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 〃We keep missing each other。〃
 〃And I suppose this thing won't fly; this Shearwater Island/' the governor said; 〃without a brand…new bridge。〃
 〃The one they've got is sixty years old and wooden;〃 Lisa June Peterson said。 〃It won't hold a cement truck is what Roothaus says。〃 Roger Roothaus was president of the engineering firm that wanted the contract for designing the new bridge to Toad Island。 He; too; had contributed generously to Dick Artemus's gubernatorial campaign。 In fact; almost everyone who stood to profit from the development of Shearwater Island had donated money to the governor's election。 This; Dick Artemus took for granted。
 〃So get Palmer to fix the bridge problem;〃 he said;
 〃Anything else?〃
 〃Nothing major。 We're anticipating some local opposition;〃 said Lisa June Peterson。
 The governor groaned。 〃People live on this island? Christ; nobody told me that。〃
 〃Two hundred。 Two fifty max。〃
 〃Shit;〃 said Dick Artemus。
 〃They're circulating a petition。〃
 〃I guess that means they're not golfers。〃
 〃Evidently not;〃 said Lisa June Peterson。
 Dick Artemus rose and pulled on his coat。 〃I'm late; Lisa June。 Would you relate all this to Mr。 Stoat?〃
 〃As soon as possible;〃 she said。
 Twilly had spent the day in Gainesville at the University of Florida veterinary college; reputedly one of the best in the country。 Many famous nature parks and zoos; including the one at Walt Disney World; sent their dead animals there to be necropsied。 Twilly had gone to deliver a red…shouldered hawk that appeared to have been shot。 The bird had fallen on a remote patch of beach at a place called Madeira Bay; in Everglades National Park。 Twilly had bubble…wrapped the broken body and placed it on dry ice in a cooler。 He'd made the drive from Flamingo to Gainesville in less than seven hours。 He hoped the bullet had remained in the bird; because the bullet was a key to resolving the crime。
 Which wasn't exactly the same thing as solving it。 Knowing the caliber of the weapon would have been useful: something to file away in case the shooter returned to the park and was foolish enough to let himself get stalked; captured and lashed naked for a month to a mangrove tree。
 Twilly Spree wasn't a park ranger or a wildlife biologist or even an amateur birdwatcher。 He was an unemployed twenty…six…year…old college dropout with a brief but spectacular history of psychological problems。 Not incidentally; he also had inherited millions of dollars。
 At the veterinary school; Twilly found a young doctor who agreed to do a postmortem on the hawk; which had in fact succumbed to a single gunshot wound。 Unfortunately the slug had passed cleanly through the bird's breast; leaving no fragments; no clues; only blood…crusted feathers。 Twilly thanked the young doctor for trying。 He filled out a form for the U。S。 government stating where he had found the dead hawk; and under what circumstances。 At the bottom of the paper he signed his name as 〃Thomas Stearns Eliot; Jr。〃 Then Twilly got in his black pickup truck and drove south。 He intended to return directly to the Everglades; where he had been living in a pup tent with a three…legged bobcat。
 On the turnpike somewhere south of Kissimmee; Twilly came up behind a pearl…colored Range Rover。 Normally he wouldn't have paid attention to the style of the vehicle; but this one had a vanity plate that said in green capital letters: COJONES。 As Twilly swung into the passing lane; a Burger King hamburger carton flew out the driver's window of the Rover。 Next came an empty cup and then a wadded paper napkin; followed by another hamburger carton。
 Twilly put a heel on the brake; steered his truck to the shoulder of the highway and waited for a gap in traffic。 Then he sprinted into the road and picked up the litter; piece by piece; depositing it in the cab of his truck。 Afterward it took him only a few miles to catch up with the pig in the Range Rover; Twilly got behind him and camped there; contemplating his options。 He thought about what his therapists would remend; what his former teachers would say; what his mother would suggest。 They were indisputably mature and sensible people; but their advice often proved useless to Twilly Spree。 He remained baffled by their outlook on the world; as they were baffled by his。
 All Twilly could see of the litterbug was the man's shoulders and the top of his head。 To Twilly; it seemed like an exceptionally large head; but possibly this was an illusion caused by the cowboy…style hat。 Twilly doubted that an authentic cowboy would be caught dead in a pearl…colored; fifty…thousand…dollar; foreign…made SUV with vanity tags that celebrated the size of his testicles; in espanol。 Nor; Twilly thought; would a true cowboy ever toss hamburger wrappers out the window。 No; that would be the work of a garden…variety asshole 。。。 
 Suddenly the Range Rover cut ahead of a slow…moving travel camper; then vectored sharply off the highway at the Yeehaw Junction exit。 Twilly followed toward the toll plaza before switching to the exact…change lane; and scooting past。 Then he drove across State Road 60 to I…95 and headed at imprudent speeds toward Fort Pierce; where he again hooked up with the turnpike southbound。 He parked in the shade of an overpass; raised the hood of the pickup and waited。 Twenty minutes later the Rover sped by; and Twilly resumed the pursuit。 This time he stayed farther back。 He still had no plan but at least he had a clearly defined mission。 When the litterbug flicked a cigar butt out the window; Twilly didn't bother to stop。 Biodegradable。; he thought。 Onward and upward。
 After three glasses of wine; Desie could no longer pretend to be following her husband's account of the canned rhinoceros hunt。 Across the table she appraised Palmer Stoat as if he were a mime。 His fingers danced and his mouth moved; but nothing he said reached her ears。 She observed him in two dimensions; as if he were an image on a television screen: an animated middle…aged man with a slight paunch; thin blond hair; reddish eyebrows; pale skin; upcurled lips and vermilion…splotched cheeks (from too much sun or too much alcohol)。 Palmer had a soft neck but a strong chiseled chin; the surgical scars invisible in the low light。 His teeth were straight and polished; but his smile had a twist of permanent skepticism。 To Desie; her husband's nose had always appeared too small for his face; a little girl's nose; really; although he insisted it was the one he'd been born with。 His blue eyes also seemed tiny; though quick and bright with self…confidence。 His face was; in the way of prosperous ex…jocks; roundish and pre…jowly and panionable。 Desie wouldn't have called Stoat a hunk but he was attractive in that gregarious southern frat…boy manner; and he had overwhelmed her with favors and flattery and constant attention。 Later she realized that the inexhaustible energy with which Palmer had pursued their courtship was less a display of ardor than an ingrained relentlessness; it was how he went after anything he wanted。 They dated for four weeks and then got married on the island of Tortola。 Desie supposed she had been in a fog; and now the fog was beginning to lift。 Wha
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