fireplace; and a table; its legs elaborately carved with baroque grotesqueries; stood in the middle of the room。 All of this had presumably been removed from the big house at some point; but that hardly explained the strange confusion of periods and styles。
  Moving deeper into the room; Todd called out again to announce his presence。 Again; there was no reply。 He didn't linger now to study the furniture or the antiquities; but crossed the room to the large oak door。 Here again he knocked; but receiving no reply; he turned the carved handle; and pushed the door open。 Given its size; he'd expected it to be heavy; but it wasn't。 On the other side was a wide hallway; the walls of which were hung with white masks。 No; not masks; life…casts; white plaster faces; all caught with that expression of eerie; enforced repose that such masks always wore。 He'd had similar things made of his own face; by special effects men。 Once for the facewound in Gunner; once for a bullet wound。 It was an eerie experience; to look at the finished work。 This is what I'll look like when I'm dead; he'd thought when he'd been shown the final results。
  There were thirty or forty masks displayed on the wall; mostly of men。 He thought that he vaguely recognized some of the faces; but he couldn't have put names to any of them。 They were all handsome; some of them almost beautiful。 He remembered Katya's crazy talk about the parties she'd had in the house。 How she'd seduced Valentino。 Was this collection the inspiration for that fantasy? Had she dreamed of fucking the famous because she had plaster copies of their faces up on her wall?
  The door at the other end of the wall of life…masks was; like the last; deceptively light。 This time he paused to puzzle out why; and examining it a little more closely; had his answer。 It was fake。 The large rusted nails weren't iron at all; but carved and stippled wood; the patina of antiquity had been achieved by a skilled painter。 It was a door from a movie…set; all illusion。 And if the doors had been made that way; what about the tapestry and the bas…reliefs and table carved with grotesqueries? They were all most likely fakes。 Stolen off a back…lot; or bought from a studio fire…sale。 None of it was real。
  He pushed the door open; and came into a second room; this one much smaller than the first; but just as cluttered。 On the wall opposite him hung a large mirror; its gilt frame elaborately carved with naked figures; men and women knotted together in configurations which looked both sensual and tormented。 He seldom let a mirror go by without putting it to use; and even now…knowing he wouldn't like what he saw…he paused and assessed his reflection。 He was a sad sight; his clothes in disarray from his trip through the shrubbery; his face like an inept
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