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nd dark blue skirt brought in a tray of tea and coffee。 Sir Victor waited for the beverages to be distributed and the door to close again before continuing。
  'As a corporation involved in enormous investments both here and abroad; we have two considerable problems。 One is that large fluctuations in currency exchange rates give us immense difficulty in predicting the economic environment in which long…term investment decisions will e to maturity。' Halloran caught Mather's eyes glazing over and hid his grin behind the coffee cup。 Sir Victor's diction was crisp and clear; yet nothing could prevent the words themselves entering the brain as a drone。
  'Unfortunately; the lengthy lead times from feasibility study to mercial operation mean that decisions have to be made today concerning the next generation of mining projects。 In other words; we have to decide now what will be best for Magma in; say; seven to ten years' time。 You'll appreciate just how difficult that might be。'
  'Yes; yes;' Mather appreciated。 'I should think you'd need to be a fortune…teller to do that。' Mather smiled broadly; but Sir Victor and his second…inmand regarded him soberly。
  'You're nearer the truth than you might imagine;' said the chairman。
  Mather's eyebrows arched and he shot a look at Halloran。
  Sir Victor leaned back in his chair and swivelled it sideways; his head turning away from them to examine the view outside。 It was an odd gesture; almost as though he was suddenly reluctant to face them directly。 Yet his manner was unpromising when he spoke。
  'What I'm about to tell you; gentlemen; must not go beyond these walls。' He turned back to them; his eyes boring into theirs。 'I must have your solemn promise on that。' Mather was quick to respond。 'My pany has already given assurances regarding confidentiality。'
  'I'm not referring to Achilles' Shield。 I mean Mr Halloran and yourself。 This matter cannot even be discussed within your own organisation。 May I have your word?'
  'That would be highly irregular。 If our assignment is to be water…tight; we must have every cooperation from …'
  'You will have that。 In full。 But there are certain details which are not essential to your planning that must not bee mon knowledge 。 。 。' He held up a hand against Mather's protest '。 。 。 even among a select few。 In fact; there aren't many inside the Magma Corporation itself who are privy to this information。 I can promise you; though; your security arrangements will not be affected to any significant degree。'
  'I shall have to confer with my senior colleagues;' Mather said dubiously。
  'Let's agree。' All eyes went to Halloran who had spoken。
  'It can't do any harm。' He placed his empty coffee cup on a small table by his chair。 'But there are conditions。 If anything illegal is involved here; then we're out。 And you must tell us everything…no little details held back。 If we don't like what we hear Shield withdraws。 Simple as that。' Quinn…Reece looked set to bluster; but his chairman smiled。
  'That sounds reasonable;' Sir Victor remarked。 'Thank you for being so direct; Mr Halloran; it saves time。 Are you in accordance with this?' He aimed the question at Mather。
  Who smiled too。 He was used to Halloran's bluntness。 'I suppose I have no objections;' he answered as if wondering to himself。
  'Very well。' The chairman appeared to relax a little。 'A moment or two ago you suggested we might need a fortune…teller to predict safe investments for the ongoing profitability of the Corporation 。 。 。'
  'A mild joke;' put in Mather。 'I noticed you didn't laugh。'
  'Nor would we。 Would you be surprised if I revealed that despite all the highly sophisticated research methods; our extensive statistics for forward planning; explorations of new territories; satellite surveys using micro…wave; ultra…violet and infra…red radiation; structural analyses; advanced puter calculations all that; and more…much of our new growth depends almost entirely on the special ability of one person?'
  'I'd be very surprised;' Mather replied without hesitation。
  'As our petitors would be if they knew。 As would the Press; and of course; our shareholders。 Yes; I suppose such a revelation would create amusement in some quarters。 And great personal risk to our man from others。'
  'Your rivals? Surely not?'
  'When the stakes are so high; with discovery of fresh raw materials diminishing so rapidly; access to new fields proving more and more difficult and expensive; there develops over the years a petitively cut…throat situation…and I use that term literally。'
  'Is this why you want your man so heavily insured?' asked Halloran。
  Sir Victor nodded。
  'He's already received threats?'
  'Not exactly。' Mather interrupted。 'Look here; can we slow this down for a minute? I'm not clear at all on just what this employee of yours does for Magma。 Are you saying he's some kind of exploration wizard? And isn't it time we were told his name? All this nonidentity business is only serving to pound my confusion。' Halloran knew the older man's mind was far too sharp to be fogged by anything said so far; this was merely the Planner's way of drawing out basic information that so often prospective clients were reluctant to convey。
  ' 〃Exploration wizard〃 is not entirely correct; although 〃wizard〃 might be appropriate in some respects。' Sir Victor allowed a small laugh between himself and his deputy chairman。 Again Halloran found the girl; Cora; watching him closely。
  'Gentlemen;' said Sir Victor; his tone serious once more。 'It's time you met your…how is it you refer to them? Target?…yes; it's time you met your target。 I think then all will be made clear。 At least; I hope that will be the case。' With that; he stood arid indicated a door leading off from his office。 Mather and Halloran rose too; both more than a little curious。
  He was tired。 He'd had to leave Ireland discreetly; travelling south by road to Wexford; hiring a boat to take him from there across to a point just outside Newport; Wales; the journey made in the dead of night。 The sea had been rough; but that hadn't bothered Halloran unduly。 No; it was disappointment that had dragged his spirits down; exhausted him。
  He hated to lose a man。 The negotiations for the release of the kidnap victim had gone on for weeks with Halloran using all the techniques he had learned over the years dealing with terrorists such as these: when to play tough; when to appease; when to hedge; when to sound innocently confused。 Anything to gain more time and information。 The first priority was always to retrieve the client unharmed…unharmed as possible; anyway; the capture of his or her abductors a minor consideration。 If that wasn't possible; then it was vital that the kidnappers did not get their hands on the ransom money。 That would make them too careless with their victims' lives in future snatches。 It would also upset whoever was supplying the money。
  Terrorists; as opposed to the normal criminal (if there was such an animal); were always tricky to deal with; because they were invariably neurotic; unpredictable; and given to bouts of violence tow
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