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cb.coldheart canyon-第16章

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  〃It was fine;〃 Todd said; without mitment。
  〃Forty million; the first weekend。〃
  〃Don't get your hopes up。〃
  〃You don't think we'll do forty?〃
  〃I think it'll do fine。〃
  George's face lit up。 Todd Pickett; the man he'd paid twenty million dollars to (plus a sizable portion of the back…end) was declaring it fine。 God was in His Heaven。 For a terrible moment Todd thought the man was going to weep with relief。
  〃At least there's nothing big opening against it;〃 Todd said; 〃So we've got one weekend clear。〃
  〃And your fans are loyal;〃 George said。 Again; the desperation in the eyes。
  Todd couldn't bear to look at him any longer。
  〃I'm just goin' to make a quick getaway;〃 Todd said; glancing towards the theater doors。
  The first of the crowd were emerging。 If the expressions on the first five faces he scanned were an omen; his instincts were right: they did not have a hit。 He turned his back on the crowd; telling George he'd see him later。
  〃You are ing to the party?〃 George said; hanging on to him as he headed down the carpet。
  Where was Marco? Todd thought。 Trusty Marco; who was always there when he was needed。 〃Yes; I'll pop in later;〃 he said; glancing back over his shoulder at George to reassure him。
  In the seconds since he'd turned away the audience spilling from the theatre door had jumped from five to a hundred。 Half of them saw him。 In just a few seconds they'd be surrounding him; yelling his name; telling him they loved this and they hated that; touching him; pulling on him…
  〃Here; boss!〃
  Marco called to him from the curb。 The limo door was open。 God bless him! Todd raced down the carpet as people behind him started to call his name; cameras started to flash。 Into the limo。 Marco slammed the door。 Todd locked it。 Then Marco dashed around to the driver's seat with a remarkable turn of speed given his poundage; and got in。
  〃Where to?〃
  Mulholland Drive winds through the city like a lazy serpent for many miles; but Marco didn't need to know where along its length his boss wanted to be taken。 There was a spot close to Coldwater Canyon; where the undulating drive offers a picture…perfect view of the San Fernando Valley; as far as the mountains。 By day it can be a smog…befouled spectacle; brown and gray。 But by night; especially in the summer; it is a place of particular enchantment: the cities of Burbank; North Hollywood and Pasadena laid out in a matrix of amber lights; receding to the dark wall of the mountains。 And moving against the darkness; the lights of planes circling as they await their instruction to land at Burbank Airport; or the police helicopters passing over the city; spitting a beam of white light。
  Often there were sightseers parked at the spot; enjoying the scene。 But tonight; thank God; there were none。 Marco parked the car and Todd got out; wandering to the cliff…edge to look at the scene before him。
  Marco got out too; and occupied his time with wiping the windshield of the limo。 He was a big man with the bearded face of a bear recently woken from hibernation; and he possessed a curious mixture of talents: a sometime wrestler and ju…jitsu black belt; he was also a trained Cordon Bleu cook (not that Todd's taste called for any great culinary sophistication) and a twice…divorced father of three with an encyclopedic knowledge of the works of Wagner。 More importantly; he was Todd's right…hand man; loyal to a fault。 There was no part of Todd's existence Marco Caputo did not have some part of。 He took care of the hiring and firing of domestic staff and gardeners; the buying and the driving of cars; and of course all the security duties。
  〃The movie's shit; huh?〃 he said matter…of…factly。
  〃Worse than。〃
  〃Sorry 'bout that。〃
  〃Not your fault。 I should never have done it。 Shit script。 Shit movie。〃
  〃You want to give the party a miss?〃
  〃Nah。 I gotta go。 I promised Wilhemina。 And George。〃
  〃You got something going with her?〃
  〃Wilhemina? Yeah。 I got something。 I just don't know whether I want to。 Plus she's got an English boyfriend。〃
  〃The English are all fags。〃
  〃You want me to swing by the party and bring her back up to the house for you?〃
  〃Suppose she says no?〃
  〃Oh e on。 When did any girl say no to you?〃
  Todd said nothing。 He just stared out over the vista of lights。 The wind came up out of the valley; smelling of gas fumes and Chinese food。 The Santa Anas; hot off the Mojave; gusted against his face。 He closed his eyes to enjoy the moment; but what came into his head was an image of himself: a still from the movie he'd fled from tonight。 He studied the face in his mind's eye for a moment。
  Then he said: 〃I look tired。〃
  Todd Picket had made two of his three most successful pictures under the aegis of a producer by the name of Keever Smotherman。 The first of them was called Gunner; the kind of high concept; testosterone…marinated picture Smotherman had been renowned for making。 It had made Todd…who was then an unknown from Ohio…a bona…fide movie…star; if not overnight then certainly within a matter of weeks。 He hadn't been required to turn in a performance。 Smotherman didn't make movies that required actors; only breath…taking physical specimens。 And Todd was certainly that。 Every time he stepped before the cameras; whether he was sharing the scene with a girl or a fighter…plane; he was all the eye wanted to watch。 The camera worked some kind of alchemy upon him; and he worked the same magic on celluloid。
  In life; he was good…looking; but flawed。 He was a little on the short side; with broad hips; he was also conspicuously bandy。 But on the screen; all these flaws disappeared。 He became gleaming; studly perfection; his jaw…line heroic; his gaze crystalline; his mouth an unmon mingling of the sensual and the severe。 His particular beauty had suited the taste of the times; and by the end of that first; extraordinary summer of ing…to…fame his image; dressed in an immaculate white uniform which made poetry of his buttocks; had bee an indelible piece of cinema iconography。
  Over the years; other stars had risen just as high; of course; and many just as quickly。 But few were quite as ready for their ascent as Todd Pickett。 This was what he'd been polishing himself for since the moment his mother; Patricia Donna Pickett; had first taken him into a cinema in downtown Cincinnati。 Looking up at the screen; watching the parade of faces pass before him; he'd known instinctively (at least so he later claimed) that he belonged up there with those stars; and that if he willed it hard enough; willed and worked for it; then it was merely a matter of time before he joined the parade。
  After the success of Gunner; he fell effortlessly into the labors of being a movie star。 In interviews he was courteous; funny and self…effacing; playing the interviewers so easily that all but the most cynical swooned。 He was confident about his charms; but he wasn't cocky; loyal to his Mid…Western roots and boyishly devoted to his mother。 Most attractive of all; he was honest about his shortings as an actor。 There was a refreshing lack of pretension about the Pickett persona。
  The y
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