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  'Where was he found?'
  'Floating in the Thames。 Whoever did it didn't even bother to weigh down the body。'
  'Anything to do with this operation?'
  'We can't discount that factor。 If there is any logical reason for his murder; and providing it isn't the work of some outraged husband; then torture obviously suggests information was being sought。 Nevertheless; it's somewhat drastic to go to such lengths just to gain details of our plans for Felix Kline。 It's reasonable to assume that any would…be kidnappers have sufficient knowledge of their target without resorting to that kind of violence。 Another theory is that someone with a grudge from Dieter's past hated him enough to inflict such injuries before ending his life。'
  'There's another possibility;' suggested Halloran。 Kline and his entourage were at the lifts and looking round to see what was delaying him。 'It could be a way of warning us off。'
  'From protecting Felix Kline?' He nodded。 'It's our only major assignment at the moment。'
  'Hmn; it's a thought; I suppose;' voiced Mather。 'Unlikely; though。 In the event of a successful snatch; kidnappers would rather negotiate with K & R people than the authorities; who're invariably against payment of ransom money。' The lift doors were opening。 'We'd better join the others;' said Halloran。 'I assume we keep this to ourselves。' Mather limped alongside him; the group ahead beginning to enter the lift。 'No need to cause undue anxiety as far as our client is concerned。 We may have to issue some kind of public statement once the Press gets hold of the story; but even then there's no reason why Dieter's death should be linked with the Magma contract。' Halloran signalled the two Shield bodyguards to wait in the carpark; and stepped ahead of Monk and the Arabs before they could follow their employer into the lift。 'Take the other one;' he ordered and before they could protest; Kline nodded his head in a gesture of assent。
  Mather endeavoured to promote conversation during the swift journey to the eighteenth floor; but the psychic refused to be drawn from his brooding silence and Cora's replies were perfunctory although polite。
  Sir Victor Penlock himself was waiting to greet them when the lift doors opened again。 He wore a navy…blue double…breasted blazer over a fawn turtle…neck jumper; sharply pressed beige slacks adding to the casual elegance。 Halloran realised that Magma's security guard in the booth by the carpark entrance must have reported Kline's arrival。 It seemed unusual; though; that the chairman of such a vast corporation should be waiting so anxiously for one of his own employees。
  'Sorry to have dragged you back to town; Felix;' Sir Victor apologised; 'but as I explained over the phone; the situation is serious。' Apparently a day for bad tidings; mused Halloran as Kline swept by Sir Victor with barely a glance。 The tall chairman nodded towards the two Shield men before walking after the psychic。 'Henry is waiting for us in my office;' they heard him tell Kline as they; too; followed behind along the mauve…carpeted corridor。 As they passed the display cabinets set in the walls on either side; Halloran rubbed a hand across his stubbled chin and wondered what the fuss was shout。 Kline had not been forthing on the drive up to London; and Cora appeared to know no more than he; himself。 Judging by the gravity of Sir Victor's tone and by the fact that the matter could not be fully discussed over the telephone; the cause for concern was not only serious but extremely confidential; too。 The corridor widened into the broad hallways and whereas previously he had heard normal office hubbub from the offices to his left and right; now there was only silence。 The big double…door opposite was already open and the chairman ushered them through。 Once inside; however; he asked Mother and Halloran to wait in the outer office。
  Then Kline spoke up。 'No。 Halloran can listen in on this。 But not Cora。' Without another word he disappeared into Sir Victor's office。
  The chairman raised his eyebrows at the girl; then indicated that Halloran should follow him。 He went after Kline。
  'Seems you're to be privileged;' Mother remarked lightly。 'Well; Miss Redmile;shall we see if we can brew up some tea for ourselves? Perhaps you'll remain on guard here; Mr; er; Palusinski?' The Pole sat at one of the two secretaries' desks。 'I will keep good watch;' he assured them and frowned; his eyes narrowing behind his spectacles; as he regarded the puter screen on the desk top。 'Such knowledge inside this tiny window;' he said distractedly。
  Before Halloran went through to the main office; he caught C'orn's surprised expression; she was obviously bewildered by her employer's blunt dismissal。 He closed the door behind him; curious himself about Kline's motive。
  Quinn…Reece glanced up briefly from the papers neatly spread on a low table in front of him; but gave no sign of wele。 Kline was standing with his back to the room; staring out of the huge floor…to…ceiling window; the rain outside stippling the glass。 Sir Victor vaguely waved towards a chair and Halloran lowered himself into it。 Kline then did something quite unexpected: he whirled around; walked across to the chairman's broad; oak desk and took the seat behind it。 He looked directly at Quinn…Reece and asked; 'How is it possible?' The vice…chairman cleared his throat before answering。 Obviously we have a leak within the Corporation。' Sir Victor sat in a chair close to his own desk and tugged at the crease in his trouser leg。 'But who? How could such information be divulged so quickly unless its source was from a very high level。' Halloran shifted in his seat; puzzled but intrigued by the conversation。
  'That isn't necessarily so;' said Quinn…Reece。 'Someone in the field team could be selling us out。'
  'You mean that every single time that Consolidated Ores has negotiated exploration rights before us one of our agents in that particular area has gone over to them?' Kline spoke as though the notion were not feasible。
  'It's hardly likely; is it?' Sir Victor agreed。 'The betrayal must he from these offices。' Halloran interrupted。 'Does what you're discussing have any bearing on my pany's assignment for Magma?' As Kline; himself; had insisted that he 'listen in'; ii was a reasonable assumption to make。
  Quinn…Reece's reply was brusque。 'This matter doesn't concern Achilles' Shield in any way。 As a matter of fact; I don't understand why your presence is required in this room。'
  'I invited him;' Kline said quietly。 He was staring at the vice…chairman; his dark eyes unblinking; and Quinn…Reece appeared unfortable under his gaze。 'Halloran has been hired to protect me; and this morning I feel in particular need of that protection。 Strange how betrayal can leave you feeling so vulnerable。'
  'You can't seriously imagine that Consolidated would be behind an attempted kidnapping?' the astonished Sir Victor protested。 'They may be formidable business rivals; and admittedly we've fought some fierce battles with them in the past; but it's always been purely on a petitive business basis。 I can't honestly believe that they would resort to any kind of p
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