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  He felt the aching in his arms。 The tightening of his chest; as fear began to win through。 No! They were in his mind…in Kline's mind! They couldn't hurt him!
  But they could。
  For where they touched him; so they drew out his life。 He could feel living beings inside his veins; blocking the flow; expanding so that they burst the tubes and his life's liquid poured uselessly into the cavities of his body。 He sagged; slumped on his haunches; and he acknowledged Kline's assertion that he could coax a victim's mind to murder its own host。 Halloran was unable to resist; the images of Kline's creation were too strong; too real! His forehead bowed to the wet stone floor。
  This time the roar was not thunder。
  It jolted Halloran into awareness。 A confusion of senses muddling his brain; a bedlam of emotions causing him to cry out。 Now the worst of his pain was from his hip where the bullet that had passed through the Arab had scraped his own flesh。 Blood there was soaking his torn jacket。 And the soreness around his throat was a relief rather than a disfort; for it was; like the throbbing pain in his side; an indication of true reality。
  Halloran opened his eyes and looked up。 The monsters had fled。 The shadows were but shadows。
  Kline was lying on the floor and there was no movement from him。
  Halloran pushed himself to his feet and stood for a while; his body bent forward; hands resting against his legs; waiting far his strength to return。 He searched for Cora。
  He found her crouched over the dead gunman; her robe in tatters around her waist; marks and bloodstains on her pale skin。 In her shaking hand was the revolver; smoke still curling from its barrel。 She was staring at Kline; eyes wide; her expression lifeless。
  ;Cora 。 。 。' Halloran said as he staggered towards her。 He knelt on one knee and took the gun from her; laying it to one side。 'I think you used his last bullet;' he told her as he gently pulled the remnants of her robe around her shoulders。 She turned her face to him and apprehension filtered through the numbness。 She murmured something he didn't quite catch; but it dud not matter。 He raised her to him and held her close; kissing her matted hair; his arms tight around her。
  'It's done; Cora;' he assured her quietly。 'Finished。 I'll get you away from this place; as far away as possible。' She sank into him and the wetness from her eyes dampened his collar。 He ran a hand beneath her hair and his fingers caressed the back of her neck。
  He felt her stiffen。
  He heard the slithering。
  Halloran turned。
  Felix Kline was sliding on his belly through puddles on the floor; leaving a trail of decayed skin and blood in his wake; the raw flesh of his skinless face and hands puckered and cracked; a glistening redness oozing from lesions。 Facial muscles were clearly defined in grouped ridges; and tendons stood proud on his hands; with veins stretched as bluish rivulets。 His breathing came as a strained animal…like coughing as he pushed himself towards the blackened lump which rested in filthy water at the centre of the room。
  He was almost there; one hand extended; quivering as it reached for the relic that once was a heart within a body; his breath being harsher; a drool of spittle sinking to the floor from his gaping mouth。
  Three feet away from the pool in which the ancient heart lay。
  Two feet away。 A piteous moaning from him as his painwracked body scraped against the flagstones。 Tears as the suffering became too much to bear。
  Through the wetness。
  Halloran rose; softly taking away Cora's hand from his arm as she tried to cling to him。
  Not far now。
  Desperation gleamed in Kline's dark eyes。
  A few more inches。
  Nearly there。
  His fingers stretched; sifting through the dirty water; almost touching the withered husk。
  A shadow over him。
  A lifted foot。
  Kline sobbed as Halloran crushed the heart into the stone floor。
  Mather peered out into the courtyard。
  Thank God the storm's easing; he thought。 Lightning flashes were mere reflections; with thunder following long moments after as distant rumblings。 The rain had lost its force; had bee a pattering。 He could just make out what must have been an impressive fountain in an age gone by; its structure now misshapen; worn by time。 It glistened from the rain; but had no vitality of its own。
  He was naturally concerned over the dead man lying behind him in the corridor。 Mather realised that the man he had just killed was Janusz Palusinski; one of Kline's own bodyguards。 The Planner had met Palusinski earlier that day; but the mad…eyed creature who had rushed at him in the corridor bore scant resemblance to that person: without his distinctive wireframed spectacles and because of his drenched condition and the sheer lunacy of his expression; the Pole was another character entirely。
  Why the devil had the man tried to attack him? He surely must have known who the Planner was。 Unless; of course; the reason was that Palusinski was in league with the intruders; yet another traitor within the Magma organisation。 There had certainly been no doubt about his murderous intent… Mather was too experienced in the ways of bat not to have recognised it。 Well; the matter would be cleared up soon enough。
  There was activity across the courtyard。 An open door then°; vague light glowing from it。 Shadows; figures。 Someone …was ing through the doorway。
  Mather's grip tightened on the sword…stick。 He ducked back inside when he heard footsteps behind him。 One of his operatives was hurrying along the corridor。 The Planner raised a finger to his lips and the operative slowed his pace; approaching quietly。 He examined the bald…headed man whose chest was weeping blood。
  Mather returned his attention to the two people who had stepped out into the courtyard; one of them apparently supporting the other。
  'Wait there;' he instructed the operative when he recognised the couple as they made their way through the drizzle。 Mather limped out to meet them; movement awkward without his cane; he quietly called Liam's name。
  'Oh good Lord;' he said when he realised the state they were in。
  Halloran expressed no surprise at finding Mather at Neath。 In the light from the courtyard window; his face betrayed no emotion at all。
  'Get her away from here;' Halloran said curtly; pressing Cora into the Planner's arms。
  'What's happened; Liam?' Mather demanded to know。 'I've just been forced to kill one of Kline's bodyguards; the Polish fellow。' There was the slightest hint of a smile in Halloran's eyes。 'Trust me like you've never trusted me before;' was all he said。 'It's over now; but I want you to take Cora out of the house。 Wait for me by the main gates。'
  'Liam; that's …'
  'Please do it。' Mather paused。 'And you?'
  'There's something I have to take care of。' With that; he turned away from Mather and the girl to walk back through the soft rain to the doorway from where he and Cora had emerged。
  Halloran closed the double…doors of Neatly then stro
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