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 〃To put you in the proper frame of mind;〃 the man replied。 〃Also; I was in the mood for some serious goddamn noise。〃
 〃Dick Artemus sent you?〃
 〃Sort of。〃
 〃Why…to get my dog back?〃
 〃That's right。 I'm from Animal Control。〃 The man barked sarcastically。
 Palmer Stoat fought to stay calm。 Considering the political stakes; it almost made sense that Governor Dick would recruit his own tracker to take care of the dognapper…maybe not to kill him but certainly to stop him before he caused more trouble。 But where had the governor found such a crazed and reckless brute? Stoat wondered。 He was like Grizzly Adams on PCP。
 Stoat asked: 〃Are you a manhunter?〃
 〃More like a shit scraper;〃 the visitor replied; 〃and I'm starting with you。〃
 〃Look; I'll tell you the whole story; everything; but first let me towel off and put on some clothes。 Please。〃
 〃Nope。 You stay right there。〃 The man rose and reached for the toilet paper。 〃In my experience;〃 he said; hoisting his checkered kilt; 〃men who are buck naked and scared nutless tend to be more forthing。 They tend to have better memories。 So let's hear your sad doggy story。〃
 Stoat realized what was bothering him about the manhunter's eyes: They didn't match。 The left eyeball was artificial and featured a brilliant crimson iris。 Stoat wondered where one would procure such a spooky item; and why。
 〃Are you going to start talking;〃 the man said; 〃or just stand there looking ridiculous。〃
 Palmer Stoat talked and talked; nude and dripping in the shower stall amid the broken glass。 He talked until the dripping stopped and he had pletely dried。 He told the one…eyed stranger everything he thought might help in the manhunt…about the tailgater in the black pickup truck; about the cruel trashing of Desie's Beemer convertible; about the break…in at his house and the perverse defacing of his trophy taxidermy; about the swarm of dung beetles set loose inside his sports…utility vehicle; about Boodle's abduction and the ensuing eco…extortion demand; about the resort project turning Toad Island into Shearwater Island; and the ingenious wheeling and dealing required to get a new bridge funded; about the mocking note from the stranger in sunglasses at Swain's; probably the damn dognapper himself; about the severed ear arriving soon after; by FedEx; followed by the paw in the cigar box; about the governor agreeing to veto the bridge; about how Stoat was expecting the lunatic to free his beloved Labrador any day now; and also his wife…
 Here he was interrupted by the man with the crimson eye。
 〃Hold on; sport。 Nobody said anything about a woman hostage。〃
 〃Well; he's got her;〃 Stoat said。 〃I'm ninety…nine percent sure。 That's why the situation is so dicey; why it would be better for you to wait until after he lets Desie go。〃
 The man said; 〃What makes you so sure she'll want to e home?〃
 Palmer Stoat frowned。 〃Why wouldn't she?〃 Then; as an afterthought: 〃You don't know my wife。〃
 〃No; but I know these situations。〃 The man handed a towel to Stoat and said: 〃Show me this room where you keep your dead animals。〃
 Stoat wrapped the towel around his waist and tiptoed through the shattered glass。 He led the bearded man down the hall to the den。 Stoat began giving a stalk…by…stalk history of each mount; but he was barely into the Canadian lynx saga when 〃the captain〃 ordered him to shut up。
 〃All I want to know;〃 the man said to Stoat; 〃is what exactly he did in here。〃
 〃Pried out the eyes and left them on my desk。〃
 〃Just the mammals; or the fish; too?〃
 〃All of them。〃 Stoat shook his head somberly。 〃Every single eyeball。 He arranged them in a pattern。 A pentagram; according to Desie。〃
 〃No shit?〃 The captain grinned。
 〃You don't find that sick?〃
 〃Actually; I admire the boy's style。〃
 Palmer Stoat thought: He would think it's cute。 Him with his moldy rain suit and funky fifty…cent shower cap and weird fake eye。 But then again; Stoat mused; who better to track down a perverted sicko than another perverted sicko?
 〃You shot all these critters for what reason; exactly?〃 The man was at the long wall; appraising the stuffed Cape buffalo head。 Being so tall; he stood nearly nose…to…nose with the great horned ungulate。
 〃You shot them; why…for fun or food or what; exactly?〃 he asked again; twirling the bird beaks on the platted ends of his beard。
 〃Sport;〃 Stoat answered warily。 〃For the sport of it。〃
 〃You look like you do some hunting yourself。〃
 〃On occasion; yes;〃 the man said。
 〃The road; usually。 Any busy road。 Most of what I'm after is already dead。 You understand。〃
 Dear God; thought Palmer Stoat: Another professional hit man。 This one shoots his victims on the highway; while they're stuck in 'traffic!
 〃But certain times of the year;〃 the visitor added; 〃I'll take a buck deer or a turkey。〃
 Stoat felt a wavelet of relief; perceived a sliver of mon ground。 〃I got my first whitetail when I was seventeen;〃 he volunteered。 〃An eight…pointer。〃
 The one…eyed man said; 〃That's a good animal。〃
 〃It was。 It really was。 From then on I was hooked on hunting。〃 Stoat thickly laid on the good…ole…boy routine; and with it the southern accent。 〃And now; hell; lookit me。 I'm runnin' outta wall space! The other day I got a black rhino…〃
 〃A rhino! Well; congratulations。〃
 〃Thank you; cap'n。 My first ever。 It was quite a thrill。〃
 〃Oh; I'll bet。 You cook him?〃
 Stoat wasn't sure he'd heard right。 〃I'm gettin' the head mounted;〃 he went on; 〃but I jest don't know where to hang the dang thing…〃
 〃On account a ya'll runnin' outta gawdamn wall space!〃
 〃Right。〃 Stoat gave a brittle chuckle。 The big sonofabitch was making fun of him。
 〃Sit your ass down;〃 the man said; pointing toward the desk。 The leather chair felt cool against Palmer Stoat's bare back; he tried to cross his flabby thighs but the bath towel was wrapped too snugly。 The bearded one…eyed man walked around the desk and stood directly behind the leather chair。 The only way Stoat could see the man was to cock his head straight back。 From that upside…down vantage; the captain's visage appeared amiable enough。
 〃So you're a lobbyist;〃 he said to Stoat。
 〃That's right。〃 Stoat began to explain his unsung role in the machinations of representative government; but the one…eyed man slammed a fist so hard on the polished wood that Stoat's picture frames toppled。
 〃I know what you do;〃 the man said mildly。 〃I know all about the likes of you。〃
 Palmer Stoat made a mental note to call a Realtor first thing tomorrow and put his house on the market; it had bee a chamber of torture; practically every room violated by demented intruders…first the dognapper; then the sadistic Mr。 Gash and now this nutty bald cyclops 。。。 
 〃I've only got one question;〃 the man said to Stoat。 〃Where is this Toad Island?〃
 〃Up the Gulf Coast。 I'm not exactly sure where。〃
 〃You're not sure?〃
 〃No 。。。 captain 。。。 I've never been there;〃 Stoat said。
 〃That's beautiful。 You sold the place out。 Single…handedly greased the skids so it could be 'transformed' into a golfer's paradise…isn't that what you told me?〃
 Stoat nodded wanly。 Those had been his exact words。
 〃Another fabulous gol
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