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  'I'm taking a look around the grounds;' Halloran told him。
  'You'll get your ass bit off。' The hope in Monk's high…pitched voice did not go unnoticed by the other man。 'I intend to stay in the car;' Halloran replied。 'Did the Arabs let you know how Kline is?' Khayed and Daoud had returned some hours earlier; rushing up to their master's roam immediately they learned of his condition。
  'They ain't been down;' said Monk; shaking his large head。
  *All right; let's assume it's nothing drastic。 Dock the door behind me when I go out and don't open it far an}body until I return。 I'm taking a spare key; but I'll let you know it's me before I e in just so you don't get over…excited。 If I knock a regular three times it means there's trouble and I'm not alone。 I'll repeat that knock after a pause so you'll know it's for real。 You got that'?' Monk smirked rather than reply。
  'Check around the house every fifteen minutes〃 test windows and doors each time。 And I mean test them …try them; make sure they're properly locked。'
  'What the fuck for?' Outrage acpanied the bodyguard's hostility now。
  'Just do it。 I'll be back in about an hour。 Any calls; far me: and you write down the message。 Don't try and remember。〃 'You think I'm stupid; talisman'?'
  'We both know it。' Monk's shoulders visibly straightened and he almost took a step forward。 Only Halloran's hard…eyed smile stopped him。
  The Shield operative went by the American and unlocked one side of the double…doors。 A breeze of cold air from the lake made him shiver as he stepped outside。 It was like the first chill of winter out there instead of the ing of summer。 Vic called back to Monk: 'Lock it and take out the key。' Then he walked through the porch to the outside。; Although cold; the night had temporarily cleared; the moon; an edge sliced off; still low in the sky。 There were thunderous clouds on the horizon。 The slopes around the house and lake were of deep…toned greys; trees and shrubbery the darkest patches。 The lake itself appeared smooth and unbroken。 even though a wind ruffled the grass before it。
  Halloran climbed into the Mercedes; placing the black bag on the passenger seat beside him。 He switched on the engine and lights and pulled away; gravel crunching beneath the tyres; bringing the car round in an arc。 As he did so; he glimpsed the neglected topiary garden at the side of the house; the tortured shapes resembling surrealistic figures; misshapen limbs twisted towards Neath like a frozen tableau of anguished souls。
  He left the house behind; heading uphill towards the main gates; the woods soon closing around him; the car's beams seeming to swathe a path through the trees。 Halloran kept a vigilant eye on either side of the road; searching for low shapes slinking through undergrowth; but saw nothing that moved。 A sharp crack on his left startled him。 A thin branch had snapped against the side window。 Halloran eased over the road's centre; realising he had drifted too close to the edge。
  The Mercedes rounded a curve and from there the roadway became a straight line running up to the gates。 Halloran eased up on the accelerator; approaching the beginning of the drive at a cautious speed。 The headlights picked out the iron gates; and he dipped the beams to reduce the glare。 His foot touched the brake pedal; slowing the car even more so that he came to the lodge…house at a smooth glide。
  Halloran pulled over onto the rough verge in front of the old building; switched off the lights and cut the engine。
  The lodge was in darkness; not even a glimmer showing from the grimed windows。 Halloran sat there for several minutes; watching for any sign of life。 There was none。 But that didn't mean the house was empty。
  Without using the interior light; Halloran unzipped the black bag by his side。 He lifted out the stubby weapon an inch or so; loosening it; making sure it wasn't snagged on the inner lining。 lie carefully lowered the sub…machine gun again; then reached fur the doorhandle。
  A breeze ruffled his hair as he stood outside the vehicle studying the upper windows of the lodge。 The moon was rising behind the building so that its frontage was an unlit void; the windows merely black shapes; barely distinct against the brickwork。
  Again the unshakeable feeling of being observed。 Carrying the gun bag in his left hand。 Halloran walked into the shadow of the house。
  The ringing of the telephone came almost as a relief。 Mother laid the newspaper on the pile of Sundays; foreign as well as English; by his feet; exhausted with reading of yet more terrorist outrages and despairing of various governments' weakness in dealing wrath them; despite the vowed joint intention to do so over the past decade。 Unfortunately it was the price paid for a world without major conflicts; the major evil giving ground to the lesser evil; a fact recognised by those same governments。 Nevertheless; the atrocities mitted in the name of so…called freedom or religious beliefs were hard to stomach and the time was ing when 'official' war would have to be declared on those countries and states who overtly supported and encouraged the multifarious terrorist groups。 And even then the problem would never be eradicated。
  He stood up from the dining table on which more journals were spread and limped out into the hall。
  'I'm here;' he called out to Agnes; who was in the sitting room no doubt indulging herself in the current television trivia with her evening sherry。
  'Mother;' he announced into the phone; first removing the pipe from his mouth。
  'I'm sorry to disturb you。 It's Sir Victor Perilock here。'
  'Sir Victor?' Mother's brain stepped up a gear; alerted by the gravity in the Magma chairman's voice。
  'I'd like you to meet me at my office once again。 My apologies for calling on you twice in one day; particularly as it's a Sunday; but I'm afraid I had no other choice。'
  'That's perfectly all right。 Do I take it Mr Kline and my operative will also be there?' A pause first。 'No。 No; this will be strictly between you and me。 It's rather serious; so do you think you could e immediately?'
  'Shouldn't take much more than twenty minutes this time of evening。'
  'It's very much appreciated。 I'll let Security know you're on your way。 One other thing: no one else must know about this。 Can I have your word on that?'
  'Naturally; although I don't understand why。'
  'I'll explain when you get here。' When Mother replaced the receiver he went into his study and; as a precaution; wrote a note of his destination and whom he was to see; then sealed it an envelope on which he scribbled his wife's name。 He left the envelope propped up on his desk。
  The stench at the back of the lodge…house caused Halloran to catch his breath。 No doubt this was where the jackals were kept when they were not prowling the grounds。 He shone the thin beam of the penlight around the yard; expecting to find kennels or a stockade of some kind。 There was none; and no animals either。 But the light reflected on something shiny。
  With a twist of the torch's head; the beam was broadened to take in more。 Halloran recognised the three metal containers Khayed and
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