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 Skink asked Twilly: 〃What's with the dog?〃
 Once the armor…plated behemoth had quit playing runaway; McGuinn had grown bored and sniffed elsewhere for mischief: The tree。 A human was up in the tree! The dog decisively stationed himself beneath the tall oak and menced a barking fit; punctuated by the occasional lunge。
 To the man in the branches; Twilly said: 〃You OK up there?〃
 〃Pretty much。 Anyway; who the hell are you?〃 It was the other hunting guide; the one dressed like a mechanic。
 〃Nobody。 We just came for the dog。〃
 〃That's yours? You see what all he did?〃 The man in the tree was highly upset。 〃You see the holy shitstorm he caused; your damn dog!〃
 〃I know; I know。 He's been a very bad boy。〃
 Twilly whistled the dinner whistle。 McGuinn; having already lost track of the time of day; fell for it。 Sheepishly he lowered his head; tucked his tail and sidled toward Twilly in a well…practiced pose of contrition。 Twilly grabbed the leash and held on tight。 He didn't want the dog to see what had happened to his former master。
 Skink ambled up and seized McGuinn in a jovial bear hug。 The Labrador chomped one of Skink's cheek braids and began to tug; Skink giggling like a schoolboy。
 Twilly said; 〃We'd better go。〃
 〃No; son。 Not just yet。〃
 He got up; took out the 。45 and strode purposefully toward the rhinoceros。
 〃What are you doing?〃 Twilly called out。 In the tumult he'd left his Remington up on the knoll。 〃Don't!〃
 As Skink approached the rhinoceros; a voice from the tree inquired: 〃Are you fuckin' nuts?〃
 〃Hush up;〃 said the former governor of Florida。
 The rhino sensed him ing and struggled to rise。
 〃Easy there。 Easy。〃 Skink stepped gingerly; edging closer。 His arm gradually reached out; the blue barrel of the Colt pointing squarely at the animal's brainpan…or so it appeared to Twilly; who had kept back。 Morosely he wondered why Skink would kill the old rhino now; perhaps to spare it from being shot by somebody else; a cop or a game warden。 Meanwhile; McGuinn bucked at the leash; thinking the opossum…smelling man had cooked up a fun new game。
 〃Hey; what're you doing?〃 Twilly shouted again at Skink。
 The rhino's view remained obstructed by the lumpy object snagged on its horn。 El Jefe could not clearly see either the silver…bearded man or the gun at its face; which was just as well; though the man had no intention of harm。
 Watching Skink's arm stiffen; Twilly braced for the clap of a gunshot。 None came; for Skink didn't place the weapon to the ancient animal's brow。 Instead he touched it firmly to Robert Clapley's unblinking right eye; to make absolutely sure the fucker was dead。 Satisfied; he stepped back and lowered the gun。 The man in the tree hopped down and scampered away。 McGuinn barked indignantly; which made the rhinoceros stir once more。 With a volcanic grunt and a violent head shake; it launched Robert Clapley's beanbag body; which landed in a khaki heap。
 Skink went over and poked it with a boot。 Twilly saw him bend over and pick something up off the ground。 Later; striding up the slope; he removed the article from his pocket and showed it to Twilly。 〃What do you make of this?〃 he asked。
 It was a voluptuous blond doll; dressed in a skimpy deerhide outfit of the style Maureen O'Sullivan wore in the old Johnny Weismuller movies。 Barbie as Jane。
 〃Came off Clapley;〃 Skink reported; with a troubled frown。 〃A girl's doll。〃
 Twilly Spree nodded。 〃Sick world。〃
 It was seventy…seven steps to the top of the lighthouse。 He counted each one as he went up the circular stairwell。 Where the steps ended stood a warped door with flaking barn…red paint and no outside knob。 The former governor of Florida gave three hard raps; waited a few moments; then knocked again。 Eventually he heard movement on the other side; more a shuffling than a footfall。
 〃Doyle; it's me。 Clint。〃
 He could hear his brother breathing。
 〃Are you all right?〃
 The only light slanting into the stone column came from a row of narrow salt…caked windows。 Littering the floor from wall to wall were envelopes…hundreds of identical envelopes; yellowed and unopened。 Payroll checks from the State of Florida。 It had been a very long time since Clinton Tyree had seen one。
 In the shadows he noticed a crate of fresh oranges; three one…gallon water jugs and; stacked nearby like library books; two dozen boxes of Minute rice。 It was rice he smelled now; cooking on the other side of the door。
 He so wanted to lay eyes on his brother。
 〃I'm not going to stay。 I just need to know you're all right。〃
 Clinton Tyree leaned his shoulder to the wood。 The door held fast。 He heard more shuffling; the scrape of metal chair legs across a pine floor; the sibilant protest of a cheap cushion being sat upon; emphatically。 His brother had taken a position。
 〃The park rangers said there are people bringing you food。 Doyle; is that true?〃
 〃Because if there's anything you need; I'll get it for you。 Groceries; medicine; whatever。 Anything at all。〃
 Books; magazines; paintings; a VCR; a grand piano 。。。 how about a whole new life? Jesus; Clinton Tyree thought; who am I kidding here。
 He heard the chair scoot closer to the door。 Then came a metallic click; like a Zippo lighter or a pocketknife being opened。 Then he thought he heard a murmur。
 Still not a word。
 〃The reason I came…look; I just wanted to tell you that you never have to leave this place if you don't want。 It's all been taken care of。 Don't be frightened ever again; because you're safe here; OK? For as long as you want。 I give you my word。〃
 There was another click behind the door; and then two solid footsteps。 Clinton Tyree pressed a cheek to the briny wood and sensed more than heard his brother on the other side; doing the same。
 〃Doyle; please;〃 he whispered。 〃Please。〃
 He heard a bolt slide; and he stepped back。 The door cracked and an arm came out slowly; an old man's arm; pallid and spidered with violet veins。 On the underside; between the wrist and the elbow; were faded striations of an old scar。 The hand was large; but bony and raw…looking。 Clinton Tyree grabbed it and squeezed with all his heart; and found his brother still strong。 The pale wrist twisted back and forth against his grip; and that's when he noticed the new wound on the meat of the forearm; letters etched into flesh…I love you…blooming in droplets as bright as rose petals。
 Then Doyle Tyree snatched his hand away and closed the door in his brother's face。
 As he descended the lighthouse; the former governor of Florida counted all seventy…seven steps again。 When he reached the bottom he got on his belly and wedged through a gap in the plywood that had been nailed over the entrance to keep out vandals and curious tourists。
 From the darkness of the beaconage; Clinton Tyree emerged; squinting like a newborn; into a stunning spring morning。 He stood and turned his tear…streaked face to the cool breeze blowing in off the Atlantic。 He could see tarpon crashing a school of mullet beyond the break。
 The plywood barricade to the tower was papered with official notices; faded and salt…curled:
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