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 〃And no panties; 'member?〃
 Nothing in Lisa June Peterson's experience prepared her for the sight of Clinton Tyree。 First his size…he looked as big as a refrigerator。 Then the wardrobe…he was dressed like a squeegee man: boots; homemade kilt and shower cap。 As he got in her car; the dome light offered an egg…white glimpse of shaved scalp; a ruby Clint from a prosthetic eye。 But it wasn't until they were seated side by side on upturned cinder blocks in front of a campfire that Lisa June Peterson got a good look at the lush cheek braids and the bleached bird beaks adorning them。
 〃Buzzards;〃 the former governor said。 〃Bad day。〃
 His face was saddle…brown and creased; but it opened to the same killer smile Lisa June remembered from her research; from those early newspaper photographs; before things went weird。 The inaugural smile。
 She said; 〃It's really you。〃
 〃Just the chassis; hon。〃
 They were in a wooded lot outside of town; near the municipal airport。 The ex…governor was skinning out a dead fox he'd scavenged on the Apalachee Parkway。 He said it had been struck by a motorcycle; said he could tell by the nature of the dent in the animal's skull。
 〃What should I call you?〃 Lisa June Peterson asked。
 〃Let me think on that。 You hungry?〃
 〃I was。〃 She turned away while he worked at the haunches of the dead fox with a small knife。
 He said; 〃This is my first time back to Tallahassee。〃
 〃Where do you live now?〃
 〃You know what's tasty? Possum done right。〃
 Lisa June said; 〃I'll keep my eyes peeled。〃
 〃Tell me again what it is you do for Mr。 Richard Artemus。〃
 She told him。
 Clinton Tyree said: 〃I had an 'executive assistant;' too。 She tried; she honestly did。 But I was pretty much an impossible case。〃
 〃I know all about it。〃
 〃How? You were just a baby。〃
 Lisa June Peterson told him about the research that Governor Artemus has asked her to do。 She did not tell him the scheme that had been kicking around her head; keeping her up nights; her idea to do a book about Clinton Tyree; Florida's lost governor。
 〃Did your boss say what he wanted with my files?〃 The grin again。 〃No; I didn't think so。〃
 〃Tell me;〃 said Lisa June。
 〃You poor thing。〃
 〃What is it?〃
 〃Your Governor Dickie has an errand for me; darling; and not a pleasant one。 If I don't oblige; he's going to throw my poor helpless brother out on the street; where he will surely succumb to confusion。 So here I am。〃
 Lisa June felt a stab of guilt。 〃Doyle?〃
 Clinton Tyree raised a furry eyebrow。 〃Yes。 My brother Doyle。 I suppose that was in your damn research; too。〃
 〃I'm so sorry。〃 But she was thinking: Dick Artemus isn't capable of such a cold…blooded extortion。
 The ex…governor speared the sliced pieces of fox on the point of a whittled oak branch; balancing it over the flames。 〃The reason I came to see him…your boss…is to let him know the dire ramifications of a double cross。 He needs to be aware of how seriously I regard the terms of this deal。〃
 Lisa June Peterson said: 〃Isn't it possible you misunderstood?〃
 Clinton Tyree gazed down at her with a ragged weariness。 Then he dug into a dusty backpack and brought out a brown envelope crookedly folded and dappled with stains。 Lisa June opened it and read the typed letter that had been delivered to Clinton Tyree by his best friend; Lt。 Jim Tile。 It didn't matter that there was no signature at the bottom…Lisa June recognized the bloated phrasing; the ical misspellings; the plodding run…on sentences。 The author of the threat could only be the Honorable Richard Artemus; governor of Florida。
 〃My God。〃 Despondently she folded the letter。 〃I can't hardly believe it。〃
 Clinton Tyree snatched her under the arms; drawing her face close to his。 〃What I can't believe;〃 he rumbled; 〃is that your boss had the piss…poor; shit…for…brains judgment to e fuck with me。 Me of all people。〃
 His crimson eye jittered up toward the stars; but the good eye was fixed steady and lucid with wrath。 〃Anything bad happens to my brother from all this nonsense; someone's going to die a slow; wretched death involving multiple orifices。 You get the picture; don't you?〃
 Lisa June Peterson nodded。 
 The ex…governor eased her to the ground。 〃Try some fox leg;〃 he said。
 〃No; thanks。〃
 〃I advise you to eat。〃
 〃Maybe just a bite。〃
 〃People speak of me as Skink。 You call me captain。〃
 〃OK;〃 said Lisa June。
 〃Any reason you need to be home tonight?〃
 〃No。 Not really。〃
 〃Dandy;〃 said Clinton Tyree; stoking the campfire。 〃That'll give us time to get to know each other。〃
 The flight from Fort Lauderdale to Gainesville took ninety minutes; plenty of time for Palmer Stoat to reflect on a productive half day of work。 With a two…minute phone call he'd made forty grand。 The woman on the other end was the chairperson of the Miami…Dade County mission; who had obligingly moved to the bottom of the night's agenda an item of large importance to Palmer Stoat。 It was a motion to award the exclusive fried…banana concession at Miami International Airport to a person named Lester 〃Large Louie〃 Buccione; who for the purpose of subverting minority set…aside requirements was now representing himself as Lestorino Luis Banderas; Hispanic…American。
 To avoid the unappetizing prospect of petitive bidding; Lester/Lestorino had procured the lobbying services of Palmer Stoat; whose sway with Miami…Dade missioners was well known。 Once he had identified the necessary loophole and lined up the requisite voting majority; all that remained for Stoat was to make sure the fried…banana contract was placed far down on the agenda; so that the 〃debate〃 would be held no sooner than midnight。 The strategy was to minimize public input by minimizing public attendance。 A sparse crowd meant sparse opposition; reducing the likelihood that some skittish missioner might get cold feet and screw up the whole thing。
 It was a cardinal rule of political deal fixing: The later the vote; the better。 So stultifying was the average government meeting that not even the hardiest of civic gadflies could endure from gavel to gavel。 Generally; the only souls who remained to the wee hours were being paid to sit there…lawyers; lobbyists; stenographers and a few drowsy reporters。 And since the shadiest deals were saved for the end; when the chamber was emptiest; petition was fierce for space at the tail of the agenda。
 Lester Buccione had been elated to learn that the fried…banana contract would be taken up last; in tomb…like tranquillity; and that for this favor the chairperson of the Miami…Dade mission had demanded only that one of her deadbeat cousins be hired as a part…time cashier at one of Lester's new fried…banana kiosks。 So pleased was 〃Lestorino〃 that he had promptly messengered to Palmer Stoat's home a cashier's check for the 40;000 fee; which divinely had mended Stoat's tattered confidence…five…digit reassurance that the planet had not skittered off its axis; that the rightful order of the urban food chain had not been perverted; despite the harrowing madness that had ruptured Stoat's personal universe。
 He had been fingering the check from Lester Buccione; savoring its crisp affirmation; when out of the blue his missi
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