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 from impulse。 So wary was he that he switched off the lights pletely; trusting his judgement until his eyes had adapted to the night; following the blurred strip of road down to the house。
  Lightning brightened the sky again and a jagged but almost perpendicular streak shot from the clouds to strike the lake。
  Halloran jammed on the brakes; the Mercedes slewing to one side before ing to a halt。 He stared at the water in disbelief as flashes stammered in the clouds for a second or two longer。 The after…image was clear in his mind as he sat in the darkness; the car's engine still running。 The lake was a turbulent storm of waves and erupting geysers; its foam as white as any ocean's。
  The car reverberated with the sound of thunder directly overhead。
  The deluge struck as he entered the porch; a torrent of rain so fierce it seemed unnatural。 He turned briefly and saw bits of gravel tossed into the air with the pounding。 The mass of rainwater looked almost solid; cutting off the view of the lake。 Halloran ran along the flagstones towards the entrance of the house itself; reaching for the key in his pocket as he went。
  At the double…door he knocked twice and called out his name。 He inserted the long key into the lock; the dull porch light lending little assistance; and swung one side of the door open。
  The hall was empty。
  He moved to the centre of the stone floor; looking up at the minstrels' gallery; the landing; searching the shadows; turning round full circle to study every door on ground level。 Lightning outside frosted the windows。 Thunder followed almost immediately and it was as though Neath itself trembled。
  Halloran drew the gun from its holster once again。
  He took the downstairs first; swiftly going through every room; opening each door suddenly but quietly; the automatic held out before him。 He switched on lights wherever he went; hating Neath for its darkness; the library; drawing room; sitting room all were empty save for sparse furniture and ornaments。 The dining room; kitchen; corridors; other rooms…all lifeless and feeling as if they had been that way for many years。 He trod cautiously; even though rain drumming against the windows covered the sound of his footsteps; but he felt a rising desperation。
  Halloran paused to listen; leaning back against a corridor wall opposite a leaded window overlooking the courtyard。 Lightning flooded the air。
  He drew in a sharp breath when he saw the defunct fountain at the yard's centre now bubbling dirty; viscid water clotted with black slime。
  The piercing light stuttered away and thunder rattled the window…panes。 Halloran moved on; finding his way back to the main hall。
  He took the stairs two at a time; his step agile despite the draining ordeal he had already been through。 He hurried from room to room; pushing open doors and peering in; gun always at chest level; safety off。 He even looked into his own bedroom。
  He thought he heard a cry from somewhere in the house; but thunder cracked deafeningly a moment after so that he couldn't be sure。 Halloran headed for Kline's quarters; his stride fast and light。 This time he was certain he heard a cry。 A woman's。 Cora's。 He broke into a run。
  The door leading to Kline's rooms was open。 Halloran went through; slowing to a walk; a glow spread from a doorway near the end of the corridor。 He heard a whimper; its source from inside that doorway。 A smell of incense tainted the air。
  He crept forward; knowing it was Cora who had uttered the small moan of pain。 Halloran forced himself to remain emotionless。 He neared the door; stopped; waited a moment。
  A sharp; slapping sound。 Against flesh。 Cora's gasp; then her whimper。
  Halloran gently pushed back the half…open door。
  It was a large room; the walls covered in symbols and rough drawings。 He did not take time to study them。 Scattered around the floor were untidy piles of books; maps and folios of some kind。 He did not pay them much attention。 In front of him was a four…poster bed; the posts knotted with carvings; curtains of sheer lace draped between them。 He hardly noticed the fine work。 Halloran could only stare in disbelief at what was on the bed。
  The drapes were gathered and tied to the posts; revealing a crouched; naked figure; head hanging low between the shoulders so that the back was arched。 The flesh was red and wealed。 Cora's face was half…turned towards Halloran; but she did not see him; for her eyes were closed; her hair falling over her forehead。 Her mouth was open in a slight smile。
  Monk had his broad; sloping back to the door; his gaze too intent on the girl to notice anyone in the doorway。 The bodyguard was naked too; a mountain of obese; loose flab; covered in wiry hair that was thick around his lower arms and legs; and splaying over his shoulders so that the skin was merely a dullness beneath。
  The short multi…thonged whip he held dropped to the floor as he pushed the girl over on the bed。 He grabbed her ankles and yanked them towards him so that Cora was flat on her stomach。 Halloran caught a glimpse of her manacled wrists。
  Her groan was of pleasure; not of fear。
  All calmness; all self…imposed remoteness; left Halloran in a gushing of rage。 The anguish he felt was as deep and as painful as on the day he had witnessed the gunning down of his father so many years before。 Or when he had learned of his mother's terrible death。 It seared him and blinded all other senses。
  He roared as he rushed forward and reached for the bodyguard's hair; which had been loosened from the band Monk usually wore。 He wrenched hard; hauling the gross man away from the girl; bringing the butt of the Browning down hard against the side of Monk's head; his anger; unleashed like rarely before; spoiling the accuracy of the blow。
  Monk cried out and toppled over the tailboard onto the floor。
  Cora turned; drawing her legs up。 Her glazed eyes looked into Halloran's unprehendingly。 He raised the gun towards her; his hand shaking; wanting to kill her; wanting to punish her for breaking through to him; for making him care again; then for mocking those feelings。 He cursed himself for allowing it to happen。
  Cora smiled at him; an idiot's wele。 Then fear finally melted through her drug…induced haze。
  Halloran lowered the pistol and closed his eyes against the sight of her。
  A meaty arm closed around his neck from behind; a hand reaching round and grabbing his wrist。 He was lifted off his feet as Monk heaved。
  His windpipe was being crushed by the pressure and Halloran knew it would only be a matter of seconds before he blacked out。 The automatic was of no use to him in a situation like this; so he opened his fingers and let it fall; Monk's grip on his wrist still not slackening。 The bodyguard was gurgling close to his ear; an animal sound。 With his free hand; Halloran reached down behind him and found the fleshy part of Monk's inner thigh。 He pinched with thumb and bent knuckle; squeezing with all his strength so that his assailant screamed; a high…pitched woman's cry。 The hold on Halloran loosened and he wrenched the arm away。
  He whirl
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