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y。 The man had his own inbuilt alarm system; according to Cora; and his own defence weapon。 With such power; no wonder his subordinates feared him。
  The car drew up outside the house and Cora leaned aver the back of her seat to rouse Kline。 'Felix。' she said〃 quietly at first; then again; louder; when there was no response。
  'Felix; we're here。' Cora reached dawn and tapped his knee。 The dark…haired man; curled up into the corner of the Mercedes; twitched but did not awaken。 She shook his leg this time 。and repeated his name more sharply。
  Kline stirred; his legs stretched。 He mumbled something and began to push himself up in the seat。
  'We're home?' he asked; voice slurred with tiredness。
  'Yes; Felix; we're at Neatly' Cora told him。
  'Good;' he said; 'good。' He turned; sitting upright; one hand touching the door lever。
  Cam's gasp stopped him。 Her eyes were wide as she stared。
  Halloran had bee still。
  Puzzled; Kline looked from one to the other and; as he did so; flakes of skin shed from his face。 A face that was bubbled and broken; thin tissue hanging loose in layered scales。
  As he frowned; more pieces fell away; falling lightly onto his chest and lap。 He began to tremble。
  The gun was in Halloran's hand before the bedroom door was fully open。
  Cora stood in the doorway; frightened by the weapon。 'I'm sorry;' she said。 'I should have knocked。' He waved her in; swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and sitting up。 He put the Browning back on the bedside cabinet。
  'How's Kline?' he asked。
  Cora closed the door and leaned against it; her hands behind her。 'He hasn't left his room since we got back。'
  'Have you sent for a doctor?' She shook her head。 'Felix won't allow that。 He told me he suffers from psoriasis; a rare type of skin plaint that recurs every few years; but it's nothing to bee。 alarmed about。'
  'Some plaint。 And he wasn't too relaxed about it when Palusinski helped him into the house。 Have you seen him like this before?'
  'We really ought to get a doctor to take a look at him。'
  'He insists that we shouldn't。 His orders are that we let him rest and send Khayed and Daoud to him as soon as they return from London。 They have special lotions that can help。' She seemed uncertain。 'I didn't want to disturb you。 You must be very tired。'
  'A clean…up and a change of clothes helped。 I even managed to grab a sandwich。' fie extended a hand。 'Cora; I need to talk to you。 Please e over。' For a moment he thought she might leave。 But then she walked to the bed。 'Sit by me;' he said。
  She obeyed; and immediately leaned into him; her head against his chest。 He held onto her; surprised; but glad her reserve had broken。
  'Liam;' she whispered; 'I have such strange feelings; such a sense of dread 。 。 。'
  'I can understand why。 I get the same feeling about this dace。' She looked up at him。 'You too?'
  'Maybe it's a neurosis we're catching from Kline。 You know he's mad; don't you?' …In a way I wish that were true…insanity would be easier to deal with。 Felix is unstable and; as you say; neurotic; but not mad; Liam; not totally mad。'
  'He thinks you've been giving away pany secrets。' Halloran had been deliberately blunt; the unexpectedness of the remark meant to throw her off balance so that lie could judge her reaction。
  'You're not serious;' she said incredulously。
  lie took her hand; now having no doubts about her loyalty to Kline。 'I'm afraid so。 That's why all the fuss at Magma this morning。 New locations of untapped resources have been leaked to one of your rival panies。'
  'It's happened again?' He nodded。 'Kline put the finger on you。'
  'But why? I wouldn't …' Halloran shrugged。 'You're closest to him。' She seemed to shrink within herself。 'How could he even think that? Liam; I …' He pulled her to him again。 'I know it isn't true; and maybe Kline will see reason。 Who can tell with someone so unpredictable?
  'I still don't understand why he should accuse me。'
  'I don't understand what makes you so loyal to such a bastard。' She didn't answer riight away。 Then she said。; almost sorrowfully: 'I depend on him。。 He 。 。 。 Vs like a drug to me。 I need him; Liam。'
  'Then you're as crazy as he is。'
  'No; don't say that; you don't know 。 。 。'
  'What is there to know; Cora?' he said angryily 'Just what the hell goes on between you and Kline?' She began to weep。 'Help me; Liam;' she said quietly。 'Please help me。
  'How can I when you won't tell me what's wrong:〃 Cora began to fumble with the buttons of per blouse。 'Make love to me。 Hold me and make love to me; but gently; like last night; after you 。 。 。 Let me feel how good it can be again。' Baffled; Halloran stood up and crossed to the door。 He locked it。
  The room's thick curtains were drawn against outside light; so that scattered artefacts of another age stood as dark shapes in the gloom。 The smell of burning incense came from one corner; filling the air with a heavy and faintly acrid musk。 Zodiac signs and symbols; drawings of horned beasts; of winged creatures; of single eyes; were roughly etched into walls and woodwork; obscure and patternless in the poor light。 Books lay scattered around the floor。 A canopied bed dominated the room; its four stout carved posts supporting layers of sheer drapes; the material hanging in loose folds。
  A dry; rasping breathing came from within。
  Kline lay on the bed; the skin of his naked body broken and ravaged; creating new fissures; causing paper…thin tissue to dislodge and fall away。
  He feebly lifted an arm; but the darkness was even greater inside the shroud and all he could see was a myriad of interjoining cracks。 His arm fell back to his side and a sob escaped him。
  It couldn't be; it wasn't time。 The ritual had been enacted; the psyche strengthened。 The sacrifice made。 This shedding of the outer layer had e too soon; and with it there was pain。 But why; what did it mean?
  His unsightly body spasmed as another sob burst from him; and he felt the breaking of delicate tissue with the violence of the movement。
  Must lie still。 Must not move until Asil and Youssef arrive with their salves。 It was too soon; too soon! He was root prepared! And the pain had never been like this before。 Hurry; my friends; bring me your soothing oils! Spare me from this wretchedness!
  Kline tried to steady his breathing for even the rising and lowering of his chest was loosening the dead skin。 He moaned; a self…pitying sound; and salt from his tears stung the sensitive grooves around his eyes。
  And as he lay there; his mind absorbed in his own suffering; something inside the sepulchre that was hidden away in the blackest depths of Neath; throbbed once。
  From his position by the main entrance; Monk watched the Shield operative descend the broad staircase and wondered what was inside the black case he was carrying。 The bodyguard's thick lips set in a sneer; his heavy…set body tensing as Halloran approached。
  'I'm taking a look around the grounds;' Halloran told him。
  'You'll get your ass bit off。' Th
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