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the big freak was doing; straddling his cheeks and humming so quietly to himself。
 The bizarre proceeding was disrupted when a door opened and a woman shouted Clinton Tyree's name。 Dick Artemus twisted his neck and saw Lisa June Peterson and Lt。 Jim Tile each fastening themselves to one of the ex…governor's arms; pulling him away…the madman grinning yet submissive…out of the dining room。
 Dick Artemus lurched to his feet and tugged up his pants and smoothed his tousled hair。 Not a word would be said about this…Lisa June and the trooper could be counted upon for that。 No one would ever know! He hurried to the bedroom for a freshly pressed shirt and notified his driver he was ready。 And in the car on the way to the Planters Club; Dick Artemus breezily reviewed the notes for his speech; as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened。 It was only later; after leaving the dais to a round of polite applause; that Dick Artemus discovered what Clinton Tyree had done to him。 The FDLE agent standing outside the men's room heard a sob and flung open the door to see the governor of Florida with blood…flecked boxer shorts bunched at his ankles; his milk…white bum thrust toward the mirror。 He was appraising himself woefully over one shoulder。
 〃Sir?〃 the agent said。
 〃Go away!〃 croaked Dick Artemus。 〃Out!〃
 But the agent already had seen it。 And he could read it; too; even backward in the mirror:
 The word shame in scabbing pink letters across the governor's bare ass; where it had been meticulously etched with a buzzard beak。
 Jim Tile said; 〃This time you've outdone yourself。〃
 〃Jail?〃 Skink asked。
 〃Or the nuthouse。〃
 Lisa June Peterson said; 〃Are you kidding? Nobody's going to jail。 This never happened。〃
 They were heading to the hospital in Jim Tile's patrol car。 The trooper and Lisa June sat up front。 McGuinn and the ex…governor were curled in two aromatic heaps…one black and one fluorescent orange…on the backseat; in the prisoner cage。
 〃Imagine if Governor Artemus orders Governor Tyree prosecuted;〃 Lisa June was saying。 〃Once the story leaks out; Lord; it's front…page news all over the country…and not the kind you clip out for the family scrapbook; if you're Dick Artemus。〃
 From the backseat: 〃What's the big deal? He won't scar。〃
 Jim Tile said; 〃I believe you're missing the point。〃
 〃Two weeks; his scrawny butt'll be as good as new。 What?〃 
 Skink perked up。 〃Lisa June; are you giggling?〃
 〃Yes; you are!〃
 〃Well; it was 。。。 〃
 〃Funny?〃 Skink prompted。
 〃Not what I expected to see; that's all。〃 Lisa June Peterson tried to pose herself。 〃You on top of him。 Him with his fanny showing 。。。 〃
 Thinking about the scene; Jim Tile had to chuckle; as well。 〃When can I go home?〃 he said。
 From the backseat: 〃Soon as we spring the boy。〃
 Lisa June addressed both of them。 〃If anyone asks; here's what happened today: Governor Richard Artemus held a cordial; uneventful private lunch with former Governor Clinton Tyree。 They discussed…let's see…bass fishing; Florida history; the restructuring of the state Cabinet…and the strenuous job demands of the office of chief executive。 The meeting lasted less than an hour; after which former Governor Tyree declined a tour of the refurbished residence; due to a previous mitment to visit a friend in a local hospital。 All agreed?〃
 〃Sounds good to me;〃 Jim Tile said。
 〃It will sound even better to Governor Artemus。 Trust me。〃
 Skink sat up in the cage。 〃But what about that bridge?〃
 Jim Tile said; 〃Don't even think about it。〃
 〃Hell; I'm just curious。〃
 〃Your work is done here; Governor。〃
 〃Oh; relax; Lieutenant。〃
 Lisa June Peterson said; 〃They'll reappropriate the bridge funding next week; during the special session。 Once that happens; Shearwater is a go。〃
 Skink sagged forward; hooking sun…bronzed fingers in the steel mesh。 〃So the veto was bullshit。 They lied to the boy。〃
 〃Of course they did。 They thought he was going to kill your buddy。〃 Lisa June nodded toward the dozing dog。 〃It was extortion; captain。 They couldn't cave in。〃
 〃Plus the bridge is a twenty…eight…million…dollar item。〃
 〃There's that; yes。〃
 〃And let's not forget that Governor Pencil Dick is dearly beholden to Shearwater's developer。〃
 〃Agreed;〃 Lisa June Peterson said; 〃but the point is; everything worked out。 Mr。 Stoat's dog is safe。 Mr。 Stoat's wife is safe。 And the young man; Mr。 Spree; will get the professional help he needs 。。。 〃
 Skink snorted。 〃The island; however; is fucked。〃
 A cheerless silence settled over the occupants of the patrol car。 Jim Tile thought: This is precisely what I was afraid of。 This was the danger they risked; bringing him out of the swamp on such heartless terms。
 The trooper said; 〃Governor; where will you take the kid?〃
 〃A safe place。 Don't you worry。〃
 〃Until he's feeling better?〃
 〃Then what?〃 Lisa June asked。
 〃Then he's free to burn down the goddamn capitol building if he wants。 I'm not his father;〃 Skink groused; 〃and I'm not his rabbi。〃 Once again he drew himself caterpillar…like into a ball; resting his shaved dome on the car seat。 The Labrador awoke briefly and licked him on the brow。
 As Jim Tile wheeled up to the hospital entrance; Lisa June Peterson asked: 〃You sure about this? He's OK to travel?〃
 The trooper explained that Twilly Spree's gunshot wound was a through…and…through; minor damage to the right lung; two fractured ribs; no major veins or arteries nicked。
 〃Lucky fella;〃 Jim Tile said。 〃In any case; he's safer with him〃…cutting his eyes toward the backseat…〃than anyplace else。 Somebody wanted the young man dead。 Maybe still does。〃
 〃What if those officers upstairs won't let him out?〃
 〃Miss Peterson; three of those troopers are being evaluated next month for promotions。 Guess who's one of the evaluators?〃 Jim Tile removed his mirrored sunglasses and folded them into a breast pocket。 〃I don't think they'll raise a fuss if Mr。 Spree decides to check himself out。〃
 From the backseat: 〃You ever been there?〃
 〃Excuse me。 Governor?〃
 〃Jim; I'm talking to Lisa June。 Darling; you ever been down to Toad Island?〃
 〃You just might like it。〃
 〃I'm sure I would;〃 she said。
 〃No; I meant you might like it the way it is。 Without the fairways and yacht basins and all the touristy crap。〃
 Lisa June Peterson turned to face him。 〃I know exactly what you meant; captain。〃
 Jim Tile parked in the shade and left the back windows cracked; so the dog could get some fresh air。 While a nurse changed Twilly Spree's dressing; the three of them…Skink; Lisa June and Jim Tile…waited outside the hospital room。 Jim Tile spoke quietly to the four young troopers posted at the door; then led them down the hall for coffee。 Skink flopped cross…legged on the bare floor。 Lisa June borrowed a spring…backed chair from the nursing station and sat next to him。
 He eyed her with an avuncular amusement。 〃So; you're going to stay put here in Tallahassee。 Learn the ropes。 Be a star。〃 The ex…governor winked。
 〃Maybe I'll write a book about you instead。〃
 〃I enjoy Graham Greene。 I'd like to think he would have found me interesting;〃 Skink mused; 〃or at least moral。〃
 〃I do;〃 Lisa June
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